1st edition
2nd edition

"I want to say thank you to all of you for these days!
They were very very exciting and beautiful with this super group.
I hope to see you in others experience like this!
Thanks a lot to all of you again!
Ilaria from Italy (Model - Discover Valencia I)
"This weekend we completed Discover Valencia, where over 20 photographers from different nationalities met thanks to Let me Italian You to explore the city of Valencia! I really enjoyed being invited as a model, as I got to work with people of very different mindsets and backgrounds during the workshops. I wanted to thank you all for being so welcoming and open. It has been great to meet you all one by one and I hope to see you soon in further projects. I can’t wait for the next adventure! Grazie mille!"
Patricia from Spain (Model - Discover Valencia I)
"Wonderful experience! I enjoyed every single moment. . We shared unforgettable moments together, and I already miss you! I would really love to repeat it in another country!"
Valentina said.
What our participants said about their experiences in Discover Valencia
"Hey, me and Ugnius want to thank everyone for this lovely experience and we cherish every single memory. Once again thank you all so much!"
Urte and Ugnius from Lithuania (Discover Valencia I)
"Hola chicos!
Thank you very much at all for these days spent together,
it was a great pleasure to meet you. I just uploaded all the frames with our memories to the cloud of my mind, I kept the originals without post produces.
I wish you a great evolution as photographers and
talently people in every field where you have a passion."
Angela from Italy (Discover Valencia I)
"I’m still in Valencia
but I’d like to thank everyone for this wonderful experience too!
I’m very curious about all of your pictures
and I hope we’ll stay in touch!"
Lieke from Netherlands (Discover Valencia I)
"Hi guys, an hour ago I returned to my Turin in Italy. I quoted to thank the twins Gabri and Massi who welcomed me for the third time in this beautiful experience. But above all thanks to all of you for the great friendship born in these days. We hope to see you all as soon as possible. Good continuation to all of you who are still in Valencia!"
Alessandro from Italy (Discover Valencia I)
"Hi guys!! I arrived at Bari airport.
Thanks to all of you for these days, for your smiles and the beautiful experience.
I'll remember all the times spent together with every one of you.
See you next time... maybe around the world."
Francesco from Italy (Discover Valencia I)
"Well now seems a perfect time to say goodbye.
It was a pleasure knowing you guys, thanks to Gabri and Massi for everything. It has been perfect again! And don’t forget to write if you visit Portugal! Besos guapos!"
Jessica from Portugal (Discover Valencia I)
"Thanks a lot to you all!!! It was a very good experience!
Me and Ilaria will waiting for next trip and
we hope that we can partecipate to meet you all again!"
Stefania from Italy (Discover Valencia I)
"Arrivata in Sardegna, cotta come un cotechino a capodanno, mentre ero in aereo sorridevo, perché ho conosciuto tante belle persone, e rincontrato Eleana. Grazie a tutti, per i momenti vissuti, i sorrisi , la gentilezza e le risate, ossigeno per la mia anima. Gabri e Massi avete creato un gruppo fantastico. I hope to see you next time."
Silvia from Italy (Discover Valencia II)
"I had a really amazing Time in Valencia. On one hand We had a great group dynamic and a lot of fun and on the other hand I have learnt a lot during the city walks and the photography workshops. The portray workshop was a nice experience to be a model and also a photographer and was increasing defenitely my confidence. The hidden places we visited were stunning. I already miss my new friends and the mesmerizing vibe of Spain."
Michaela from Austria (Discover Valencia II)
"Let me Italian you Discover Valencia was a great adventure. A fantastic event which I enjoyed a lot! Professionally prepared in every detail by its organizators (twins Gabriele & Massimiliano).I recommend it to everyone who likes shooting photographs, travelling, meeting great people and having fun! I hope to see you one more time!"
Tomasz from Poland (Discover Valencia II)
"This trip to Valencia gave us the chance to explore this magical city with the most beautiful company, get inspired and connect through photography. 4 days full of energy, joy, laughter and many beautiful images. So grateful for all the memories, can’t wait to meet you all again in some other project."
Kleopatra from Greece (Discover Valencia II)
"Let me Italian you Mo' arrivo pure io!!!! Nuove persone, nuove facce, nuovi sorrisi che rimarranno impresse nella mia mente. Non ricorderò dove ci siamo incontrati, ma vi riconoscerò. Le espressioni cambiano sempre: dalla diffidenza diventano sguardi di complicità in 2 giorni, quasi increduli. Thank tò all of you, for the smile, the eyes and the Heart. Fill your soul and follow the Spirit. Guys, was an Amazing time with you. Grazie per le persone che siete, thanks to all and for your Crazy mind! This Is Let me italian you. See you soon!"
Eleana from Italy (Discover Valencia II)
"Let me Italian you mi ha contattata a Febbraio, proponendomi di partire con loro per un workshop di fotografia a Valencia. Ho accettato sicura di tornare con un bagaglio pieno di esperienze personali e professionali ma mai avrei pensato di tornare con il cuore così pieno di amore. Sono partita da sola e sono tornata consapevole di far parte di una grande e nuova famiglia. Abbiamo condiviso la passione, le risate, le lacrime, i Cocktail, gli zaini, le macchine fotografiche, le camere, i trucchi, la crema solare, l’acqua, il cibo, i ventagli e i tramonti. Abbiamo condiviso le tradizioni e i dialetti, le nostre storie e le nostre paure. Abbiamo fatto l’alba sui divanetti della Hall a parlare e a raccontarci. Sono arrivata a Valencia spaventata e me ne sono andata lasciandoci un pezzo del mio cuore. Grazie ai twins, Gabriele e Massimiliano per avermi fatto vivere questa magnifica esperienza con @letmeitalianyou ! E grazie ai miei compagni di viaggio per averla resa davvero tanto speciale!
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened."
Maria from Italy (Discover Valencia II)
"It was my first experience with Let Me Italian You, I left a little intimidated not knowing what to expect and being the first experience alone abroad but I was immediately welcomed warmly by the whole group. We visited the city with a very kind local guide who took us to see the most beautiful corners of Valencia. We all bonded immediately and an incredible harmony and energy was created. I had the best experience of my life, adventuring with strangers in a foreign city. I thank Massimiliano and Gabriele for this fantastic opportunity and see you soon for a new adventure!"
Giorgia from Italy (Discover Valencia II)
"Capitano a volte incontri con persone a noi assolutamente estranee, per le quali proviamo interesse sin dal primo sguardo, all'improvviso, in maniera inaspettata, prima che una sola parola venga pronunciata."
Questa frase descrive al meglio cosa è stato Discover Valencia per me, una vera scoperta, di persone meravigliose con cui ho condiviso tante risate genuine, ho scoperto la libertà di essere semplicemente me stessa con degli sconosciuti, che ormai sono diventati parte di me. Una scoperta di esperienze indimenticabili che porterò sempre nel cuore, condividere la stessa passione per la fotografia con così tante persone diverse e tornare arricchita dall'esperienza di tutti. Devo tutto questo ai Twins Massimiliano e Gabriele, due persone sempre disponibili, pazienti e gentili, che fanno il miglior lavoro del mondo, arricchire e migliorare la vita degli altri. Dopo questo secondo Discover con loro compagnia mi sento una persona migliorata in tutto, molto serena e più felice!!
Siete una garanzia di benessere, ci vediamo presto!!"
Ermira from Italy (Discover Valencia II)
"Hello everyone! I just returned to my home, in A Coruña and now I can breathe without melting. It was a pleasure to share this great experience with all of you, and I hope to see you again. I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye in person to everyone, but if you come in any time to Galicia (or Spain, in general), don't doubt to write me! Once again, thank you so much to you for this opportunity, was a great experience, and I really need it; in just 5 days, I feel totally renewed and filled with very good memories!! I'm glad that you also enjoyed my participation! See you soon, guys, I love you too. Have a good trip and best of luck in the future! Gracias por todo!"
Marta from Spain (Discover Valencia I)
"Hey guys! I am going to the airport now. Thank you for everything! I was missing all of this!Have a safe journey back home to all of you!"
Andreia from Portugal (Discover Valencia I)
"I attended Discover Valencia 22 and it was my first experience with Let me Italian You, and my first time in Valencia! It was a very good and challenging experience.
I visited beautiful places and practiced my photography with professionals.
I met great people who became my friends. The memories of this experience will be always with me! I want to say thank you to Gabriele and Massimiliano, they have been always available. I am glad I took this trip, I can’t wait for the next journey!
Thank you!"
Roberto from Italy (Discover Valencia I)
"Visiting Valencia was such a beautiful experience. If you have not been there, you should really go. The city with cultural history and wonderful buildings mixed with street art and cosy restaurants are totally worth it. Thank you LetMeItalianYou for that experience. So much more I wanted to see and photograph, hope I will be there one day again."
Liis from Estonia (Discover Valencia I)
"Wonderful experience! I attended the first edition of “Discover Valencia” and I enjoyed every single moment. Massi and Gabri thought about anything that could make us feel comfortable with their kindness and professionalism.
Also I would like to thank each one of you for being part of this wonderful and crazy group. We shared unforgettable moments together, and I already miss you!
I would really love to repeat it in another country, maybe next year. Thank you!"
Valentina from Italy (Discover Valencia I)
"Grazie a mia sorella che mi ha voluta portare a conoscere cosa fosse #LetMeItalianYou. Se non lo vivi, non ci credi: ora posso dire che è stata una delle esperienze più belle della mia vita. Ho potuto sperimentare con la fotografia in una città così viva e bella, conoscere nuove persone; il tempo che abbiamo trascorso insieme lo custodirò con cura nel mio cuore, per sempre. Un grazie immenso va ai Twins, senza di loro nulla sarebbe stato possibile, siete un duo perfetto: solari, curiosi e molto disponibili. Hasta luego!"
Jessica from Italy (Discover Valencia II)
"Discover Valencia 2023: First and foremost, a big thank you goes to the twins Gabriele & Massimiliano for getting in touch with me and inviting me to take part of this project! I had the best time, doing what I love most and getting out of my comfort zone, meeting new people and creating great memories together! This trip to Valencia has restored my love for photography and I cannot wait to share with you all the work done during these days! Thanks to @alexandra.tesh & @camilacarvalho.es for the amazing workshops on Portrait and Landscape photography, it was great getting intel from experienced photographers like you! Looking forward to experience this again!"
Robert from Italy (Discover Valencia II)
"Thanks again to the leaders for the experience, helpfulness and kindness, with beautiful places, tours and all. Wonderful city, full of hiding places and thanks to the helpful and professional guide, a unique point of view. And I am happy to have met all of you, super and great people! We will meet again!"
Francesca from Italy (Discover Valencia II)
"L’esperienza di Discover Valencia: sono partita pensando di imparare cose nuove sulla fotografia e conoscere una nuova città. Questo è successo, ma ho anche conosciuto persone che mi sono entrate nel cuore. Sono tornata con un bagaglio pieno di esperienze, posti nuovi, sorrisi, risate e divertimento.È stata un’esperienza indimenticabile. Grazie mille."
Giulia from Italy (Discover Valencia II)
"Discover Valencia was an amazing experience. I saw so many new places, met new people from all over the world and I was part of a big family, sharing the same passion for photography. We had so much fun together and we learned new things through the seminars. If you love traveling and photography you should absolutely become part of Let me Italian you!"
Eleni from Greece (Discover Valencia II)
"A couple of weeks ago I spent a few days in lovely Valencia together with Let me Italian you. This was my fourth trip with them and it is such a great way to discover a new place and to spend time with others who stop at every corner to take a picture. Best part is that you just show up, everything from workshops, models, guides has already been arranged perfectly by the two great twins!"
Susann from Sweden (Discover Valencia II)
"The last two Italians leaving Valencia! Also on my behalf, I just wanna say thank u guys for these days. I’m not always comfortable with being surrounded by so many people I don’t know (I’m a bit of an introvert, one wouldn’t say), but after few moments with u it was really easy to feel good. Everybody, take care. Til the next one."
Mario from Italy (Discover Valencia II)
"Excellent photography experience with LETMEITALIANYOU in Valencia! This is my second project with Gabri&Massi, and I can certainly say that they are doing a great job! The schedule is really intense. From lots of fundamental details designed to explain in a simple language a number of vital steps in landscape and portrait photography to various practical contexts. Besides, it includes guided tours highlighting most of the iconic spots and hidden gems around the city. Last but not least, they bring together participants from all over Europe. So, this is a great chance to meet new people, practice different languages and build lifetime relationships. I left feeling excited and already looking forward to a new project."
Diana from Moldova (Discover Valencia II)