1st edition

2nd edition

3rd edition

4th edition

foto Erika
Anna Carin
Alessandro Avezza
Martina Pitorri
Sara Nicchi
Mihai and Anamaria
Maria Capitanio
1 (72)
Sara Minoia
Monica De Monte
1 (85)
Valeria Di Santo
Adriana Oberto
Liina Laas
Stefania Maria Vacca
Claudia Leotta
Alessia Nughes
Roberta Carucci
2 (1) - Camera
Discover Santorini 1
Arianna Barish

"It is always a pleasure to see Gabriele and Massimiliano and take part in one of their dicovery's. The choice of the location was perfect, and the atmosphere within the group great. It's been "just" four shot days, but it feels as always as though we're part of a family.

See you soon on a new Discovery"


Adriana from Italy (Discover Santorini I)

"Sono felice di aver avuto l'occasione per partecipare a Discover Santorini è stata una bellissima esperienza. Piena di gente volenterosa, e tutti con una passione che ci legava. Gabriele e Massimiliano sono persone fantastiche sempre pronte ad aiutarti, a darti delle risposte. Abbiamo guardato tanto di quello che questa terra meravigliosa aveva da offrirci, abbiamo scattato tanto e ci siamo confrontati e conosciuti tanto. Ci siamo divertiti tanto, durante il workshop e nei momenti di svago. Ed è un'esperienza che rifarei altre mille volte. Sarà il primo di molti altri insieme. Ci rivediamo presto e grazie a tutti i miei compagni di viaggio"​​​​​​


Valeria from Italy (Discover Santorini I)

" We got to see basically the whole island of Santorini plus the volcano. It was only four days, but it felt like at least a week. We managed to see and so much, and it was all so itneresting.", Gertrude said. 


What our participants said about their experiences in Discover Santorini

"Back home! Once again, thank you for another unique and wonderful experience! Thanks for everything twins, for your patience, for your availability and kindness. I can’t wait to travel again with you! Vi voglio bene and I am sure we will meet again very soon!"

Roberta from Italy (Discover Santorini I)

 "E' da tantissimi anni che volevo andare a Santorini, e grazie a Gabriele e Massimiliano che mi hanno chiamato in questo Discovery, il mio secondo Discovery è il primo Discovery a Santorini sono riuscito ad andarci. Vedete molti non capiscono quello che io ho provato e quello che gli altri hanno provato, nel partecipare a un Discovery è non lo capiranno finche non parteciperanno a un progetto con questi due ragazzi Siciliani stupendi, perchè il bello di questi Discovery sta nel conoscere posti nuovi, culture nuove, ciobo diverso, conoscere persone meravigliose che condividono questa meravigliosa passione della fotografia, chi per i ritratti, chi per i paesaggi, chi per street photography, tutti quelli che partecipano, li accomuna soltanto una cosa:"La Fotografia". Io personalmente sono tornato a casa felice con un sorriso è con altrettanta voglia di viaggiare e conoscere altre persone.

Una parte di me rimarrà per sempre in quei posti fantastisci di Santorini dove ti giravi e guardavi il tramonto, verso quell'orizzonte pieno di sogni e speranza.Grazie a tutti per questa esperienza fantastica, grazie a LetMeItalianYou per questa magnifica esperienza!"


Mario from Italy (Discover Santorini I)

"Sono felicissima di aver avuto l'occasione di partecipare al Discover Santorini, un grande grazie a Gabriele e Massimiliano, un mio sogno nel cassetto si è avverato! L'itinerario mi è piaciuto molto, le escursioni sono state fantastiche, nella compagnia ho conosciuto persone allegre e spensierate! In futuro mi piacerebbe partecipare a qualche altro progetto, sono passati pochi giorni dal rientro a casa e già mi mancate tutti! Strada facendo spero di rincontrare tutti i miei compagni di viaggio"


Alessia from Italy (Discover Santorini I)

"Esperienza a dir poco fantastica! Progetto organizzato davvero bene con la possibilità di scoprire nuovi posti meravigliosi e persone nuove che porterò nel cuore. Mi sono divertita tantissimo sia nei momenti di workshop che nei momenti di svago a partire dalle serate trascorse nei locali fino ad “assaporare” con gli occhi tutto ciò che questa terra meravigliosa mi ha permesso di osservare e conoscere. Consiglio vivamente a chiunque abbia questo tipo di passione di partecipare a questo progetto. Per quanto mi riguarda sono sicura sia stato il primo di molti altri che verranno. Un grazie di ai gemelli Massimiliano e Gabriele che sono dei ragazzi unici e a tutti i miei nuovi compagni di viaggio! Ci rivediamo presto!"

Claudia from Italy (Discover Santorini I)

"Santorini is magical, no doubt about it. The typical buildings, painted white, to reflect the sunlight and keep the coolness inside them, and the unique domes, that imitate the blue of that incredible sea. People perch on little walls to watch its sunsets, as if they were at the stadium, so they wouldn't lose one shade. Santorini is magical, but the understanding with the other travelers/photographers of the group, even more so. I felt at home. Let Me Italian You is exactly like that: the possibility to discover places and people, not as if it were the first time, but as if we were finding each other again, after a long time. Thank you, Gabriele and Massimiliano!"


Stefania from Italy (Discover Santorini I)

"I liked a well-organized phototrip to Santorini. Everything was taken care of and nothing had to be worry. Just come and enjoy! The best views, interesting models, most beautiful beaches and tastier food at a reasonable price! And in addition, friendly company. I am very thankful for this, and could happen that i will repeat that edition - its worth that"


Liina from Estonia (Discover Santorini I)


"The first Edition of Discover Santorini was just amazing. It was so much fun to explore this breathtaking island with the group. I love meeting new people from all over Europe. Personally, Santorini is such a special place and perfect for a photography project. The trip was very organized and it was very convenient to explore the island by bus. The dreamy city of Oia was just amazing especially the white and blue dome-shaped buildings. Shooting the models at the beach was also a very unique experience. Santorini is definitely worth visiting and I can't wait to join another project with Let me Italian you!"


Vivien from Germany (Discover Santorini I)

"After a long trip and a long day at work, I am finally home! Thanks for everything! My third time in Santorini but with a lot of new experiences and interesting acquaintances! Thanks for that guys! It was a pleasure to see you again! I had such a good time! Marrakech, the next one?"

Antigoni from Greece (Discover Santorini II)

"We had such a wonderful time, saw some amazing sights, and, just as importantly, met a group of fantastic people. Thank you for making us so welcome! We loved Santorini and big thanks to our good friends Gabri and Massi, who organise the photography course so well. As usual, it was the most wonderful week.  I always think that the previous project can’t be improved on, and it has been. Thank you!"

Marylin from UK (Discover Santorini II)

"I have recently had the great pleasure of attending my second photography adventure with Gabri and Massi. On this occasion, it was to Santorini. As always the experience was thoroughly well organised, with good tutors and excursions to beautiful photogenic locations, which offered inspiration for creative pictures. Additionally these men have the ability to create a friendly supportive group of participants from diverse countries, backgrounds and ages. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending these courses and shall certainly be going again."

Kenneth from UK (Discover Santorini II)

"I’m so happy I had the opportunity to meet all of you! Thank you for a great adventure and I hope to see you again somewhere. Also grazie to Gabri and Massi!"

Karolina from Poland (Discover Santorini II)

"Guys, I'm home back at normality. It was a pleasure to meeting you! All of you are very special and I’m very glad to know you and share a little bit of memory with everyone of you. Even was a short time, was quality with amazing people! Thank you for everything. Thank you so much for all! I wish you to have a beautiful night and have nice and great photos for this trip!"

Andreea from Romania (Discover Santorini II)

"Hey guys, I wanted to thank you for these days. I’m so glad to have taken part to this project! It was so nice meeting all of you and I really hope to see you again!!"

Daniela from Italy (Discover Santorini II)

"Thanks to everyone for this wonderful experience and especially thanks Gabri and Massi for this project! I hope to take part in other projects soon! I’m glad I met you!! I found myself very well, it was a wonderful experience, which I would like to repeat. I'm glad that you immediately created a close-knit group, with which I had a great time. Because, I didn't think it was so funny!Thank you again!"

Matilde from Italy (Discover Santorini II)

"Dicono che quello di Santorini sia il tramonto più bello del mondo. Grazie ai ragazzi di Let me Italian you per avermi dato la possibilità di vederlo!"

Marzia from Italy (Discover Santorini II)

"Discover Santorini was my second project with the twins. I think their projects are the best way to get to know and to see some place. We got to see basically the whole island plus the volcano. It was only four days, but it felt like at least a week.

We managed to see and do so much, and it was all so interesting.

In addition, you meet so many great people during the projects."


Gertrude from Estonia (Discover Santorini I)

"Discover Santorini è stata un'esperienza unica. I ragazzi hanno saputo scegliere il periodo migliore per andarci in modo da riuscire a svolgere tutte le attività in programma e agevolando le necessità dei partecipanti fotografi. Il gruppo è stato fantastico, persone di diverse età che nonostante ciò si amalgamavano bene, fondamentale per rendere l'esperienza unica e divertente. Santorini come città è mozzafiato, i suoi tramonti e panorami meritano di essere visti almeno una volta nella vita e ancor meglio se in buona compagnia. In questi viaggi Let me Italian you é sempre una garanzia!"

Monica from Italy (Discover Santorini I)

"I congratulate the twins for another successful edition and for the good planning in the new Letmeitalianyou adventure in Santorini Island. The schedule was very busy every day, we visited most of the sights in the area and we learned from Eugenia, our travel guide, about the history and traditions of the place, the famous white villages and the Vulcanic landscape. Michał, our photography teacher, talked about landscape and long exposure photography, and it was nice to practiced photography in nature with such great panoramas and sunsets. I liked that I had the chance to take a swim in the sea, relax on the beautiful beaches, or try the traditional greek food, wines and frappe in various taverns and restaurants, in company of such wonderful people from different countries and with diverse interests. I want to thank Massi and Gabriele for making it happen and thanks to the models and the rest of participants involved, it was a pleasure to meet you all. You make these experiences to be so satisfying, not only for the rich of the sightseeing and information brought, but for the pleasant company, with young spirit, good mood and feel creative moments and memories, like this one.

Good luck until we see each other again in a future edition!"


Alexandra from Romania (Discover Santorini I)

"Ho partecipato a Discover Santorini e che dire…un’esperienza unica! Ho conosciuto persone meravigliose che porterò nel cuore, ho vissuto i tramonti più belli e guardato un’alba spettacolare! Abbiamo fotografato i panorami più belli, ballato e riso di cuore. Partite e lasciatevi travolgere da tutto ciò. Buon Viaggio a chi partirà! E un grazie immenso ai miei compagni di viaggio e ai gemelli per aver organizzato tutto!"

Sara from Italy (Discover Santorini I)

"Con Discover Santori Let me Italian you mi ha fatto vivere un’esperienza unica all'insegna di paesaggi meravigliosi ricchi di luci e colori dove ho potuto arricchire al meglio la mia esperienza fotografica e scoprire un team di ragazzi/e fantastici che hanno giorno dopo giorno completato la mia partecipazione a questo fantastico evento"


Matteo from Italy (Discover Santorini I)

"Hi Guys! I Just wanted to find a perfect moment to describe the feelings I have after meeting all of you. The main thing is I’m pretty sure you were the best group of people I had an opportunity to teach and spent time with. You are that amazing it’s pretty hard to find words. Thank you so much for being such open, such curious, such supportive, talented, full of passion, honest and lovely human beings. I will keep that time deep in my heart and hopefully meeting you all in Roma, Budapest, London, somewhere in Sicilia or Croatia. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will miss you a lot!"

Aleksandra from Poland (Discover Santorini II)

"Grazie ancora una volta, Let me Italian you, per questa fantastica esperienza che mi ha fatto conoscere e ritrovare persone stupende! Mi mancherete tutti! Grazie mille a te e Massi per questo altro progetto! Pe me ogni volta è sempre una bellissima esperienza!"

Veronica from Italy (Discover Santorini II)

"Consiglio a tutti vivamente di fare una esperienza del genere, che tu sia un fotografo amatoriale o professionista, perché Letmeitalianyou con la loro bella organizzazione ti fanno vivere emozioni uniche! Sono stata con loro al primo discovery a Santorini, una delle più belle isole della Grecia, ogni giorno era organizzato alla perfezione e abbiamo visto tanti posti diversi, scattato in ogni angolo di quell’isola che ci ha fatto innamorare subito. Ho conosciuto tante persone diverse, italiane e non, e ci siamo fatti anche tante risate. È un modo bellissimo di poter vivere un esperienza con una passione che ci accomuna tutti, ovvero scattare foto ed esplorare. Gabriele e Massimiliano sono dei organizzatori formidabili, gentili, educati e per ogni cosa sempre disponibili. Ho vissuto dei giorni che ricorderò con un sorriso sperando di poter ritornare l’anno prossimo per una nuova avventura! Grazie a loro, grazie ai compagni che ho conosciuto, grazie di tutto!"

Maria from Italy (Discover Santorini I)

"A mente fredda stavo ripensando a questa esperienza. E’ stata molto bella. A volte penso di aver vissuto un sogno perché poi mi trovo ad essere catapultata nella realtà! Grazie sempre a voi che sapete regalare esperienze indimenticabili!I'm tired but happy for this new experience!Thanks so much to all of you….I met fantastic people."

Silvia from Italy (Discover Santorini II)

"Ciao tutti! Finally back at home and yet haven't have time to organize the memories... but all I want to say is that I enjoyed your company very much! Thank you Massi and Gabri - again one successful event is done!! Thank you roommates, it was a lot of fun all the time. And finally - thanks to Alex, you are very special!!! Wanna meet you again - and welcome to Estonia, land of unspoiled nature and lot of empty space!!! :) Till next projects!! Thank you - it was best time ever!"

Teet from Estonia (Discover Santorini II)

"Guys I didn't have time to say goodbye to all of you, as always I've had a great time and Will bring great Memories of all of you! Wish you all the best, see you next time!"

Annarosa from Italy (Discover Santorini II)

"Thank you! It was a pleasure for us as well! It was awesome! Everything was very well organized and we hope to join you again for another project! Maybe in spring?"

Mihai and Anamaria from Romania (Discover Santorini II)

"My third time with you this year! It was so nice to see both of you again! I really enjoy spending time with you. Looking forward to seeing you again!"

Vivien from Germany (Discover Santorini II)

"Hiii lovely people! I'm also in a train now finally after almost missing it because of the flight delay. It was lovely to meet you all and I hope to see you soon on some other projects! I'm most probably gonna come to Madrid so if anyone's gonna participate aswell see you soon. Special thanks to and Gabri for another wonderful experience! Miss you evil twins already! Till next time!"

Megi from Croatia (Discover Santorini II)

"Ho un senso di vuoto quando finisce, è qualcosa di veramente indescrivibile. It is always something special! Thank you Let me Italian you!"

Elisa from Italy (Discover Santorini II)

"Hi guys!!!!! Finally near Germany! Will be reaching tmr morning 7am. I am so relaxed finally and I miss the project so much already! It was really fun meeting so many of you though couldn’t get to know few of them personally. But always a next time! Thanks a lot Massi and Gabri!!!! I have made so many memories from this workshop! Teet without whom I could really not do the hot springs experience. Looking forward to see you all in another workshop again if anybody decided to travel near Heidelberg or to Heidelberg hit me up!"

Megana from India (Discover Santorini II)

"E’ stato un super piacere ritornare a viaggiare con Let me Italian you. Grazie di tutto! Santorini è stata assolutamente magica!!! Ragazzi è stato tutto talmente veloce che non sono riuscita neanche a metabolizzare! È stato tutto bellissimo e non vedo l’ora di ripartire con voi!"

Sara from Italy (Discover Santorini II)

"Thank you for a great weekend and I’m happy I got to meet you guys and see again some of you. I had a lovely time and hope to see you again soon somewhere!"

Irina from Romania (Discover Santorini II)

"Thanks to everyone! My stay was short but good lived! See you next time!"

Arianna from Italy (Discover Santorini II)

"Just got home and I would like to thank you everyone for making this trip more lovely and unforgettable!"

Ramin from Iran (Discover Santorini II)

"It was super wonderful meeting all of you. Hope to see you on the next trip. Thanks Gabriele and Massi!"

Cheyan from USA (Discover Santorini II)

"Great laughs, great fun & great new friends! Special shout out to Gabriele Letmeitalian Ragusa & Massi Maxi for inviting me to the project & for taking such good care of me and the group! What an amazing experience!!! And, also a shout out to our amazing photographer, Foteini Zaglara, for all her coaching & feedback! See you again in Gran Canaria, Spain late January for another project that will no doubt be filled with lots of fun & adventure! Ah, miss this crazy group! A big heartfelt thank you to all my new European friends who welcomed the only North American on the project & spoke English for my sake. I promise to try to learn some Italian before my next project! Thought I’d share this video by LetMeItalianYou’s founders Gabriele & Massi. Some highlights of Discovery Santorini’s 3rd edition. Sooo much fun! Would highly recommend these projects to any professional or amateur photographer who wants to see Europe’s treasures & learn new hands-on photography skills in a REALLY fun way! Can’t wait to meet familiar & new faces in Gran Canaria’s 2nd edition this January!!! No doubt, that won’t be my last project either

Jennifer from Canada (Discover Santorini III)

"I reached home with such beautiful vibes! Thank you to all of you guys!! I already miss this beautiful group!! It’s always a regenerating experience with Let me Italian you, a totally disconnection from everyday life and full of happy memories! I hope to see you again in other adventures!! Thanks for your friendship! Gabri e Massi, grazie mille per questa bellissima avventura e per tutto quello che avete fatto per noi! Finalmente sono riuscita a ri-partecipare ad un nuovo Discover con voi! Per me questi giorni hanno significato davvero MOLTO! Happy vibes! Vi voglio bene!"

Sara from Italy (Discover Santorini III)

"Thanks to everyone for your company and for putting up with me. I hope I can still have the opportunity to meet you."

Stefano from Italy (Discover Santorini II)

"I spent a lot of time reflecting while I was away these past few days. These views were great companions during my reflection time. Sunsets and the sea always make me feel so calm and grounded. Thank you Massi and Gabri for this beautiful experience! It was lovely meeting you and hopefully we'll meet each other in other projects or other circumstances. If not, it was a beautiful moment, a beautiful four days of amazing souls. I wish you all much love and happiness…..till we meet again! Let me Italian you, I hope we'll enjoy more sunsets together!"

Rachel from Malta (Discover Santorini III)

"Thank you all guys, beautiful people and wonderful city! It was one of the best experience of my life and I hope to see you soon in another city with the same happiness and the same smile of these days! And a special thanks to the best twins I've ever met! Grazie di tutto davvero! Siete stati meravigliosi, è stata un’esperienza fantastica! My first experience with LetMeItalianYou and I'll never forget it for sure! I met a lot beautiful people that helped me getting out of my comfort zone and learnt a lot during the photography workshop!"

Andreina from Italy (Discover Santorini III)

"Gabryyy, tu e Massimiliano siete due ragazzi fantastici. Veramente sono fortunata ad avervi conosciuto. Non solo per la professionalità che dimostrate in questo lavoro, per l'impegno che ci mettete affinché tutto vada per il meglio nei vari progetti, ma soprattutto per la vostra personalità, calmi e pazienti, umili e UNICI! Non mi stancherò mai di viaggiare con voi, perché rendete tutto più interessante. Spero di arrivare come Anna, a 68anni, girare con Let me Italian you! Santorini is not just an island. It is a place where the harmony of shapes, the smooth brass bells create a magic that is impossible to resist! It will be no accident that the Phoenicians called it “Kallisti”. Thank you Let me Italian you for these beautuiful moments!"

Irina from Moldova (Discover Santorini III)

"My experience with Let Me Italian You in Santorini was a one of a kind experience. I loved every second of it and everything involved was absolutely breathtaking. Whether it was the guided tours around the villages in Santorini, the group dinners while getting to know all the other participants, or the photography workshops where I was alongside talented individuals, learning so much and getting the best opportunities, I wouldn’t have changed any of it. The organisation from the twins (Gabri and Massi) was tremendous. We were always on the move and participating in so many activities, but it was always so laid back. Every day was so structured and well organised I was so overwhelmed by the end of each day, having done and seen so many things in just one day!! The opportunities I got with this project was out of this world and I couldn’t thank Let Me Italian You enough for it. I would feel very privileged to be invited to another project as my experience In Santorini was beautiful!"

Ollie from UK (Discover Santorini III)

"My experience with Let Me Italian You has been an exhilarating journey through the art of photography. I immersed myself in breathtaking landscapes, captured magical moments, and forged friendships with extraordinary people. A special thanks to the twins Massimiliano and Gabriele for making all of this possible."

Karima from Italy (Discover Santorini III)

"I had the pleasure to participate in the third edition of Discover Santorini organized by Let me Italian you. Gabri and Massi organized an amazing trip full of sightseeing, fun, photography workshops and model photo shootings! As an amateur photographer I learned a lot during this trip: I had the opportunity to shoot portrait photography which I’ve never really done before and I learned some tips and tricks from the incredible photographer Foteini Zaglara! I’m so grateful for this experience, all the new people I met and the new friendships I made along the way! We definitely made a lot of memories we won’t forget! I’m looking forward to participating in other projects in the future!"

Orsolya from Hungary (Discover Santorini III)

"Sono molto contenta di avervi rivisto e prometto che non farò passare altri cinque anni prima di riparticipare. Grazie mille, Santorini è stata un'esperienza fantastica!!!! Tornerei anche domani! Non appena posso prendere le ferie, tornerò a viaggiare con noi: Marrakech è la mia prossima destinazione con Let me Italian you! Grazie di tutto ragazzi!"

Martina from Italy (Discover Santorini III)

"My fist experience with Let me Italian you in Santorini has been amazing. The excellent organization allowed us to visit a lot of beautiful places in a few days. Furthermore, I had the chance to meet some wonderful people, included the fantastic twins. It has been a pleasure to become part of this family and I wish I'll get the chance to participate in other projects"

Monia from Italy (Discover Santorini III)

"Good evening everyone, I'm finally back in my city Turin. I was very pleased to meet up with old traveling companions like Matteo and Patricia. I hope I managed to bring as much joy as possible because I personally had a lot of fun. Santorini experience to remember forever. I hope to see most of you soon in an upcoming workshop with twins. I send you a big hello to everyone."

Alessandro from Italy (Discover Santorini III)

"Thanks everyone for the amazing experience we could do thanks to you (the group but especially the twins). Grazie mille per l’opportunità, e ancora complimenti per l’organizzazione impeccabile. Speriamo di rivederci presto!"

Nicolo from Italy (Discover Santorini III)

"Sono io che devo ringraziare voi per l’accoglienza e l’opportunità di posare per i vostri fantastici fotografi  e per l’incoraggiamento. Grazie anche per le belle parole, ma sicuramente anche io sono stata davvero contenta di avervi conosciut. Siete davvero fantastici voi due! Per non parlare dell’ottimo lavoro che avete fatto! Stare con voi è veramente piacevole! Se ci sarà l’occasione mi farà sicuramente molto piacere ritorvare voi ed il gruppo! Un abbraccio ad entrambi  e speriamo di rivederci presto allora! Thank you so much for those amazing days and for being such an amazing group! You welcomed us as family! You are amazing! We all enjoyed staying with you all  and hope to see you soon."

Sofia from Italy (Discover Santorini III)

"Confused, I looked for cats, sun and the beach. I want to give you all a big thank you for dragging me around, the old mare. You are all like amazing jewels, bursting with life with beautiful souls. Continue with that. Gabri and Massi you are absolutely incredible who put these trips together. I'll never be a good photographer, but you learn so much by meeting new people and places. So until the next adventure, I send millions of hugs! P.s. Risuona ancora nelle orecchie del tuo meraviglioso italiano. Siete tutti assolutamente fantastici!"

Anna Carin from Sweden (Discover Santorini III)

"Questa mattina eravamo tutti tristi di tornare alla vita normale dopo questa esperienza iniziata con poco entusiasmo da parte dei miei familiari....Io sapevo che sarebbe stata un' occasione fantastica, quando ero giovane ne ho vissute parecchie di esperienze simili, ma i miei figli non avevano compreso l'opportunità che gli stavamo offrendo. Anche mio marito Walter timido " inside" é tornato carichissimo!!!! Grazie davvero....credo abbia notevolmente aperto le menti dei miei famigliari. Faremo il possibile per fare partecipare i nostri figli alle  prossime sessioni. E' stato un successo! Fate un lavoro meraviglioso.. in tutti i sensi Con gratitudine"

Bonomi Family from Italy (Discover Santorini III)

"In Santorini I joined this photography workshop with this group organized by Gabriele Ragusa and Massimiliano Ragusa ltalian twin brothers. It was such a great organization that I had four amazing days full of memories, wonderful moments, great experience that I never forget. It was wonderful for me to meet such kind warm hearted and well behaved people from all over the world that I can’t wait to meet again. Thank you everyone and big thanks to Gabriele and Massimiliano."

Belkis from Turkey (Discover Santorini IV)

"Descrivere quest'esperienza in poche parole è veramente difficile: è stata pura scoperta di luoghi, persone e culture diverse. Mi ha permesso infatti di visitare un'isola straordinaria e creare un rapporto unico con i miei compagni di viaggio. Per questo ringrazio Massimiliano e Gabriele che hanno curato tutto nel dettaglio e si sono contraddistinti per la loro disponibilità, gentilezza e premura!"

Elisea from Italy (Discover Santorini IV)

"I think that everybody already said what I think about this group and this experience. Always a pleasure to go around the world with you guys! Anche io! ...adesso non potrò più farne a meno!"

Federica from Italy (Discover Santorini III)

"Ragazzi questo esperienza è stata davvero bellissima,la porterò nel cuore per il resto della vita. Grazie davvero, organizzazione e pazienza mai vista. Spero di fare presto un altra esperienza così con voi, tante risate, tanti colori, tanti tramonti, tanto mare, e tanti scatti, e tutto ciò che manca ancora per scoprire è spero che sia con voi, un bel gruppo che si e creato pur non sapendo tante lingue, un intercambio di culture bellissimo! Sono molto soddisfatta e spero di avere fatto anche il massimo con tutti voi. Alla prossima"

Erika from Venezuela (Discover Santorini IV)

"Grazie a Let mi Italian you nella persona di Gabriele e Massimiliano ho fatto un’esperienza bellissima un gruppo di persone che hanno reso quest’esperienza bellissima grazie ragazzi e spero di poter fare altre esperienze con voi e con molti amici conosciuti in questo viaggio!"

Daniela from Italy (Discover Santorini IV)

"Grazie della bellissima esperienza piena di emozioni e colori del magnifico posto , capacità organizzativa eccellente tutto unito a delle bellissime conoscenze grazie ancora Gabriele e Massimiliano.
Grazie ragazzi avete organizzato bene tutto, siamo riusciti a cogliere il meglio dell'isola in pochi giorni... Sempre sorridenti e disponibili, e tanto pazienti."

Elena and Giuditta from Italy (Discover Santorini IV)

"Four amazing days spent exploring the beauty of Santorini! The island offered breathtaking views, stunning sunsets, and the chance to meet people from all over the world, creating unforgettable memories together. Santorini greeted us with its warm charm and picturesque landscapes, and we captured countless beautiful moments to treasure this incredible adventure. Every day was thoughtfully organized, meaningful, and full of variety. A big thank you to the Let me Italian you team and my fellow travelers—this trip will be remembered for a long time, with a huge smile!"

Kart from Estonia(Discover Santorini IV)

"My first time in Santorini was absolutely unforgettable! The breathtaking views, especially the stunning sunsets, made the experience even more magical. The people I met were incredibly open, supportive, and full of passion. A huge thanks to Letmeitalianyou for organizing the photography course so well. Although our time together was brief, it was packed with wonderful memories. I’m already looking forward to future adventures and can't wait to cross paths with you all again!"

Helena from Estonia (Discover Santorini IV)

"Discover Santorini project with Let me Italian you was one of the best trips ever! Organizers took care of every detail like helping with booking tickets, organizing the private bus and guide and also assured everyone returned home safely. We visited stunning places, gained new knowledge in the field of landscape and portrait photography, enjoyed dinners together, had fun and made unforgettable memories that will warm my heart during colder days. I'm looking forward to seeing again the new friends I made during this trip and I'm really grateful for every talk, smile, and tears of joy we had together. Gabri and Massi - thank you so much guys for the oportunities you made and especcially for you opennes and kindness! Hope to see you soon and in the next destiantions!"

Justyna from Poland (Discover Santorini IV)

"I just returned from a few days' trip to Santorini, and the organizers were incredibly kind and helpful. Everything was well planned, and they assisted us in safely reaching our destination and returning home, even a few days after the official end of the course. The atmosphere was very pleasant, with amazing people and unforgettable experiences. And on top of that, of course, there was the opportunity to learn and take photos in stunningly beautiful locations!   Thank you so much Gabriele and Massimilano!"

Ania from Poland (Discover Santorini IV)

"I had an unforgettable photography trip in Santorini organized by Let me Italian you. The organizers were truly wonderful, always there to help us with anything we needed. I was inspired by the wide range of ages of the group, from young adults to grandmothers and grandfathers. It was amazing to see how even at their age they still have such a passion for learning and adventure. I'm grateful for all the warmhearted people I met and can't wait to meet them again. Huge thanks to Massimiliano and Gabriele."

Arianna from Hungary (Discover Santorini IV)

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