1st edition

Lorena Montella
Alessandra Gargano
Day 3 - Grasse
Day 3 - Place Massena (3)
Lucia Sacchet

"A trip with let me italian you is always a different way of travelling and visiting a new place. In Discover Provence I met many interesting people and followed by the inspiring photographer Marika we tried to capture the essence of this beautiful part of France!"


Lucia from Italy (Discover Provence I)


"Discover Provence was my first project with Let me italian you and I can say with no doubt I had a wonderful time. All the participants were lovely and I got to meet people from all over the world who I had so much fun with. I learned so many new things!" Smaranda said.


What our participants said about their experiences in Discover Provence

"Mi ha fatto super piacere rivedervi! Sono stata tanto bene! Mi sono innamorata di questi posti e tutto è stato fantastico! Spero di ritornare prestissimo a viaggiare con voi!"

Alessandra from Italy (Discover Provence I)

"Some of our brilliant photographers. Thank you for your friendship, and to Massi and Gabri (again), for your wonderful organisational skills."


Kenneth from UK (Discover Provence I)

"I viaggi con Let me italian you sono come gli Smarties: ne mangi uno e poi ne vuoi sempre di più. Per me i Twins siciliani sono stati una bella scoperta e arrivata al termine del mio sesto progetto, posso dire che continuerò ancora a viaggiare con loro, perché organizzano dei progetti fantastici che fanno bene all'anima e rallegrano il cuore. Pertanto, sono molto felice di aver trascorso queste giornate in Provenza e Principato di Monaco, di aver conosciuto tante persone con i miei stessi interessi (i viaggi, la natura, il mare, la fotografia, la curiosità dietro le piccole cose, i profumi, la storia ecc.). Li ringrazio per la loro pazienza, organizzazione e calma che dimostrano nelle cose che fanno e la gentilezza con cui accolgono i partecipanti.

Chers jumeaux, à bientôt!"


Irina from Moldova (Discover Provence I)

"Discover Provence was my second experience with Let Me Italian. It was my dream to take a trip like this to Provence, so thanks to Gabriele e Massimiliano this dream became reality! As always, Let Me Italian You gave me the opportunity to learn more about photography through the workshops, and I met so many people front different countries: this was a great experience that I will carry with me forever. The visits to the three cities (Nice, Grasse, Aix en Provance) were wonderful, and thanks to the guide I discovered so many new things. Thank you twins for everything and see you soon!"

Susanna from Italy (Discover Provence I)

"Provence is a beautiful place, where I go back with pleasure. Probably it's because of the sun, the blue sky, the fragrances, the colourful flowers, the uber-fit people running throughout the Promenade des Anglais, the socca savoured while sitting on the sand, looking at the sea. My last experience with Let Me Italian You, despite the rainy days, that made me appreciate the glimpses of sun even more, was amazing."


Stefania from Italy (Discover Provence I)

"Una delle esperienze più belle della mia vita. I ragazzi sono davvero molto disponibili e simpatici, l'atmosfera era familiare e accogliente. Nizza è una coloratissima e calda, ho amato passeggiare sulla promenade e nel mercato del porto. Tornerò sicuramente a viaggiare insieme ai gemelli."

Ilaria from Italy (Discover Provence I)

"Discover Provenza : esperienza magnifica! Ho avuto la possibilità di scoprire luoghi mai visitati con l'audio di opportune guide e organizzatori sempre disponibili e pronti ad ogni evenienza. Ho così tante foto di Nizza, Grasse, Aix-en-Provence scattate seguendo soprattutto grandi consigli. Tramite i workshop ho sbloccato alcune conoscenze nel campo fotografico non solo in ambito tecnico ma soprattutto pratico. Tra le tante opportunità quella degli photoshooting con i modelli ha un posto speciale nel mio cuore. In così pochi giorni non pensavo che si potessero stringere legami così forti con i partecipanti del progetto. Mi auguro che sia solo una delle prime avventure con questo team!"


Lorena from Italy (Discover Provence I)

"Volevo ringraziarti/vi per tutto, per la pianificazione, la dedizione e anche per la pazienza!!! Sono contenta di avervi conosciuti e di avere la possibilità di conoscere così tante belle persone.

Ci rivedremo di sicuro molto presto!"


Alda from Italy (Discover Provence I)

"Discover Provence was my first project with Let me italian you and I can say with no doubt I had a wonderful time.  All the participants were lovely and I got to meet people from all over the world who I had so much fun with. I learned so many new things about photography and everyone was so opened to share tips and tricks on how to get the perfect shot and for some one like me with no experience I truly appreciate every second of it. Although the rain might have been in our way that didn’t stop us from having the best time and getting to discover both the history and beauty of this place. Big shout out to the people who organized this project, Gabriele and Massimiliano are extremely sweet and kind people they definitely did a fantastic job not to mention I am so glad I got to meet them. I certainly hope to participate in another project soon and I surely encourage everyone to do the same!"

Smaranda from Romania (Discover Provence I)

"Discover Provence" with let me italian you Sun, rain, cloudiness, ocean, sunsets, new people, photos - MANY photos-, seminars, fortunate and unfortunate events, a sense of serendipity and 3 cities (plus 1 country) came to forge the success of this experience. A success that I personally define as discovering the beauty of foreign places and cultures, making new friends and connections and finding a bit of peace, calmness and maybe even a fresh perspective. Nice won my heart with its beautiful landscapes and its seamingly perfect combination of traditional and contemporary monuments, bluest waters, views and sunsets, the old and the new city, its laid back people. Aix en Provence and Grasse offered a look into a more rural and less touristy southern France. Each with its own charms: one with its rich history and many fountains, the other with perfumes and aromas from another time. Last but certainly not least I really loved the calm and flexible organisation provided which really set the overall relaxed mood of this trip. For that I owe to thank the 2 twins of course who showed their experience in more than one occasions. Thank you all for making this experience special and hope to see you again soon!


Sofia from Greece (Discover Provence I)

"Hi everybody! I hope this finds you all in great spirits and good health...I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible journey we shared. Each one of you brought something unique to the trip, creating a tapestry of memories! I am genuinely appreciative of the new friendships forged and the experiences we’ve shared"

Antigoni from Greece (Discover Provence I)

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