1st edition

2nd edition

1 (38)
Martina M
4 (31)
1 (28)
4 (2)
4 (48)
2 (53)
4 (25)
Giulia Pansarella
Paris Group
04. Group Picture - Eiffel Tower (1)
Martina Romano

"Discover Paris was my first photography project with LetmeItalianyou. It was one of my best experiences combining travel, photography and new people. The whole trip was very organized and within 4 days we visited all the important parts of Paris and we learned a lot more about photography. I would do it again and I definitely recommend it to everyone. Thanks for everything!"


Despoina from Greece (Discover Paris I)

"My first photography project with Let me Italian you was Discovering Paris.

I wanted to visit Paris long time ago and this opportunity allowed me to do that and in the same time, to learn more about portrait and landscape photography. Everything was organized for us with guided tours.

My dream came true, thank you guys for this beautiful experience!

I recommend this experience to everyone who love to travel,

take pictures and meet new friends!"


Rebeka from Hungary (Discover Paris I)

"Paris is a magical city, every corner is beauty and visiting it with Let me Italian you family makes everything even more alive and fun! Paris tu es l'art, je t'aime!" Giulia said.


What our participants said about their experiences in Discover Paris

“Discover Paris takes you to a city whose expectations are already high for everyone but Paris surprises and surpasses them!  It’s a magical city, every corner is beauty and touring it with the Let Me Italian You family makes everything even more alive and fun. This is my 7th project with the twins, the perfect company to explore and enjoy a journey between photography and friends! Paris tu es l’art, je t'aime!"

Giulia from Italy (Discover Paris I)

"È un'esperienza da fare almeno una volta, ma credetemi non vi fermerete alla prima.

È un viaggio con fotocamera in mano e un gruppo di persone che condividono la tua stessa passione, tre giorni dove puoi completamente esprimere te stessa, dove esplori città e incontri gente da ogni parte del mondo con cui si creano rapporti davvero speciali Poi il resto dovete scoprirlo voi, fatelo e giuro che ne sarete felici! Se riuscissi ad esprimermi meglio per farvi capire quanto mi hanno cambiato questi viaggi con voi, vi ringrazio per avermi scritto quel giorno per Cracovia, ci vediamo presto!"


Elisa from Italy (Discover Paris I)

"Discover Paris: immense second experience together with the legendary brothers Gabri & Massi, who took care of creating a travel itinerary that allowed us to discover Paris through our lenses and to be able to grasp the atmosphere of this city. It is always a pleasure to meet people from all over the world, and all this is thanks to Let Me Italian You! I can't wait to be able to participate in the next project!"


Gioia from Italy (Discover Paris I)

"Discover Paris 2022 mi ha permesso di entrare in contatto con tante persone nuove, di esplorare posti meravigliosi e di apprendere concetti, tutto nella splendida cornice di Parigi, unica e indimenticabile. Grazie Let me Italian you!"

Martina from Italy (Discover Paris I)

"Discover Paris was my second time with Let me Italian you and once again it is an experience I will hardly forget. Paris is a city that gives you immense inspiration and carrying out my art practice in this city has been very rewarding. I will miss very much the people I met who made this short but intense trip very special.

Thanks to Massimiliano and Gabriele for their professionalism, kindness and positivity. I look forward to seeing you again guys!"


Selena from Ecuador (Discover Paris I)

"Discover Paris with Let Me Italian you has been my second project with Massimiliano and Gabriele. What a beautiful experience!

I’ve taken a lot of photos in this wonderful, artistic city.

The people was friendly and we keep us in contact right now.

Thank you twins for this amazing journey!"


Paolo from Italy (Discover Paris I)


"What an incredibly amazing experience! Found out about this experience on Facebook and was skeptical at first as it sounded too good to be true. I am so glad I made the decision to join Gabi and Massi in Paris! I got to meet amazingly positive people, got tips about photography, visited stunning locations and truly fell in love with Paris all over again. Prepare yourself for long picturesque walks, new friendships, a lot of laughter, a little bit of craziness and an all round memorable experience. I highly recommend this experience no matter what kind of experience you have with photography as this opportunity helps you to develop yourself. Gabi and Massi....thank you so so much! You're both amazingly fun to be with, kind, and super helpful. I will definitely be seeing you again for another Discover."


Rachel from Malta (Discover Paris I)

"PARIS, What an amazing city!  Thanks to the #letmeitalianyou project I was able to live an unforgettable experience in this beautiful city.  Thank you guys, it was wonderful."

Janaina from Brazil (Discover Paris I)

"Discover Parigi è stato un viaggio interiore ed esteriore. Parigi è magica e riesce ad affascinarti in poco tempo grazie a tutta la sua bellezza ed arte racchiusa in ogni piccolo angolo. Il viaggio, super organizzato e studiato nei minimi particolari da parte di Gabriele e Massimiliano mi ha permesso di vedere ogni singola sfaccettatura di questa gigante città in cui eleganza si fonde perfettamente con un estro creativo. Ispirarmi per me non è stato mai così facile, workshop fotografici già di per sè azzeccati, lasciavano spazio a libera espressione e immortalare ogni istante è stato davvero speciale. Tutto questo circondato da persone creative, dinamiche, aperte a 360 gradi ad ogni iniziativa. La stanchezza non era mai abbastanza perché la voglia di vivere tutto al massimo batteva tutto il resto. La vera scoperta è stata trascorrere del tempo con loro, anime unite dalla mia passione, confrontarsi dopo i vari scatti, vivere esperienze indimenticabili che porterò per sempre dentro di me. Mi sentivo incredibilmente circondata da bellezza dal mattino sino alla sera. Conoscenza, passione, fascino, organizzazione, libertà di pensiero sono le parole chiave di questi magnifici progetti. La più bella esperienza degli ultimi anni. Grazie Let me Italian you!"

Alessandra from Italy (Discover Paris I)

"This has been a wonderful experience! I loved to go to Paris and visit the city, gardens and photograph people and all I saw around! Has been a wonderful experience also because I met new people, friends and I enjoyed being with them! We walked everyday all day but it was worth it!"

Alice from Italy (Discover Paris I)

"After strolling around the world, Krakow, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Marrakech, Lisbon, Sicily, finally it arrived in my city, Paris. Everyone knows that it is definitely hard to find a friend who can share the pleasure of traveling because each one is so different, but luckily I had lots of fortune to make good friends who are always in the same direction, moreover it becomes a bigger chance to feel my city with nice friends. I definitely appreciate Let Me Italian You, Gabriele and Massimiliano for all my experiences, also special thanks for offering me great chances to take advantage of the whole beauty of my city, after turning around projects in various places. Sempre Grazie! E la prossima siamo?"

Megi from Croatia (Discover Paris I)

"Discover Paris 2022, una delle esperienze più belle che abbia mai vissuto. Visitare la città di Parigi e poterla fotografare, vedere da vicino l'arte e la storia che essa ha da offrire è inspiegabile. Conoscere persone stupende e condividere con loro la stessa passione è un’emozione fortissima! Un'avventura indimenticabile che resterà per sempre vivida. Ringrazio Massimiliano e Gabriele per avermi dato l'opportunità di poter sfruttare al meglio le mie conoscenze e poter migliorare accanto ad altre persone, e farmi amare ancora di più viaggiare e scoprire nuovi posti.

Grazie Let me italian you!"


Michela from Italy (Discover Paris I)

"La mia seconda esperienza con Let Me Italian You è stata Discover Paris. Dire che è stata magnifica, credo sia davvero un eufemismo. Massi e Gabri si sono confermati, sono stati impeccabili. Tra una visita guidata e l'altra, o meglio, tra una novantina di chilometri e l'altra, hanno portato me e gli altri ragazzi del progetto a scoprire i tesori di Parigi. Esperienza, viaggio, approfondimento della propria tecnica fotografica, nuove amicizie e ritrovo delle vecchie: c''è stato tutto quello che mi spinge a dire "cavolo se ne è valsa la pena!" e sì, lo rifarei mille volle e altre mille ancora!"

Martina from Italy (Discover Paris I)

"Sono giunta, al mio 6 discover, e niente ogni volta è una nuova scoperta  ricca di emozioni, non solo di città e luoghi meravigliosi, ma anche di personalità diverse, tutto ciò che attira la mia attenzione, creatività, competenze professionali, e una grande complicità tutto si amalgama in un gruppo di persone speciali, ecco seppur per un breve lasso di tempo, con discover Parigi ho conosciuto bellissime persone che mi hanno lasciato un segno indelebile, perché con loro il viaggio  ha quel valore aggiunto che mi ha reso questa esperienza ancora più unica e indimenticabile.

Grazie per avermi accolta, con affetto e simpatia porterò con me un pezzetto di voi nel cuore. Un grazie speciale a Rachel, una ragazza meravigliosa in ogni senso.

Un milione di grazie a Gabriele e Massimiliano che mi hanno dato nuovamente questa opportuna di vivere un sogno che non dimenticherò mai.

Vi voglio bene gemelli del mio cuore.

Viaggiare fa bene all' anima, al cuore e alla mente."


Silvia from Italy (Discover Paris I)

"Discover Paris con Let me Italian you è stata un'esperienza unica che ha unito la scoperta e la meraviglia di Parigi ai miei primi passi verso il mondo della fotografia, non avendo mai ricevuto alcuna nozione. Gruppo fantastico e stimolante, cultura e risate a volontà che porterò sempre con me! Grazie a Gabriele e Massi che hanno architettato tutto ciò!"

Viola from Italy (Discover Paris I)

"Questo Discover Parigi mi ha lasciato davvero tantissimo. Una esperienza unica nel suo genere! Un gruppo di persone che hanno le stesse passioni, possono andare solo d’accordo!! Tu e Gabri siete stati sempre attenti a ognuno di noi, e avete fatto di tutto per mantenerci partecipi e inclusi nel gruppo. È stato bello scoprire questa meravigliosa città con voi, ed è stato molto interessante avere dei professionisti che ci hanno dato delle dritte sul mondo della fotografia.

Grazie ancora di tutto E sicuramente ci vediamo in un prossimo Discover."


Hayat from Morocco (Discover Paris I)

"The one in Paris has been my first project with LetMeItalianYou, and I am so glad I participated. The city of Paris is unique, almost out of a postcard: the Eiffel Tower, Montmartre, Versailles…all had their own magical atmosphere. But what I will never truly forget were the people I met, with so many stories to tell, talents to share and jokes and fun to have together. In just few days I felt a connection so strong with people I had never been with, and this is what I will always remember. For me, Discover Paris was not only about getting out of my comfort zone, both photographically and personally; it was also about sharing my passion with like-minded friends who I had a great time with, and I really hope I will see again someday, soon. Thanks from the bottom of my heart to LetMeItalian ou, Gabri and Massi for this incredible experience, I can’t wait to come back for the next one."

Filippo from Italy (Discover Paris II)

"Discover Paris was my 9th experience with Letmeitalianyou and I can say It has been a really amazing journey with so many new participants and also old ones. It was a big pleasure to say them again. The most important think of the project is SHARING. Sharing moments and memory, love for photography and passion for travel. The twins Gabri and Massi have been always soooo patient and calm and friendly with all the partecipants (as usually I have to say) and we stay almost all together doing things and visiting the city and fillows the photo workshops. Everything was perfect in the most famous city of love in the world!"

Vanessa from Italy (Discover Paris II)

"Discover Paris è un’esperienza magica, non solo per la città ma anche per le persone meravigliose con cui ho avuto la fortuna di condividere questo viaggio (e i tanti km percorsi :)). Tutto questo insieme alla cosa che ha accompagnato le nostre giornate e che diventa il filo conduttore tra le persone: la fotografia. Grazie a questo viaggio ho conosciuto lati della fotografia che ancora non avevo percorso e ho sentito crescere la voglia in me di portare avanti questo hobby, sperimentando e usando la mia creatività. È stata un’esperienza ricca, ero continuamente stimolata da ciò che mi circondava e dal confronto con le persone al mio fianco. Parigi è surreale, esattamente come la descrivono, un costante via vai di personalità, realtà, odori, profumi, colori, tutti da scoprire e ammirare. Un grande riconoscimento ai gemelli che con la loro bravura, determinazione e pazienza rendono tutto ciò possibile. Grazie mille Letmeitalianyou!"

Matilde from Italy (Discover Paris II)

"Ho sempre sognato di visitare Parigi, e l'occasione mi si è presentata grazie a Let me italian you, con il progetto fotografico "Discover Paris". Come poter rinunciare ad un progetto che ti propone due cose che ami di più nella vita? Viaggiare e immortalare attraverso la fotografia luoghi e momenti interessanti. Tutto in compagnia di persone meravigliose che porterò nei miei bellissimi ricordi insieme a quest'incantevole città."

Adelaide from Italy (Discover Paris II)

"When I signed up for the second Discover Paris edition, I didn't have any experience with photography but I left with a lot of new knowledge, awesome photos and a bunch of great new friends. A big thank you to Massimiliano & Gabriele for providing interesting and professional workshop sessions, great organisation and amazing conversations! I enjoyed the past few days a lot and especially valued about the project that it was so flexibile in meeting everyone's needs from amateur to professional. The communication in the group was lovely as everyone was super nice, helpful and caring, I really hope to see you all again someday  I will definitely look out for future projects of the twins!"

Ulrike from Germany (Discover Paris II)

"My experience with this project has been great. Four days in Paris with amazing people and lots of creative inspiration. The workshops are useful and the organizers are patient and helpful. Sharing days with like-minded people is a godsend for your mind and heart. I thank the twins and all the fantastic people I met thanks to "let me italian you", a project dedicated to travel-loving photographers that allows you to combine good people, beautiful places and photographic experience at affordable costs."

Jenie from Italy (Discover Paris II)

"Paris in spring is a great idea! With LMIY I had the opportunity to join a group of passionate photographer and at the same time to visit the most beautiful locations in Paris! It was a pleasure to be part of this experience!"

Guido from Italy (Discover Paris I)

"Sono partita per questo viaggio con un bagaglio pieno di emozioni contrastanti tra loro; l’idea di andare a Parigi a fare ciò che amo ovvero fotografare e visitare nuovi luoghi mi piaceva tantissimo ma ammetto di essere aver portato con me quel 26 aprile anche tante insicurezze e paure. Stavo andando incontro al viaggiare all’estero da sola per la prima volta, pensavo al fatto che avrei avuto a che fare con tante persone che non conoscevo e soprattutto essendo la prima esperienza con questo progetto non sapevo cosa mi aspettava. Ma mi è bastato poco, anzi pochissimo, per rendermi conto di star vivendo un’esperienza unica. Ho avuto la fortuna di conoscere persone fantastiche e da subito ho avuto la consapevolezza che per qualsiasi cosa loro ci sarebbero state per me. Tra risate, pianti, abbracci, tante foto e soprattutto tanti tanti passi, ho vissuto dei giorni che sicuramente saranno indimenticabili. Grazie di tutto, ci rivediamo presto!"

Doriana from Italy (Discover Paris II)

"È stata un’esperienza unica, ho conosciuto persone davvero fantastiche. Non è stato solamente un viaggio, ma molto di più! Grazie ancora per tutto quanto, ci vediamo presto!"

Martina from Italy (Discover Paris II)

"Hi guys! I’m Carla and I’m here to talk about my experience with Let me Italian you. First thing I’ve to say: This is one of the most beautiful and funny trip I’ve ever had. I met a lot of new people with the same passion of photography, I discovered magical places in Paris and I had the opportunity to talk with professional photographers who provide us with new advice and information on street art and portrait photography! I think that everybody has to live an experience like this in their life, because you can grow up as a person and improve as a photographer. I suggest you travel with the TWINS and I'm sure it will be a lovely trip for you too! I swear it."

Carla from Italy (Discover Paris II)

"I feel like part of me is still in Paris… it’s been my 3rd project and because of all of you it was very special! This time it was all this as well and (what’s way more important for me) it was about people. Thank you all for those beautiful memories!"

Monika from Poland (Discover Paris II)

"I have to thank YOU ALL, that I could be a part of this amazing and joyfull group. It was an honor for me!! The group was amazing harmonic... I miss the vibe...I miss you all.I wish you all the best and perhaps we will meet again!"

Albrecht from Germany (Discover Paris II)

"Oh là là! How many cities are incomparably more beautiful than Paris! From Venetian marble palaces, gilded domes, throughout oriental splendour, will very easily surpass it, ancient Rome with proud memories. Even all the way to fresh and cool Berlin, in the appearance of architecture, wide and straight streets. But ask the young man boiling with thirst for life since he wants start your journeys? say from Paris. Ask him: after visiting Europe where would he like to go back to? will call: to Paris! Everyone proudly repeats their Parisian memories, they listen to him more interestingly than if they were from China he was returning, and yet who has not heard of Paris? Who hardly knows it from numerous descriptions? Where do they not imitate Paris? Let these paraphrased words reflect the character of the French capital. Thank you so much Gabri Ele and Massi Maxi for this time we spent together, for every experience, taking care of us, organisation. It always gives me friendships and beautiful memories. You make everybody feel like family. Thank you Kevin M. Doolan and Kseniia Tushova for the excellent conduct of the training (specialist knowledge and - what is important - skilful sharing of it) and for the optimism, thanks to which the workshops spent together were not only work, but also a great pleasure."

Ludmila from Poland (Discover Paris II)

"Photography Project with Let Me Italian You was an amazing experience! I learned new skills, met amazing people, saw beautiful places. I felt like a part of an international family. Thank you for this magical time once again!"

Natalia from Poland (Discover Paris II)

"Our trip to Paris wasn't only about a beautiful city and taking amazing pictures, it was also about people. Finding new friends from all over the world and learning from each other. It was my first time travelling alone so I was super excited but when I arrived at the hostel and met the other participants I immediately felt like I belong. Everything was perfectly organised and I loved the workshops and the photoshoots with the models. And the twins were really patient when we were late again or got lost in the metro. We all filled our phone and camera with beautiful photos and our heart with new people and memories! Grazie mille to you and Massi! I had so much fun during the discovery.  And I loved everything, the workshops, the people, the photoshoots with the model, everything. Thank you for taking care of me, you guys are amazing. See you for sure on another trip with you!

Lara from Germany (Discover Paris II)

"My first project with Let Me Italian You was in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Paris! During 4 days I had the opportunity to discover this amazing city, to improve my photography skills but most importantly, I had the chance to meet some amazing people from so many countries. Organizing a project like this is not an easy task regarding the tide schedule in the big city, but even with this, we were able to do many different activities, and that's why I need to thank these two twins. This was for sure a trip that I will never forget and I hope to do this again! Thank you."

Afonso from Portugal (Discover Paris II)

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