1st edition

2nd edition

3rd edition

Alice Isani
Maria Gavin
Paola Agati
4 (9)
1 (15)
3 (7)
Yan Pekar
Vanessa Colosetti
matteo iacuitti
Big Ben - Group Picture (1)

"Quei viaggi che riempiono cuore e anima, che ti fanno scoprire qualcosa in più di te stessa, che ti fanno conoscere nuove e bellissime persone, anime belle dal cuore grande, con le quali condividi risate a crepapelle, stanchezza, momenti indimenticabili e qualche fuga dai gabbiani londinesi. Quei viaggi grazie ai quali scopri che: “che cazzo ci conosciamo a fare se non mangiamo la lattuga l’uno dell’altra.”

Viaggi così non si dimenticano mai.

Ci vediamo alla prossima! Grazie Let me Italian you"


Isabella from Italy (Discover London I)

"Partire con Let me Italian you è stata una splendida opportunità che mi ha permesso di conciliare la mia passione per il viaggio e quella per la fotografia. Due gemelli responsabili, un fotografo professionista super disponibile e competente e tanti posti belli da vedere. Un'esperienza che ti fa sentire parte di una nuova famiglia, oltre frontiere, oltre confini, oltre tradizioni e culture. Persone belle. Persone buone. Quattro giorni intensi, ma che rimangono nel cuore. Grazie Let me Italian you."


Giorgia from Italy (Discover London I)

"London is a beautiful city mostly during christmas time because of the lights and the atmosphere and I simply fell in love with it. The project was well planed and really great, I enjoyed every minute of it!"

Dorka said.


What our participants said about their experiences in Discover London

"A beautiful city, incredible people, two lovely twins, a super photographer: this is the recipe for an amazing experience!! I am very happy to have participated in this project! Spending time with people who have the same passion for photography was great!

It was an opportunity to confront and meet new people!! Thank you Letmeitalianyou!"


Elisa from Italy (Discover London I)

"Discover London - Christmas edition è stato un viaggio fantastico. Ho potuto godere della bellezza di Londra anche attraverso quell'aria natalizia che già in questo periodo si fa sentire. Grazie a Yan ho potuto imparare alcune tecniche per migliorare nella fotografia. Inoltre, ho conosciuto tante persone stupende con cui ho condiviso momenti che mi rimarranno sempre."


Chiara from Italy (Discover London I)

"Per la prima volta ho potuto viaggiare e fare questa esperienza con i ragazzi di let me italian you con cui mi sono divertita molto. Ho potuto conoscere nuove persone facendoci amicizia e con cui ho scambiato opinioni e punti di vista. Questa esperienza mi ha lasciato ricordi che non dimenticherò. Grazie!!"

Martina from Italy (Discover London I)

"È stata una bella esperienza,mi sono divertito un sacco,ho conosciuto tante belle persone e soprattutto ho imparato tanto dalle lezioni di Yan Pekar!! Lo rifarei altre 100 volte :)) grazie!!"


Matteo from Italy (Discover London I)

"Appena arrivata a casa. Grazie ancora di tutto Gabri e Massi…come sempre bellissima esperienza. Mi mancherete! I viaggi con voi sempre fantastici! Days that will remain in the heart! This year December started in a special way for me! Thanks to letmeitalianyou for the beautiful Christmas edition project! Un abbraccio ed alla prossima!"

Eleonora from Italy (Discover London I)

"È stata una bellissima esperienza in cui ho avuto la fortuna di conoscere persone fantastiche con cui ho condiviso tanti bei momenti. C’è stato parecchio spazio da dedicare alla fotografia e i consigli ricevuti sono stati utili. Sicuramente la consiglierei!Thank you all for this amazing experience. I met beautiful people and shared beautiful moments I hope to see you soon in a next edition. Have a safe trip u all! Infine, grazie mille a Gabri e Massi per questa esperienza. È stato davvero bello condividere questo tempo insieme e conoscere delle persone fantastiche con cui condividere la mia passione. Ci rivedremo sicuramente in futuro!"


Filippo from Italy (Discover London I)

"I have the tradition to join a Letmeitalianyou project at least once every year! This year it was London and as always it was amazing! Thank you for everything. I'm ready to return to Italy with a baggage full of memories. I hope to see soon all you. You all are really nice people!"


Matteo from Italy (Discover London I)


"Grazie a Let me Italian ho vissuto un viaggio straordinario, che riempie cuore e anima.

Un viaggio che mi ha fatto scoprire un posto nuovo e delle persone con cui ho condiviso momenti irripetibili. Un viaggio che non dimenticherò mai."


Antonio from Italy (Discover London I)

"Contenta di aver partecipato ad un altro progetto con Let me Italian you, soprattutto perché ogni volta ho la possibilità di conoscere nuovi posti, nuove persone, nuove personalità. E’ ciò che mi serve per staccare dalla vita di tutti i giorni e spero di poter rivederci magari ad un prossimo Discover!"


Sara from Italy (Discover London I)

"Having met both Massi and Gabriele in person, they have such a warm presence. They were kind and incredibly considerate of those around them. It was a great opportunity to meet photographers from various places as well as the others modelling. I had a lot of fun during the shoot, getting to know other people and feeling so welcomed, being pretty new to the space of modelling aswell. Thank you! I would highly recommend this opportunity to anyone who loves photography and exploring beauty be that be moments, places and people!"

Stacia - Model (Discover London I)

"Tutte le volte è la stessa storia: '- Ma tu come hai saputo di questo viaggio? - - Ma guarda...mi hanno contattato tramite social, Italian qualcosa...Incuriosita ho cercato informazioni, perchè mica mi fidavo!! Poi mi sono detta: perchè no? Al massimo mi trovo in una bella città per qualche giorno e da dormire lo troverò, no?' Beh, da allora ho raccontato questa storia 9 volte, in 9 città diverse, ad almeno 25 persone diverse ogni volta (questa volta eravamo 30!!!!) Giorni di sorrisi, di passi, di battute, di scatti, di condivisione, ed ogni volta si rinnova la facilità al confronto che la stessa passione scaturisce e ti fa crescere. E ti trovi a fare colazione in un pub che alla sera diventa discoteca, a saltare in mezzo alle palline colorate come se fossi ancora bambina, a mangiare nachos e tacos come se non ci fosse un domani. Anche questa avventura è terminata. Grazie agli splendidi gemelli barbuti di #letmeitalianyou Gabriele Letmeitalian Ragusa che non hanno mollato continuando a credere nel proprio #sogno. Proud of you, EVER. Thanks to Yan Pekar  for sharing his photographic knowledge and perspective of photographic life. Grazie ai nuovi e un po meno nuovi compagni di viaggio E alla prossima avventura!!!


Eleana from Italy (Discover London I)

"Hello my new and old friends! I am still in London and this huge city feels empty without you. Thanks a million for the opportunity to get to know you. You are all amazing people and your company was wonderful. Shoot what you love and put your heart and soul into creating meaningful photos"

Yan Pekar - Photographer  (Discover London I)

"It was my first experience with LetMeltalianYou and I really enjoyed it! My second time in London was remembering everything I missed. It's a magical city and this time around Christmas even more so! I learned a lot during these days, I met several people and I take incredible advice into my life as a photographer. Gabri and Massi it was a pleasure meeting you, thank you for all your availability and attention to us.

Hope to see you soon!"


Joana from Portugal (Discover London I)

"I hadn't been abroad for 3 years for pandemic and finally I went to London again obviously with my Let me Italian you family. Discover London - Christmas Edition has been an amazing project so, one more time, I have to thanks these guys soooo kind and patient Gabriele and Massi. Huge thanks to our Master Yan Pekar for all the new skills and suggestions in photography and of course for your real friendship. Thanks  new and old friends for coming and see you next time!"


Vanessa from Spain (Discover Italy I)

"I had a wonderful time in London with the letmeitalianyou project. London is a beautiful city mostly during christmas time because of the lights and the atmosphere and i simply fell in love with it. The project was well planed and really great, I enjoyed every minute of it. Everyone was really nice and it was good to be photographers together and learn together about photography. I'd reccomend it to anyone who loves photography and excited about London."

Dorka from Hungary (Discover London I)

"Anche se solo come accompagnatore, l’esperienza Discover London, è stata un’avventura stupenda! Ho avuto la possibilità di visitare una capitale come Londra e di conoscere tante persone simpatiche con cui ho condiviso un sacco di bei momenti!!"


Davide from Italy (Discover London I)

"Ho partecipato a Discover London I, ed è stata la mia prima esperienza di questo tipo. Mi sono trovata molto bene sia con il gruppo che come organizzazione. Parteciperò sicuramente a un'altra edizione"

Michela from Estonia (Discover London I)

"I am so grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to visit London with this group. The tours with the local guide made the trip so relaxing and it was an easy way to visit such a big capital like London. I think it was the best idea to participate in the project, because I could meet new people and I could visit everything I want. I recommend to everyone to go with them, because you will find two kind souls and also another people that maybe you can visit after the project. See you in the next project!"


Bianca from Romania (Discover London II)

"The project gave me the opportunity to explore London from different sides, meet new people and, above all, learn a lot of new things about photography, especially streets and portrait photography. It was nice to see how people of different ages came together, connected with photography and just had fun. I'm glad I had the opportunity to experience this with a group of wonderful people! I had a really nice time!"

Jasmine from Germany (Discover London II)

"I am on my second project with Let Me Italian You and I already feel that I am part of a big family, with diverse and incredible people from all over the world. This Discover London 2 edition was magical. London is a vibrant and diverse city full of history, culture and unmistakable energy. It is a fascinating blend of tradition and modernity, offering an impressive variety of attractions and experiences and I had the opportunity to enjoy all these things with Let me Italian you and the wonderful group formed. I attended interesting workshops where I had the opportunity to improve my knowledge about photography, but another remarkable aspect of the photography project that I truly treasure is the chance it provided to connect with different people from diverse backgrounds, each with their unique stories and photographic journeys, has been an enriching experience itself. I'm grateful for the friendships formed and for everything we experienced together. Thank you once again for not only imparting invaluable knowledge but also for creating an environment where meaningful connections could blossom. I am truly grateful for the guidance and effort you have put into making this trip an unforgettable experience and I can t wait to join you again!"


Ioana from Romania (Discover London II)

"Just arrived in Belgium and there's SNOOOOW everywheeeere! Anyway, Thanks a lot Massi and Gabri for the really nice organization and experience we shared again together...and thank to all of you guys for all the chats and shared moments! I really enjoyed this short but intense trip, with a lot of beautiful people

Simona from Italy (Discover London II)

"I am happy to have been part of Discover London 2, I was a bit sceptical at the beginning because I have never been part of a group before, but thanks to my friend Doriana I came across this wonderful experience. I got on very well with the people who partecipated in this project and it was very easy to make friends with them, I felt at home with them. A special thanks to Massimiliano and Gabriele who gave us the opportunity to take part in this wonderful initiative. I am sure I will continue to travel with Let Me Italian You, see you next trip!"


Lucia from Italy (Discover London II)

"Hi everyone, I've returned to my Sardinia, with Discover London I've reached my 10th participation. Many thanks to the twins, (who are like brothers) for giving me this opportunity, they were beautiful discoveries of beautiful cities, and thanks to my passion for photography I discovered so much beauty, but thanks to all the people who welcomed me, despite my limitations and my age. I will carry in my heart the many beautiful moments we spent together. I'll stop here for now. Maybe we will see each other again if God wants. Good life to everyone!"

Silvia from Italy (Discover London II)

"Heading home! Thank you all guys so much, wish you all good luck and let’s hope to meet again soon! Thanks for everything!"

Francesca from Italy (Discover London I)

"Descrivere la mia esperienza a Londra coi gemelli? Io userei la parola "home" per adattarla al luogo in cui siamo andati, ovvero Londra. In pochi giorni loro sono stati in grado di riaccendere la mia passione per la fotografia che era sceso molto ultimamente(complice anche il fatto che mi avete portato a Londra che è la città in cui vivrei). Quello che sono stati in grado di fare è essere loro stessi punti di riferimento per noi in qualunque occasione, dei punti fermi su cui contare e a cui puntare guardando la bandierina gialla avvicinarsi o allontanarsi e essere in questo modo un po' i cugini gemelli che tutti vorrebbero. Questo, unito alle bellissime persone che ho conosciuto l'ha resa un'esperienza fantastica. Questo progetto è stato quindi come un viaggio alla riscoperta delle mie passioni e che grazie a voi ho ritrovato e per questo motivo vi ringrazio dal profondo"


Matteo from Italy (Discover London II)

"Good morning everyone, I'm on the bus, heading to the airport. I send you a big virtual hug and I wanted to tell you that I had a lot of fun and that I thank each of you for the company and the laughs we had. I wish you a good day and I hope to see you again in many other Let me Italian's projects! We'll keep in touch, old and new friends."


Irina from Italy (Discover London III)

"Thank you all so much for being so friendly and helpful, I have so very much enjoyed myself."

Carole from UK (Discover London III)

"Good morning, thank you again Gabri and Massi for another wonderful experience. Seeing London as a tourist with such a lovely group will be a memory I will keep. I had a wonderful time. Till next time!"


Marilyn from UK (Discover London III)

"Thank you to everyone for a wonderful London trip - safe travels home to everyone.  Lots of new friends made! Looking forward to seeing all the amazing photos on your instagram!"

Barbara from Ireland (Discover London III)

"Thanks to all of you guys! It was a great experience, I hope we will meet again in another trip!"

Paola from Italy (Discover London III)

"I have to catch my flight, so sadly could not join in to the last walk to Camden with you! Thanks to all of you for making this trip memorable and fun!It was lovely to meet you allTill the future meetings!"


Eiliki from Estonia (Discover London III)

"I had the pleasure of participating in the Discover London Christmas edition project. It was a wonderful experience, I had the opportunity to meet fantastic people and I hope to be able to participate in other projects. It is an experience that I highly recommend!"


Aurora from Italy (Discover London III)

"The London trip was my first project with Gabri & Massi. It was extremely well organised. It consisted of a full itinerary every day from tours around the city, photoshoots with models and workshops with a professional photographer. Gabri & Massi made sure that nobody was left behind on each trip! In the evening you could meet up with the group for dinner. Whether you came solo or part of a group, everyone was made feel very welcome. It was lovely to meet people from different countries and share your passion for photography. It was a great way to see London and I will definitely be going on more of these projects in the future.Many thanks to Gabri & Massi for all their hard work, dedication and patience in organising such a fantastic trip."


Maria from Ireland (Discover London III)

"E’ stata un'esperienza indimenticabile che ha unito l’esperienza del viaggio con quella della fotografia. Dai luoghi iconici di Londra ai bellissimi momenti condivisi con gli altri partecipanti, ogni giorno era pieno di nuovi stimoli."

Alice from Italy (Discover London III)

"I really enjoyed my time in London with this wonderful group of talented people. I liked every single moment I spent there. I learned a lot at the workshops and improved my camera settings skills. I really like to travel so this was a perfect opportunity to visit London. I really recommend traveling with them!!"

Nina from Slovakia (Discover London III)

"It was the first time with a project of Letmeitalianyou: I've joined "London Christmas edition" as an amateur photographer. Frankly I didn't have particulars expectations about this experience, I was just ready to meet new people and improve my knowledges about photography. But at the end it turned out to be a fantastic experience, beyond my expectations. I've met new friends from all over Europe, sharing meaningful moments and learning a lot with the seminars of the excellent Yulia Hutton.It has been not only a project but a very enriching experience.I'm sure I'll be part of another project very soon."


Cecilia from Italy (Discover London III)

"Discover London was my first experience with Let me italian you and it really exceeded my expectations: i had the opportunity to visit London for the first time, i improved my knowledge and made a lot of experience. I had also the opportunity to know other photogtaphers and to make new friends. Definitely reccomended!"

Roberto from Italy (Discover London III)

"The first time in London was the most beautiful experience I've had.

I visited beautiful places, met new and wonderful people and made memories that I will never forget. Thank you Gabriele and Massimiliano for all the effort you put in to give us an unforgettable trip!"


Sonia from Romania (Discover London II)

"It was my first project with Letmeitalianyou and it was a great experience. 4 days amongst other photography lovers, spent discovering such a great city as London, learning about street and portrait photography thanks to the great workshops of Yulia. This project gave me the opportunity of meeting amazing and inspiring people and of learning a lot, and I hope to take part in another adventure with them in the future."

Federica from Italy (Discover London II)

"After going to the first edition in Seville, Spain I was impressed with the amount of coordination and effort put into this photography and travel project by the amazing twins, Gabriele and Massimiliano. I live in Ireland so I thought the London edition would be a great opportunity to revisit England. This second trip reminded me about the love I have for photography and travel. As well as how amazing it is to capture the world and memories through photos and videos. I inspire the twins’ dedication and patience, it takes a lot of it to organise a trip for over 25 people filled with activities packed into a few days and manage to remain calm and in control in every situation!

Thank you both so much for everything!"


Jennifer from Ireland (Discover London II)

"Finally I am home  and as always I would like to thank everyone and in particular Gabri and Massi: you guys already know and everytime you never disappoint. I love spending time with you and experiencing these trips with the groups. My feet hurt everytime a little more but my heart is always full of memories and pure joy whenever I get the chance to take part in this. See you soon!"

Rosa from Italy (Discover London II)

"Discover London 2 "Christmas Edition" was my first project with the twins. They contacted me summer 2020 but unfortunately, I couldn't join them until Nov/Dec 2023. I had a great time with them and the group. The program,  which they put together, was incredible. To meet new people and to experience new and different things was just great! I hope, I can join them for an other project in the future!"


Jaqueline from Switzerland (Discover London II)

"Gabri, Massi, Thank you for squeezing me into London project.It was amazing experience with all of you. Looking forward to meet you all again in other project or in Budapest."

Ramin from Iran (Discover London II)

"This experience was amazing. I felt very good about the city, people, exploring. Our group was actually very friendly, so it was easy to communicate and be a part of the community. London was beautiful as well! I am in love with it and the programme of the project was sooo cool and intense. I love the fact that you wanted us to see as much as possible. In the end, I am back at home with a lot of good memories and inspiration that I can use in my life here in Latvia. Thanks one more time and hopefully I will join to other projects too."


Marija from Latvia (Discover London II)

"Thank you all for these wonderful days spent together, I hope to see you again soon! Non vedo l’ora di partecipare nuovamente! Grazie di tutto e sempre un’esperienza indimenticabile!"

Doriana from Italy (Discover London II)

"Me and Pasquale are at Heatrow airport right now.

Thanks to Massi, Gabry and to everyone for this amazing experience that we shared! We really enjoyed it! We hope to see you all soon!"


Tomasz from Poland (Discover London II)

"Me and Pasquale are at Heatrow airport right now. Thanks to Massi, Gabry and to everyone for this amazing experience that we shared! We really enjoyed it! We hope to see you all soon!"

Pasquale and Gennarina from Italy (Discover London II)

"London Christmas edition was my first, and after that I know it's not the last one! Twins tried to reach me since 2018, and I always had some issues to go with them! Now, I know that's the best way to see the most beautiful cities in Europe and meet amazing people from different countries! Also this trip was my comeback to photography, I stopped using my camera for a long time and that was a reminder to never let go your passion! Just be prepared for a lot of walking because Twins wants to show us as much as they can in 4 days!"


Ania from Poland (Discover London II)

"Thank you all for the amazing days spent together! It’s been a pleasure meeting you all. Hope to see you again soon! Massi and Gabri Grazie mille di tutto! I can not wait to travel again with you!"

Ilana from Italy (Discover London II)

"I am forever grateful for this first experience and opportunity I had during this trip with Let me Italian You - London in Christmas edition. Everyone was helpful, lovely and super talented throughout. Through this trip not only you're obtaining new skills set in your photography journey but also getting to know new friends all over Europe which shares the same passion, as you do! Gabriele and Massi were very patient and helpful throughout, everything was well organized. I will definitely recommend it, for any skilled level person as it's an experience to treasure throughout. I can not wait for my next project with them!"


Gabriella from Malta (Discover London III)

"Ho partecipato a Discover London Christmas edition, è stato il mio primo viaggio di questo tipo. Ho conosciuto persone fantastiche con cui mi sono divertita molto. Grazie a questo viaggio sono riuscita ad unire due mie passioni: viaggiare e fotografare. Grazie per la bellissima esperienza, indimenticabile!"

Soni from Italy (Discover London III)

"Thanks for another wonderful time! I had a fantastic time with you and London is simply magical!"

Lara from Germany (Discover London II)

"Hi, my name is Rachele and this has been my very first time joining the project of Letmeitalianyou! The destination was the gorgeous city of London, which I found astonishing, and the most precious memories will be all the times spent with new people I met during this trip (in few days they have become real friends!). We also had photography lessons and practicing with the famous photographer Yulia Hutton, whom I loved, and learnt a lot about street and portrait photography. In conclusion one of my most wonderful journey! Hoping to join everyone on a new adventure soon!!"


Rachele from Italy (Discover London III)

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