6th Edition

7th Edition

8th Edition

9th Edition

10th Edition

11th Edition

12th Edition

13th Edition

14th Edition

2nd Edition

3rd Edition

4th Edition

5th Edition

15th Edition

Martina Miglietta
Giulia Pansarella
Guido Casati
Francesco Panico
Foto Gruppo 2 (2)
Modificata 2021

"Well, back to reality now... A million thanks to all of you for making this days something unique, full of great photos (of course, because we are the best group of photographers... ), great mood and friendship. And special thanks to Gabriele and Massimiliano for making this possible.

I wish you all great times of photographs!"

David from Spain (Discover Krakow II)


"As part of the Discover Krakow II group, I can honestly say that the experience provided by Let me Italian you was a great one! All the organised tours and workshops were excellent and kept within the time limits we had. The twins are super at both organising and entertaining and the only problem I had is the trip wasn't long enough! I would recommend these two to anyone, Thanks again."


Jessica from UK (Discover Krakow II)

"Let me Italian you knows how to bring people together, how to make your stay in Poland interesting and how to keep you adventurous and curious." Polina said.


What our participants said about their experiences in Discover Krakow



"An amazing experience with a lot of fantastic friends all over the world who share the same passion for the photography! You'll see Krakow under different points of view and different lights!"


Vadim from Italy (Discover Krakow III)

"Esperienza straordinaria!! Ho scoperto luoghi bellissimi, che mai avrei pensato di visitare in vita mia!! Si conoscono un sacco di persone e si cresce anche confrontandosi con il gruppo!! Da fare sicuramente! Grazie per l'esperienza!"


Alessandro from Italy (Discover Krakow III)

"Fantastic experience! Massi and Gabri leaded us, with seriousness and a perfect organization, in a photo tour made of workshops, outdoor shooting and guided tours to discover this wonderful city in 5 days full of photographic experiences and personal enrichment.
Recommended for anyone who loves photography, traveling and getting to know new friends!
An experience I will remember for a long time!"


Katya from Italy (Discover Krakow III)

"Mi sono trovata bene fin dal primo momento, é stata un'esperienza formativa bellissima e indimenticabile! Un grazie speciale a Let me Italian you per avermi dato la possibilità di partecipare e alle persone che ho conosciuto durante questo viaggio.

5 stelle meritatissime!"


Francesca from Italy (Discover Krakow III)

"Organizzazione fantastica, organizzatori splendidi, città meravigliosa.
What else?!
Un'esperienza che rifarei altre mille volte!"


Martina from Italy  (Discover Krakow III)

"Esperienza fantastica con persone fantastiche , e poi che dire, Cracovia rimane nel cuore!"

Giulia from Italy (Discover Krakow III)

"This few days were full of discover, sharing and laughing... I leave Krakow with a lot of great memories and inspiration! Thank you for everything, see you in Marseille, Italy or where the wind would bring us!!"


Alice from France (Discover Krakow II)

"Very well organised photo project! The themes are interesting and some are really challenging for a photographer willing to find something different. The request for 20 photos allows to create a good personal selection, and each person's taste and sensibility really show up in the final gallery. Fine and usefuls workshops.
I really appreciated the feeling of collaboration and friendship created in the group, as well the great improvement anyone could get working with such different style photographers. And, above all, the best part is the quantity and quality of personal connections between the participants and also with the protagonists of the workshops, which will eventually may find a professional direction."


Luca from Italy (Discover Krakow II)

"Thank u so much for this wonderful experience! thanks to you I had the opportunity to visit a fantastic city ( Krakow), the opportunity to improve myself and improve my technique! Thanks for everything and thanks for all the fun! Especially thanks Massi and Gabri, for support,to stress that they have had to endure the endure and the laughs!

Love u so much!"


Giada from Italy (Discover Krakow IV)

"Such an incredible experience. We had the opportunity to visit, discover and live the city from different points of view. The city is amazing, the workshops offered were very interesting, and the nights we went out all together to dinner and have fun .  

I met a lot of beautiful people and I spent such a great time.

I recommend this experience to everyone who likes to travel and meet new people!"                                      


Miriam from Italy (Discover Krakow IV)



"This experience gave me the opportunity to grow up my knowledge about what is real Photography and its main characteristics. The project's steps were very different from each others, day by day, and always helpful for everyone's own cultural growth."


Enrico from Italy (Discover Krakow IV)

"Thank you Massi and Gabri for inviting me. I feel honored being part of the group.

Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to learn new tricks and tips on how to do my photography better. For someone who has a little knowledge about photography on a professional level this was really amazing.

It has opened up entirely new horizon. 
And thank you for giving me the chance to meet such an inspiring folks and for your charm and charisma. I have experienced the unexpected and now I feel so much inspired that I just simply want to do more and more."


Maja friom Slovakia (Discover Krakow IV)

"Let me Italian you was an amazing experience for me and for my photographical skills!

You should to partecipate to this project,

it will be spectacular!

Thank you twins! See you soon!"


Ilaria from Italy (Discover Krakow IV)

"I am so happy to have experienced and shared this short but intensive workshop with you all!! It was a great experience of life and I say thanks to you all and God to make this dream possible, despite of some difficulties. Love you, love Krakow. Love everyone around the world!  

Thanks twins, you are the best! "


Maria from Italy (Discover Krakow IV)

"Well, what to say, it was a wonderful experience, both from an educational level than on a human, to know people living in another country or just in another region of my Italy is an experience that makes it grow, and it is with the others and thanks to others that you learn tricks and secrets of our craft, photography.

Thanks Gabriele and Massimiliano."


Aurora from Italy (Discover Krakow IV)

"Thank you so much Massimiliano and Gabriele for 5 amazing days which I spent in Krakow. What was the best? To get new experience in photography, to make new friends or to discover Krakow? No words, just do it! Great project!

Hope to see you again!"

Anastasiya from Russia (Discover Krakow IV)

"Thank you so much for this amazing project twins! I made an amazing experience, learned a lot, and met a lot of amazing people! my shyness is like disappeared on this trip  I really hope to see all of you again soon!The city, the project, knowing new people...everything was amazing!"


Luna from Italy (Discover Krakow IV)

"Here is one week filled with good memories who is ending the match in the city of Krakow which is beautifully magical and magical all people. Too bad its not lasted longer. I sincerely hope to see you again .

A huge kiss from France."


Stephane from France (Discover Krakow IV)

"The fusion of the passion for the photography and the discover for new places and culture: this is Discover Krakow International Contest!
A great experience where a lot of people, from different places, different cultures, and knowledge, have presented their point of view through the eye of their camera. All enriched from workshops and experiences from important polish photographers."


Pasquale from Italy (Discover Krakow III)

"It was a great experience with amazing people from all over the world. All with the same passion: photography. And this brought us together. We had a great time working, exploring and having a lot of fun. I would like to repeat this experience again and again!"


Sergio from Italy (Discover Krakow II)

"The twins are amazing and the travel was fabulous!

 I highly recommend Let me italian you!!!

Such an incredible experience!

I've partecipated in Krakow, Barcelona and Budapest.

Thank you so much Gabriele and Massi."


Romane from France (Discover Krakow IV)

"If you want to visit new places, make about a thousand new photos, meet new people, practise foreign languages and make friends around the world, this experience is absolutely for you! The twins know how to bring people together, how to make your stay in Poland interesting and how to keep you adventurous and curious I had so much fun during our "Discover Krakow" edition, hope you won't hesitate to try it too!"


Polina from Russia (Discover Krakow II)

"Un'esperienza stupenda con voi... Organizzazione impeccabile, simpatia, tempi giusti, luoghi scelti con cura!

Rifarei tutto altre 100, 1000 volte! 


Flaminia from Italy (Discover Krakow III)

"Thank you Massi and Gabriele for such a great opportunity, I enjoyed every bit of the trip and I have learned a lot. Very happy to have discovered Kraków with awesome people who are so talented! Hope to see you all soon! Can't wait to see your final pics!" 


Marie from France (Discover Krakow IV)

"If you are passionate about photography and travelling Discover Krakow will be for sure an experience to keep close to your heart! I enjoyed the time I spent with the group, and it enriched my photography knowledge."


Anamaria from Romania (Discover Krakow II)

"Fantastic program. Gabriele and Massimiliano have a great talent for organisation and a touching dedication to the communities they build among the participants of their workshops. They are enthusiastic about photography and photographers, and must be commended for bringing wonderfully diverse people together to experience the places they love."


Greg from USA (Discover Krakow II)

"It's been a great experience, with lovely people from different countries and different knowledge. Very well organized, with excursions and workshops to improve your photography skills!! Thanks to Gabriele and Massimiliano for asking me to participate because Krakow is a beautiful place. Don't be afraid to try this experience because for me it was extraordinary!

It has been a pleasure guys!"

Jessica from Spain (Discover Krakow III)

"If you love photography, travel, and meet new people this is the perfect projet for you! I was grateful for this amazing exerience because I saw a new beautiful city and I had the opportunity to compare photos I take with people who share my passion! In addiction I make new friends and I have a lot of fun!

Thank you Massimiliano  and Gabriele!"


Sara from Italy (Discover Krakow VI)

"Discover Krakow VI è stata un'esperienza incredibile! Prima di partire per un viaggio si hanno sempre molte aspettative, riguardo l'organizzazione, il posto, il cibo e le persone con le quali condividerai la quotidianità; devo dire di non essere stata delusa, anzi le mie aspettative non comprendevano le emozioni che ho provato e le persone fantastiche che ho conosciuto. Ho imparato qualcosa da ognuno di loro, per questo devo ringraziare Gabriele e Massimiliano, senza i quali tutto ciò non sarebbe stato possibile. Consiglio a tutti gli amanti della fotografia, esperti e non, di partecipare ad un Discover organizzato dai gemelli, e chissà ... magari ci conosceremo al prossimo!"


Silvia  from Italy (Discover Krakow VI)

"It was a very amzing experience!

I loved photography, learn, meet new people from other country or region of italy and compare us about photography and life!



Alice  from Italy(Discover Krakow VI)


"It happened all at a sadden. Someone wrote a message, and got me know that there would be a photography project at Krakow I may be interested in. It’s been the beginning of a long love story which included two twins, twenty nine strangers from all over the world and four irreplaceable girls. The five-day permanence at Krakow gave me the opportunity to meet amateurs and professionals who were constantly confronting each other without any fear of being misjudged or underestimated. it made up a sense of community respect and support that got better and better during the city trips and the daily shootings. Our agenda was unceasingly full of interesting and challenging events so I found just few hours for my personal discovering of the city but potential unplanned places are mentioned on the booklet. As I recollect the just experienced edition in Krakow I can’t stand quoting John Lennon’s words : “you may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one”. We all were dreamers tasting the very essence of photography in an enchanting place, even though I think of myself as the luckiest one ‘cause I’ve met the most amazing more-than-a-roommate girls ever! So let’s start it and share your passion for photography!"


Anna from Italy (Discover Krakow VI)

"E' stata un'esperienza unica e meravigliosa.

Ho vissuto quattro giorni intensi con persone speciali e uniche anche nel loro modo di vedere il mondo attraverso la fotografia. Per non parlare degli organizzatori, Massimiliano e Gabriele, pazienti e attenti ad ogni dettaglio.
Esperienza da ripetere."


Frank from Italy (Discover Krakow VI)

"Un'esperienza formativa imperdibile!

Ottima organizzazione e compagnia.

Workshop interessanti e davvero utili. Insomma.. consigliatissimi sotto tutti i punti di vista!"


Tiziana  from Italy (Discover Krakow VI)

"Discover Krakow has been a really special experience for me. Getting the opportunity to discover a new city and helping to improve my photography skills by showing us different types of photography. I´ve learned a lot during the project, the people inspired me and I enjoyed all the activities. These days were fun I got to know people from different countries and they were always willing to help and give feedback. I could appreciate all the different styles every person has and I saw how individual and personal photography is, it´s the talent and passion that turned all pictures into art. Once the project finished it made me realise it´s my turn to go and explore what the world has for me as a photographer. Personally now I feel more confident in the street photography I see more of the beauty in it with different eyes. There is so much to say about this experience but most importantly a big thank you to you all, the photographers, guides models, stylist from Krakow the rest of the participants and especially of course the Ragusa twins for making it possible,

I hope to see you soon in an other city."


 Micaela from Sweden (Discover Krakow VI)

"It was a really-really great experience! 

I enjoyed it very much. The workshops were very useful and fun.

The twins organised for each and every day interesting workshops and activities.

Thank you very much for inviting me and

I can fully recommend it to anyone!

Hopefully see you soon on another workshop."


Tamara from Hungary (Discover Krakow VI)

"Great experience with amazing people! Helped me in every way possible to feel at home!

 Would definitely go on another Discover project and also recommend it to other people.

A way to improve on your photography skills and a great opportunity!"


Deborah from Malta (Discover Krakow VI)

"Discover Krakow è stata un'esperienza straordinaria, incredibile,fantastica. Mi ha permesso di conoscere persone meravigliose con cui ho condiviso moltissime emozioni e momenti bellissimi che non scorderò mai. In termini fotografici ho avuto la possibilità di crescere partecipando a workshop di alto livello, e non meno importante ho avuto l'onore oltre che il piacere di confrontarmi con persone molto preparate e talentuose, ovvero tutti i miei colleghi di avventura. E infine un grazie di cuore a Massimiliano e Gabriele Ragusa per la loro professionalità nel gestire tutto questo. Grazie davvero molte grazie."


Rosy from Italy (Discover Krakow VI)

"Everything has been already said before me.

I will certainly join them again!"


Kristian from Estonia (Discover Krakow VI)

"Ciao ragazzi! Thank you again for organizing this amazing project! I'm really happy that I decided to go! I made lot of new experiences about taking photos and I've got a different view of photography! We had a great time together with the other participants and hope to stay in touch with them as well. I'm looking forward to seeing you again and wish you good luck and all the best with new projects!!"


Gabor from Hungary (Discover Krakow VI)

"Con una grande tristezza e tanta malinconia dobbiamo scrivere la parola FINE di questa meravigliosa esperienza. Partire per un viaggio "da sola" é stata una sfida difficile... ma ora la sfida piu grande sarà essere tutti cosí lontani e cosí "da soli". un esperienza veramente intesa... bhe che dire se non GRAZIE! Spero vivamente di riabbracciarvi presto e chissa magari partire per una nuova avventura tutti insieme! ovviamente un grazie è doveroso a chi ha organizzato tutta la vacanza #letmeitalianyou Massimiliano Gabriele ! Grazie per averci in un qualche modo scelto per aver creduto in noi e avere regalato questa esperienza! #discoverkrakow "

Cecilia from Italy (Discover Krakow V)

"First of all, my thanks and appreciation to the mentors/organisers of the project, Gabriele and Massimiliano, for your dedication to the group, for the excellent organization, planning and diversity of the events inside "the event". Then join 30 different people, from different nationalities, and make them a great family, in fact 5***** are not enough to rate this event.

Thank you for making this possible. Keep going!"


Maria Teresa from Portugal (Discover Krakow VI)

"Such an amazing experience. I come back at home with new skills ad with a new international family!

 I hope to partecipate another time! Congratulation to Gabri and Massi, two amazing person that keep alive this project"

Cecilia from Italy (Discover Krakow VI)

"Cinque stelle, tutte meritate: per le scelte formative, per l'accoglienza, per le scelte ludiche, per le occasioni di socializzazione, per la pazienza, per l'impegno, per tutte le attenzione che Gabriele e Massimiliano dedicano a ciascuno dei partecipanti prima, durante e dopo i loro "Discover"."


Pasquale from Italy (Discover Krakow VI)

"I have to admit that I had no idea what to expect when Massi invited me to take part in the Discover Krakow project, but I really had an amazing time! It turned out to be an awesome time of camaraderie and discovery with fellow photographers and I made some great new friends from all over Europe."


Raeleen from Canada (Discover Krakow V)

"Esperienza unica ed indimenticabile! 

Ringrazio Massimiliano e Gabriele per l'opportunità ricevuta e per la loro immensa disponibilità!"


Sara from Italy (Discover Krakow V)

"Thanks a lot for inviting me. I am really happy that I could participate at this workshop and I had the chance to meet some amazing people with the same passion as me. I got the chance to work with some professional models, which is very important for my photography career. I think you two are doing a great job, and I hope that you will reach your goal in becoming well known all over Europe and maybe all over the world. For sure I would like to participate in another workshop in the future and I would highly recommend your project to anyone. You two are amazing people. Kind, funny and very easy going and I am very happy that I've met you. Keep up the good work!!!"


Dori from Romania (Discover Krakow VI)

I've just arrived at home after "Discover Krakow - Christmas Edition". What can I say? It's difficult to find the right words to describe this experience! It was amazing. All the workshops were really interesting and help me to increase my photography skills and everything was organized perfectly.

Professional photographers and models were very patient and helpful with us! In these days I met a lot of great photographers that now are my friends!

We were like a big family, it was really hard to say to them good bye. I hope to keep in touch with each of them. And last but not last, Gabriele and Massimiliano. I very grateful to them, they are two amazing boys and they were always ready to help us and to answer to our questions. They made these days special and unforgettable! You will always be in my heart. I highly recommend this experience to all photography lovers. It's something that you will remember forever.  


Samantha from Italy (Discover Krakow VI)

"The whole experience was absolutely great and fun.

The main purpose were photography workshops but besides that you've met a lot of kind and interesting people for whom you can say you'll try to see again somewhere in the world!"


Urska from Slovenia (Discover Krakow V)

"Thank you Gabriele and Massimiliano for inviting me! These days in Krakow were a amazing unforgettable adventure, and I enjoyed it so much! Thanks to all of you guys for such a great time! There's only one thing to say: Encore!"


Verena from Austria (Discover Krakow V)

"The last few days have been really great! Went to Discover Budapest after having participated in Discover Krakow V.

It's a a wonderful experience.

The twins are amazing! 

Thank you for making it possible."


Adriana from Italy (Discover Krakow V)

"Even if I am still here I already miss this amazing city. I lost my heart in a place I had never thought of visiting one day. Thank you so much, Massimiliano and Gabriele, for this great opportunity!  You gave me some of the best days I've ever had and the possibility to meet new friends that really might enrich my life!  And you, guys, also did! You are just great!  I can really recommend everyone to participate because it's much more than just a project about photography....and it's also more than discovering a new city. It's making unbelievable experiences you will never forget!"


Daniela from Germany (Discover Krakow V, VI, VIII)

"An intense experience , stimulating from every point of view , which allowed me to discover this wonderful city and meeting new people .

I thank 'my favorite' twins Ragusa :)"


Giusi from Italy (Discover Krakow IV)

"Thank you for these incredible days in Krakow! I'm truly grateful that I've had the chance of getting to know all you guys. Thank you Gabriele and Massimiliano for making this happen - many days of laughter and creativity! See you somewhere in the world!"


Ulrika from Sweden (Discover Krakow V)

"Vi saluto dall'aeroporto che ci ha accolti un po' spaesati, curiosi di scoprire cosa ci attendesse e chi avremmo incontrato. Vi saluto con il magone in gola, dopo un'esperienza, seppure breve, davvero intensa e indimenticabile. Grazie per essere stati la miglior compagnia che potessi avere. Grazie a Massimiliano e Gabriele per questa opportunità, per avermi fatto incontrare persone speciali dalle quali imparare tanto. Ci vediamo in giro per il mondo.

See you soon!"


Claudia from Italy (Discover Krakow V)

"If you can join one of their events... do it! The Discover Krakow V project was so cool. Massimiliano and Gabriele are just great. They make a group fit together and the workshops they planned were really great!"


Annemarie from Holland (Discover Krakow V)

"Non dimenticherò nulla , non dimenticherò perché ogni momento passato insieme mi ha fatto sentire bene, non dimenticherò perché abbiamo condiviso pazzie , risate e divertimenti, non dimenticherò perché mi avete arricchito dentro senza accorgervene. Non torno a casa come prima , torno a casa con la consapevolezza di essere cresciuta interiormente oltre che professionalmente . Ringrazio soprattutto i fantastici organizzatori Massimiliano e Gabriele. Ciao krakokki!"


Cinzia from Italy (Discover Krakow V)

"Discover Kraków it's been an amazing experience! I would absolutely recommend it to everyone who loves traveling first, meeting new people and of course deepen its photography skills. This program prove how photography is not only an enchanting passion, but also a tool to unite people! All this, settled in the magic city of Kraków, which I found beautiful!

Thanks to Gabri and Massi, who made it possible!"


Giulia from Italy (Discover Krakow IV)

"Erfahrungsreiche und vor allem wunderschöne Tage von Internationalen Foto Projekt der Organisation Gabriele unterstütz von National Geographik Poland sind vorbei. In die paar Tagen sind wir zu eine Fotofamilie gewachsen . ir haben viel gelernt , miteinander
und voneinander .

Danke Twins Ragusa für super Management und Betreuung

Mille Grazie Ragazzi ! 
Vielen Dank Freunde aus dem ganzen Welt!



Heinrich  from Germany (Discover Krakow V & VIII)

"È' arrivata al termine questa fantastica esperienza dove non pensavo di riuscire a fare foto bellissime!
Fare così tante amicizie,sentirmi a mio agio e come in una famiglia in così poco tempo, forse perché la nostra passione ci ha unito ancor di più, Italiani,polacchi,inglesi,austriaci,svedesi e sopratutto Leccesi. Ricorderò questo viaggio come una possibilità che mi è stata data per crescere artisticamente,professionalmente e umanamente. Per aver cantato canzoni italiane per le vie di "Krakokkia", aver coinvolto i polacchi, per le serate in disco durate 20 minuti, per i "chupiti Bianchi".
Mi mancherà tutto ciò.. Ma son sicura che si rifarà presto.
Qui ci lascio il cuore!"


Giulia from Italy (Discover Krakow V)

"Let me italian you is an amazing organization that give to people the possibility to live an exciting experience, not only for travel and see new places, but human life, the create a relationship with people you've never seen before, make friends, work in team and grow, both professionally and within. 
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity!"


Ilaria from Italy (Discover Krakow IV)

"A piece of my heart remained in Krakow but I went with an immense load of good memories and

unforgettable moments! 

Thanks to Let me Italian you, for making this experience possible and thanks to all the participants of the IV edition, you were fantastic!"


Daniele  from Italy (Discover Krakow IV)


"Discovering Krakow was an amazing little adventure with some amazing people from many different places. Thank you, twins, for that chance of being a part of the project, a part of that small jet so big family.

Keep it cool!"


Darja from Estonia (Discover Krakow IV)

"I haven't no words ... this city, these people.. everything is perfect and magic! Gabriele & Massimiliano are so kind and beautiful brothers. Workshops are interesting and they give the opportunity to learn the english the photographic alternative techniques and to meet people around the world.

I love this experience, Krakow and photography, so.. DISCOVER KRAKOW is the perfect mix! I recommend it!"


Giusi from Italy (Discover Krakow IV)

"I took part at the 11th Discover Krakow edition and I'm so glad that I did because it was a great experience full with extraordinary people who share the same passion about photography traveling and learning!

It was an one lifetime experience and I'm ready to do it again!

Thank you so much for the beautiful moments!"


Eva from Greece (Discover Krakow XI)

"I was part of the 11th edition of Discover Krakow.

An amazing experience with amazing people sharing the same passion for photography and life.

I am really glad I was part of the team and looking forward to joining another trip planned from Massimiliano and Gabriele.

Thank you guys for the unforgettable memories.

Not only did I discover Krakow, but also me".


Evita from Greece (Discover Krakow XI)

"Exciting, inspiring, miraculous, enchanting, awesome, terrific, creative, artistic, down to earth, real, fun, great, wonderful, dreamlike....are only a few of the words that come to my mind when I think of my experience in Kraków (11) with Let me Italian you.

I felt free to be myself, had a really good time that changed my perspective and I feel honoured to have met many people who are beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside.

Thanks to Massimiliano and Gabriele for organizing the trip, beeing open minded, calm, structured, patient, caring and supportive.

Thank you for making it happen. Till we meet again."


Jenny from Germany (Discover Krakow XI)

"Last year I was invited to participate in the Letmeitalian's project Discover Barcelona, but unfortunately I was not able to attend. This year I got the opportunity of participating in Discover Krakow 11, and I was really excited to have this new chance. When the project started, even the day before, I realized how well organized it was. Massimiliano and Gabrielle had everything into account and all the things worked like a charm. The Krakow sightseeings, the workshops, the models, and of course the dinners with the group were very well. It was amazing share experiences with other photographers, and see how they work, learning all the time. I really recommend to everybody this kind of experiencies, and with Letmeitalianyou you have the best guarantee.

My family and I will repeat in the future.

Massi and Gabri, you are the best."


Salvador from Spain (Discover Krakow XI)

"I participated in the project Discover Krakow 11 and I must say that it’s ages since I have been on a travel experience so positive for me: I set off alone to a country where I did not know the language, confident in the fact that I would get along well with the group of people of the project and my optimistic expectations have been more than satisfied. Every day was full of discoveries and positive emotions with a group of people very interesting, who are creative, curious and open minded people also in their interests and life choices, not only in this tiny window of time of this experience. The two twins, creators of the Project, Gabriele and Massimiliano, are very kind and always present during the days of the project and not only. I am very happy to have taken part in this project, not to mention the opportunity to take unique shots of beautiful models!"


Romina from Italy (Discover Krakow XI)

"I am a big fun of Let me Italian you!!!

 I had a great pleasure to be the part of Discover Kraków XI and I can honestly say it was one of the best experiences containing a mix of amazing people and photography. I was participating photo projects before, but this one was definitely exceptional. Massimiliano and Gabriel organised it really well!

We had so many attractions and things to do that I felt like we were there a lot more than we actually were, but in the same time it passed waaaay too quickly - like a dream! Not only I had a chance to improve my portfolio, but also I met beautiful people from all over the world who share the same passion.

Absolutely amazing combination. I recommend taking part in twin's projects, I, myself, can't wait to be the part of next one!"


Marta from Poland (Discover Krakow XI)

"I took part this year at Discover Krakow for the first time together with Let Me Italian You and I had a great time together with many people from different parts of Europe and beyond. The weather was joyful and friendly and together we had a lot of fun exploring and photographing the typical places of the city of Krakow.

The workshops were organized in a very efficient way by competent people who allowed us to learn the right technique to make the most of our shots.

I thank the Ragusa brothers for this wonderful experience that I hope to repeat in the future"


Alessandro from Italy (Discover Krakow XI)

"I took part in the Discover Krakow 11th edition of Let me Italian you and absolutely loved the experience. The twins are lovely and conduct the project very well at a personal level and with patience, making the whole experience very comfortable and interactive. It gives you the opportunity to enhance your photography skills, explore a place and meet great people who share the same passion of travel and photography.

I am happy to be a part of the project and will surely discover another city with them.  I made great friends with everyone and hope to see you guys again. Miss you already !"


Noor from India (Discover Krakow XI)

"Non posso che ringraziare Massimiliano e Gabriele per la bellissima esperienza, rivelatasi ricca sia dal punto di vista fotografico, sia da quello umano. Ho potuto apprendere nuove nozioni e conoscere altri fantastici fotografi! Consiglio vivamente l'esperienza, tornerete con ancora più passione di prima oltre che con nuove incredibili amicizie!"


Nicole from Italy (Discover Krakow XI)

"Amazing oppurtunity to meet new people and also do photography & discover new places along! I really recommend it to every photographer enthusiast! Massimilano and Gabriele are also really friendly and amazing persons so everything is organized by them and there are many activities planned, which is also very cool, so you dont have to worry about anything! Just go and get expore something new, maybe learn few things and get friends from new countries!"


Marleen from Estonia (Discover Krakow X)

"It was a really great experience for myself to learn and enjoy this project with them! A true professionals, kindly and helpful brothers. It was a pleasure share these 4 days with them and the rest of the group. I'm waiting for the next project!!

Great job!!!"


Anna from Spain (Discover Krakow X)

"It was a great experience, it puts together people who have the same passion to explore a new city. The workshop were awesome and because all the people share their tips and tricks about photography I took the best pictures I've ever take so far. I suggest this experience to everyone who want to travel and learn about photography at the same time."


Agata from Italy (Discover Krakow X)

"Let me Italian you is wonderful! It such was a great experience to join for the Discover Krakow photography project. So many people from so many nations. We had wonderful conversations and lots of fun in a beautiful city. And the photo workshops were very helpful for me. Everything was well organized. I could practice a lot, take many nice pictures and learn new things. Thank you Massimiliano and Gabriele for the amazing time in Krakow. With your kindness and your great projects you create something very precious."


Leonie from France (Discover Krakow X)

Let Me Italian You is an awesome opportunity not just to explore and discover new places and countries, but to develop yourself and enrich your knowledge in photography. I really appreciate your job and ideas it was really great and unforgettable, if you’re in search of new feeling, emotions and new mates as well, discovering new areas with #letmeitalianyou is certainly for You"


Polina from Ukraine (Discover Krakow X)

"I've spent four amazing days in Krakow where I got the chance to take awesome pictures, working with super cool photogtaphers and models. I'd just like to thank all the fantastic people I've met and the ones who made everything possible. Thank you so much!!"


Marco from Italy (Discover Krakow X)

"A wonderful experience, which allowed me to improve myself in many ways. From the photographic point of view, the language, the knowledge of social media and the relationship between different people from different realities and countries. Great availability and seriousness from the organizers, always present and punctual in providing us with all the necessary information to make us have a holiday - perfect study.

I recommend it to everyone, boys and girls, men and women, of all ages.

A hug, we'll meet again soon."


Marco from Italy (Discover Krakow X)

"Highly recommended! Funny days with funny people. The photography workshops are really nice and they give you the chance to work with professional models and photographers. Gabriele and Massimiliano are nice guys and really good at doing what they do. The project is well organised and everything always went according to the plan. Great experience that gave me the opportunity to meet people from all over Europe with the same passion as me for photography and visual communication. Krakow wonderful city!"


Sara from Italy (Discover Krakow X)

"I partecipated in Discover Krakow X. It was an amazing experience and I would leave again today. Massimiliano and Gabriele are very nice as people and fantastic organizers, they have always been present, friendly and ready to help in any situation. They also perfectly organized the workshops and the freetime, so I could improve myself as a photographer but also I visited some corners of the city without the group. I can only recommend Let Me Italian You because it makes you spend fun and productive days in the company of fantastic people, with your same interests and a lot in common. Thank you for the great days spent together, I hope to see you soon again!"


Lucia from Italy (Discover Krakow X)

"I participated in Discover Krakow X. I left home with a lot of anxiety and insecurity, but when I arrived in Krakow all my fears left. I learned a lot thanks to the workshops, good photographers and thanks to Gabriele and Massimiliano, who have always been kind and ready to help you. I had the opportunity to meet beautiful people who share my same passion and helped me to improve. Discover Krakow was an opportunity to get involved and I can say I'm very satisfied with the work done. I'm ready to start a new adventure together with letmeitalianyou"


Erica from Italy (Discover Krakow X)

"Ho partecipato a Discover Kraków 10. È stata un’esperienza meravigliosa che mi ha permesso di conoscere delle bellissime persone. Gabriele e Massimiliano sono delle persone davvero disponibili e piacevoli.

Spero di avere l’occasione di partecipare ad un altro progetto organizzato da Let me italian you."


Desiree from Italy (Discover Krakow X)

"Abbiamo partecipato all’evento Discover Krakow X edition, ho imparato molto sulla fotografia e ho conosciuto delle persone fantastiche!

Gabriele e Massimiliano organizzano tutto alla perfezione!"


Giacomo from Italy (Discover Krakow X)

"One of the most beautiful experience of my life! At first I was a little scared, but I met some really nice people and now I can’t wait to partecipate to another project. I really reccomend this experience to everybody. It improves your photography tecnique and it’s a great oppurtunity to meet new people. Massimiliano and Gabriele, the organizers, are really kind and ready to help you at any time."


Margherita from Italy (Discover Krakow X)

"What an exellent combination - travel, meeting new people and, of course - photography! Program is put together with a good taste and relaxed attitude. Professional and warm atmosphere. Great people! I would gladly suggest it to all photography enthusiasts and travel-friendly people around the world! Thanks, guys!"


Teet from Estonia (Discover Krakow X)

"About a week ago I’ve partecipated in Discover Kraków X, it was my first experience with Let Me Italian You. Gabriele and Massimiliano are super organized and made my time in Kraków full of events, rich of new experiences (workshop, lectures, guide tours etc). Let Me Italian You also allows you to meet a lot of people from all around the world, many special people to stay in touch with, event after this great adventure!"


Matilde from Italy (Discover Krakow X)

"Discover Krakow X was a great opportunity to meet people from different parts of the world and learn new things, discover new aspects of photography that I had not yet experienced. An experience to try!"


Gilulia from Italy (Discover Krakow X)

"I participated in Discover Krakow X and it was a great experience. It was a good opportunity to acquire new photography skills, discovering new places, in this case the city of Krakow which is really nice, and at the same time having fun with people from all over the world!

Gabriele and Massimiliano are really kind and friendly!

Thank you guys, I hope to see you soon, maybe in another project."


Cecilia from Italy (Discover Krakow X)

"Took part in Discover Krakow X. It was an amazing experience to discover beautiful places with beautiful people.

Thanks for the opportunity, Twins!!"


Nika from Italy (Discover Krakow X)

"Great international experience!

An inspired combination of photography workshops, sightseeing and socializing."


Anca from Romania (Discover Krakow IX)

"Not the usual capital. Thanks to Let me italian you, I had opportunity to visit the oldest city in Easter Europe, Krakow! Its architectural beauty so varied, with churches and synagogues, which is the most beautiful city in Poland! Discover and taking photos it was a unique experience, you can stay in touch with people from all over the world sharing the same passion: traveling and photographing! Thank you Gabriele and Massimiliano. Looking forward to take another trip with you"


Paola from Italy (Discover Krakow IX)

"If you have been chosen by the "Let Me Italian You" team, don't hesitated. Just go on ! You will be part of a unique experience , with a new city to shoot , new people from over the world to meet and the guarantee to live a really rewarding experience. I have the pleasure to say that i was here for Discover Krakow 9.

So it's your turn to let "Let Me Italian You".. italian you."


Sylvain from France (Discover Krakow IX)

"Discover Kraków 9 was a great opportunity to meet interesting people all over the world who share passion for photography and traveling. It was an unforgettable experience which tought me so many things. I recommend it to everyone who love meeting new people, who are curious about the world and eager to learn something new.

Many thanks to Gabriele and Massimiliano who are very nice and helpful. I will definitely participate in another project!"


Zuzanna from Poland (Discover Krakow IX)

"Just come back from Discover Krakow 9-Christmas Edition and I’m so enthusiastic! It was a wonderful opportunity to learn new skills in photography with talented photographers and also explore new places. Above of all what was really lovely it was making new friends, sharing moments, laughing so much, helping each other in different way to shoot pictures but sharing the same passion. I had the chance to meet a wonderful group of people and I will hopefully meet again. I definetely recommend Let me Italian you to the photography lovers and also travel lovers; Gabriele and Massimiliano are absolutely kind and always ready to help you in all you need. You will feel like in a big family in which everyone comes from a different country but speaks the same language, the language of open heart and mind people!"


Vanessa from Italy (Discover Krakow IX)

"Discover Krakow 9 Edition Esperienza unica, magnifica. Il giusto incrocio tra fotografia e amicizie. Circondati da persone con la medesima passione e la voglia di conoscersi. Ringrazio tantissimo i ragazzi di Let Me Italian You per avermi portato dentro a questo progetto, che, senza di loro, non avrei mai scoperto. Alla prossima, ragazzi."


Luca from Italy (Discover Krakow IX)

"As I left Krakow I felt quite a bit of sadness. It had been four wholesome and fantastic days and I really didn't want to go back home so soon. This experience was a great opportunity for me. I learned a lot, had fun, saw new things and met a bunch of wonderful, kind-hearted, intelligent and amazingly talented people. Even though I'm just a beginner in photography and I'm way less experienced than some people, I've never once felt out of place. I really have to thank Massimiliano and Gabriele for letting me partecipate at this adventure. I hope to see you again soon and I'm looking forward the next trip with Let Me Italian you!"


Arianna from Italy(Discover Krakow IX)

"Sono appena tornata da Discover Krakov 9, è stata un'esperienza incredibile. Ottima organizzazione, persone simpaticissime, workshop estremamente interessanti. A parte la neve, estremamente suggestiva, la città è bellissima e sono state organizzate diverse uscite guidate per conoscerla meglio. Consiglio a tutti di provare uno dei progetti dei Twins, non potrete non desiderare di iscrivervi anche ad un altro dopo averne provato uno! "


Meri from Italy (Discover Krakow IX)

"I just took part in the Discover Krakow IX project and I really don't know where to start in order to describe how beautiful it was! The programme combined learning moments, with professional photographers and through the sharing of knowledge and interests between the participants, with what I call a "human" part, in which you get to know different people, sharing days and activities with them. The result was simply perfect, spontaneous and true. Massimiliano and Gabriele are just great, they know what they are doing and care about it. I would definitely recommend this experience over and over again! Thank you so much for everything, I am just so happy I had the chance to be part of this, and it reminded me how easy life can be sometimes. Hope to see you again!"


Ilaria from Italy (Discover Krakow IX)

"I'm just back form the Discover Krakow project, and I'm still impressed and astonished: the whole project is very well organized, Gabriele and Massimiliano are very helpful and kind. Talking about the project itself, well, you should try takeing part in one: is a beautiful experience, that goes well beyond photography. I met incredible people, and wih them I visited a wonderful city. Really, really worth it, an experience that I will always rembember with a warm smile."


Marco from Italy (Discover Krakow IX)

"I just took part in the Discover Krakow Christmas Edition project and it truly was an amazing experience !! I highly recommend a trip with Letmeitalianyou. You will have the chance to travel and discover a city, and participate in photography workshops with people from all over Europe who share the same passion. But most importantly, you will have so much fun and make new international friends!! Trust me, at the end, you will not want to go back home ! The twins are the sweetest and everything was perfectly organized and smooth. Everybody in the group made this experience special. This trip will always be in my heart. We all felt cold due to Krakow weather but our hearts were so warm. Thank you so much guys !! I miss you already"


Hailie from France (Discover Krakow IX)

"Ho partecipato al progetto Discover Kracow Christmas Edition e devo dire che è stata un'esperienza bellissima sia dal punto di vista formativo per i contenuti trattati e anche dal punto di vista umano per la capacità dei Twins di unire piú di 30 persone di differenti nazionalità. Nonostante la mia poca esperienza ho acquisito nuove nozioni di fotografia,ho condiviso idee ed esperienze e mi sono lasciata conquistare dalla bellezza di questa città. Gabriele e Massimiliano sono sempre molto attenti e presenti e hanno coordinato tutto con molta professionalità e li ringrazio ancora per questo. E' di sicuro un esperienza che consiglio!"


Simona from Italy (Discover Krakow IX)

"I took part for the first time in a initiative of Let Me Italian You. Krakow is an amazing town, it was nice to visit it while taking pictures of the streets, the architectures and the landscapes. I tested myself with fashion and food photography, which are not my favourite genre, but I had a lot of fun!!! It was a very interesting and exciting experience for both the activities and the many guys coming from various countries of Europe, I hope I can someday participate again in an initiative organized by the very nice Sicilian twins. Every place, every photo, every person, every smile will remain always in my heart!! Thanks!!!"


Federico from Italy (Discover Krakow IX)

"Discover Krakow IX has been my first experience traveling alone and I hope not the last. This trip has been a change in my life. I found interesting interactive workshops and I met people from different corners united by the same passion: photography. That's something incredible. Thanks to Massimiliano and Gabriele for this fantastic and beautiful project. Now I really know my dream is travel around the world capturing moments.

Thanks Let me italian you for this experience. Highly recommended."


Virginia from Spain (Discover Krakow IX)

"I’m just back from Discovery Krakow.. it was a truly incredible experience! “Our” twins Massy and Gabry, are two smart guys, who combine traveling and photography in their project, in my opinion, this is the best combination! We learned a lot about photography through the various workshops (landscape, models and food photography), discovering, in the mid-time a wonderful city! People with different life and culture joined and connected through one passion: photography. Thanks twins and see you soon"


Mara from Italy (Discover Krakow IX)

"I just returned from this wonderful adventure with the desire to leave again for a new trip with the fabulous and talented people that I had the chance to meet during this edition. Enriching both technically and humanly, Gabriele and Massimiliano brilliantly organized this project by finding the balance between photographic workshops, visits and free moments where we got to know each other. I want to thank you once again for making this possible. These 4 days were filled with happiness! 

I highly recommend anyone to participate in this kind of trip !

Hope to see all of you again very soon !"


Marie from Belgium (Discover Krakow IX)

"This was a really moving and informative experience. It is really the people and the atmosphere that is created by the people and the landscapes of the places that when they all come together it is really beautiful. Four days of full immersion of photography, meeting new and interesting people, and getting to see the heart and learn the history of a new city. I had such a good time and really met some great people from all over Italy and Europe. I can't wait to go on another trip with let me Italian you. It is a truly unique experience. Thank you !"


Nicole from USA (Discover Krakow IX)

"Let me italian you allows you to compare yourself with great artists and grow together with your group. In such a few days a family was formed with people of different ages and countries.

I infinitely thank Gabriele and Massimiliano for giving me this opportunity that made me mature not only on a professional level, but also on a human level. See you soon twins!"


Alessandra from Italy (Discover Krakow IX)

"Do you want to find new amazing friends from all over the world?

Try Let Me Italian You!

Do you Want to improve yours photographic skills with great workshops?

Try Let Me Italian You!

Do you want to Discover beautiful places in beautiful cities?

Try Let Me Italian You!

Thanks to Gabriele e Massimiliano for the opportunity and a great thanks to all the guys who participated in Discover Krakow 8, hope to see you in one of the next projects!"

Alessandro from Italy (Discover Krakow VIII)

"Professional workshops, amazing people and experience! Also with Let me Italian You you can learn something about Italian culture! If You looking for practice photography with a lot of fun, check this! I will never forget this amazing event! See You in another part of "Discover"."

Konrad from Poland (Discover Krakow VIII)

"One of the best experiences with guides abroad. Very well organized, interesting and sinful workshoos for photographers.

I will be very happy to come back.

Thank you for the strong commitment from the let me italian you guides."

Simon from Switzerland (Discover Krakow VIII)

"Thank you Gabriele and Massimiliano for being involved in this wonderful experience in Krakow, for the 8th edition of Discover Krakow. It was a source of inspiration for me.

Now I can't wait to spend six months in Krakow at the super Photography Academy. Thank you so much guys!"

Chiara from Italy (Discover Krakow VIII)

"I had a bad feeling about this project at the start. But day after day my feeling about this project got better. I had a lot of fun on the project "Discover Krakow 8". I'm glad that I did that trip with all of you for the amazing 5 days.

The twins did a really good job in organisation, I like it."

Tina from Germany (Discover Krakow VIII)

"It was very cool and awesome experience!

A good possibility to learn something new and to meet interesting people.

Thank you guys!!!"


Oleksandra from Ukraine (Discover Krakow VIII)

"Discover Krakow VIII was an unique experience that mixed two my big passions: photography and travel. I have to say thanks to Massimiliano and Gabriele because in this travel I improved my tecnical knowledge about photography and I came back in Italy richer than before in terms of friendships, curiosity and desire to discover new places.

I hope to have soon another experience like this one with you!"

Ilaria from Italy (Discover Krakow VIII)

"I want to return. Learn photography and meet amazing people that will be forever inside you... Never forget! Want to repeat, meet new people and meet again with previous ones. In addition, I think I learned so much about photography with great professionals."


Bruno from Spain (Discover Krakow VIII)

"I loved this project, I loved Krakow and it was great to have the opportunity to photograph it and to appreciate its beauties more. Thanks to all participants to discover Krakow and to Gabriele and Massimiliano who have managed the project very well.

See you soon I hope!"

Matilde from Italy (Discover Krakow VIII)

"Participating in Discover Krakow 8 was more exciting than I imagined. I made some great memories there, met a bunch of wonderful people that I hold very dear, participated in interesting workshops, my first official contest, insightful guide of the city, I could go on! It lasted for 5 days but it felt like it passed too quickly. Having people from so many different cultures and backgrounds come together for a passion they share, photography, is an experience I'd really recommend."

Corina from Romania (Discover Krakow VIII)

"Many thanks to Massimiliano and Gabriele who gave me the opportunity to discover new places and met new people which have my same passion: photography! It was an amazing experience I will never forget. I miss you all already, but... see you soon in another city!!"


Martina from Italy (Discover Krakow VIII)


"A very fun project where each and everyone gets to share a same passion but also get to meet people from many different cultures. A nice blend of differences, with great workshops and lots of fun moments."


Nathanael from South Africa (Discover Krakow VIII)

"It was my first time working on one of these projects in Krakow and it was a great experience!

Learnt a lot and met some lovely people.

Well thought out and organised. Really felt taken care of . Would love to do this again! "

Louise from UK (Discover Krakow VIII)


"Go and take the more and the best pictures you can... For me it's Heaven! Discover Krakow 8 means properly this. Travel + Photography, 2 great passions of mine combined with lot of Fun with lot of People from different europe countries. Thanks a lot to Gabriele and Massimiliano who managed the whole #letmeitalianyou project with style and professionality. Thanks to all the participants for the nice friendship. I improved a lot, surely I'll join you again.

See you soon in the next trip with my camera!"

Stefania from Italy (Discover Krakow VIIII)

"Fantastic journey with lovely people.

I can't think of a better way to spend my travels and photography with this wonderful organisation.

Thanks to the twins and the workshop-leaders I met so far ."

Marcha from Holland (Discover Krakow VII )

"Discover Krakow 8" has been a fantastic experience and very enriching for me and I take very good memories of this trip. To all the people who participated in this experience I want to thank you: you have made this trip has been special and unforgettable. I feel sorry for not having deepened and talked more with some people, but my shyness, and especially the language, was a great limitation for me. I really want to participate in another "Discover", and also to see you all again: you are incredible!  But for the next time I promise to improve both my English and my Italian . I also thank Massimiliano and Gabriele for contacting me and offering me this wonderful opportunity: it's an experience that I recommend living. I hope this was not a "goodbye", but a "see you soon". Kisses and huges for all! "


Marta from Spain (Discover Krakow VIII)

"Just one week ago the 7th edition of Discover Krakow ended with the perfect organization of the twins Massimiliano and Gabriele! A very amazing experience: 29 participants from all over the world, professional atmosphere and many inspirations, all of us together with the common passion for photography. We had the opportunity to know each other, sharing our ideas, discovering new places, a fantastic city with a hard story; I will never forget the visit of Auschwitz and Birkenau: an experience that involves you and gets into your soul, an experience to live. Then many important collaborations with professional photographers: shooting in studio with Monika Mrzozik and Iwona Wojtowicz in Unique studio, landscape photography and Outdoor photoshooting with Paulina Krzyzak. A beautiful moment of personal growth! Thanks a lot and congratulations Let me Italian you: an experience highly recommend!"


Rosamaria from Italy (Discover Krakow VII)

"Un'esperienza davvero UNICA, quasi indescrivibile. Oltre alla possibilità di confrontarsi con fotografi professionisti, ho avuto la fortuna di conoscere persone fantastiche, tra cui i due organizzatori. Cinque stelle meritatissime."


Enzo from Italy (Discover Krakow VI)

"Fabulous experience!

You will meet people from all around the world, learn some tips about photography, visit a marvelous city (Krakow, Budapest, Barcelona...!) and make new wonderful friends!

BRAVO to the Magic Twins, Gabriele & Massimiliano!"


Alessandra from Italy (Discover Krakow VII)

"A fantastic experience with amazing people!

An experience that I will repeat for sure as soon as possible!"


Antonello from Italy (Discover Krakow VII)

"I really enjoyed this experience! The project focused on discovering the beautiful city of Krakow combined with interesting photography shootings and workshops.

What I loved the most was meeting people from different countries, practicing different styles of photography and getting to know the Polish culture.

Keep up the good work Massimiliano and Gabriele! You organized everything perfectly and you were always friendly, kind and helpful!

I definitely recommend it!"


Roberta from Italy (Discover Krakow VII)

"Discover Krakow has been a really wonderful experience for me. I've met lots of new interesting people.

Well, it was cold, really cold, but it's worth!

Hope to see you soon somewhere in the world!"


Serena from Italy (Discover Krakow VI)


"4 days, almost 30 people, different nationalities, but one passion; one place - Kraków, hundreds of wonderful memories, thousands tears of laughter, lots of new friends, new photographic skills, more than 400 photos, opportunity to speak english. When I got the message with invitation to "Discover Krakow" I was thinking "What possibly better or more could they show me in my own country?". I have never been so wrong. They showed me much more than I could imagine. I walked thousands of meters in Krakow, I made really nice photos and I was truly sad when i had to say goodbye to my new friends. Massimiliano and Gabriele made a project which connects people by their passion and they make it unforgettable! It was worth it and i will never forget this!

Thank you and I hope we will see each other again!"


Magda from Poland (Discover Krakow VII)

"It’s incredible how in a photography trip, photography take second place compared to the human side of it. It seems an entire life of friendship,laugh and fun concentrated in a few days.

Special thanks to Massimiliano and Gabriele that made possible everything and with their knowledge of Kraków they showed us the best of this amazing place."


Francesco from Italy (Discover Krakow XII)

"First time is always exciting for everyone, but my first travel to Poland with Let Me Italian You is more than just first time. The program was well organised filled with new chances and global open minded atmosphere.

Don't hesitate to enlarge your world with Let Me Italian You!"


Youyoung from South Korea (Discover Krakow XII)

"I spent wonderful time with amazing people!!

I took so many pictures .

I can’t wait to take part in another discover, I have so many good memories from this trip.

It was great experience for me and I met new friends.

I hope I will see you soon"


Karolina from Poland (Discover Krakow XII)

"Le sensazioni che ho provato durante Discover Krakow 12 sono inspiegabili.

Ammetto che all'inizio ero molto agitata, ma dalla prima sera che ho conosciuto Massimiliano e Gabriele, ho avuto la sensazione come se già ci conoscessimo, quella sensazione che ti fa dire "mi sento a casa qui".

Un gruppo davvero fantastico. In questi giorni ho capito che intorno a me c'è tanto da scoprire e da imparare, e sento di essere davvero motivata ora a farlo.

Grazie ancora twins, per questa opportunità,

ci vediamo a Marrakech."


Roberta from Italy (Discover Krakow XII)

"Seriously guys... the Twins are amazing and Let Me Italian You is a really great experience!"


Domitilla from Italy (Discover Krakow XII)

"When i think to my recent experience in Krakow a song plays on my head: “it’s a kind of magic”.

It’s a kind of magic that people Who come from different part of world become immediatly friends.

It’s a kind of magic to take a plan and discover a new city.

It’s a kind of magic feeling Alive in front of a sunset while you taking pictures.

It’s a kind of magic The Marvelous that i saw in The eyes of my friends during Discover Krakow.

It’s a kind of magic how i felt happy during The shooting.

It’s a kind of magic What The Twins have create in 4 days.

Thank you, you are in my heart."


Veronica from Italy (Discover Krakow XII)

"One of the most beautiful experiences of my life. I've met very special people and now everything is in my heart. I'll thank forever the #supertwins for this fantastic opportunity. They are very organized and ready to help you if you need them. I visited beautiful places in Krakow and I took interesting pictures of the models that were there for us. I will definitely do another trip with #letmeitalianyou !! you gave me really special moment .. love you!"


Giorgia from Italy (Discover Krakow XII)

"Highly recommend This was the most beautiful and intensive experience, with the nicest and loveliest people, I have ever had. I’ve learned many things about photography doing workshops with different subjects. I’ve understood what it suits me and what type of photography I like the most, so thanks to Massimiliano and Gabriele (the super twins) for letting me join this amazing project. We will see very soon in another Discover."


Elena from Italy (Discover Krakow XII)

"Fantastic opportunity to be included in these projects.

Lovely concept, friendly organisation and workshops.

I look forward to my next one."


Claire from UK (Discover Krakow XII)

"I took part of Discover Krakow 11th, It was my first experience with "Let me Italian you". I met a lot of amazing people from all over the world!

I shooted pictures in the workshop with professional professor and models, improve my skills, learn more from my new photographer friends and have fun with all you guys! Absolutely I'll repeat this experience! The best souvenir that I can bring with me is reminder this experience lived with all you guys.

 A special thanks to the twins Gabriele and Massimiliano!"


Emanuela from Italy (Discover Krakow XI)

"Thanks to the wonderful project "Let me italian you" I discovered the beautiful Krakow, its traditions and legends. Traveling is also understanding history and never forgetting, at least once in life everyone should visit Auschwitz. I also met new people and their culture different from mine.. photography and travel were things that united us, but then new friendships were born.

Thanks to all the participants, Gabriele, Massimiliano, teachers and models. I can not wait to do the suitcase again and leave for another adventure."


Veronica from Italy (Discover Krakow XI)

"It’s my first time to partecipate this project Discover Krakow XI. I’ve never done this experience before so I had much fun, meeting new people, enjoying and improving photography. I gained and learned such a lovely experience workshop, taking my first step in the world photography’s professional. I loved spending time together and I hope to come back again to the next trip.

I miss you all and I hope to see you again. And...Can’t wait for the next trip!"


Giulia from Italy (Discover Krakow XI)

"Well what to say, I start immediately thanking the guys Gabriele and Massimiliano for the opportunity to have participated in Discover Krakow 11; they are extraordinary people.

As for the project I can say I'm really happy, because thanks to it I learned something new about some technical aspects of photography, it gave me the opportunity to work with professional models, to learn from expert photographers and above all gave me the opportunity to compare myself with other points of view.

Thanks to this experience I also met some fantastic people that I hope to see you one day. Thanks for everything."


Andrea from Italy (Discover Krakow XI)

"It has been my first experience and I have no regrets at all. Our best Italian twins ,Gabriele and Massimiliano know how to make a trip magical. I had the opportunity to know a town that I hadn't visited before, to know people from all over Europe who share the same passion for photography. Teachers and models have been great!! I go back home full of sweet recordings!!

An experience to repeat for sure!!!! Thank you again!" 


Manuela from Italy (Discover Krakow XI)

"It's the first time to participated a Discover project ... it was a fantastic experience ... a "photographic travel" to discover a beautiful city like Krakow, united on the opportunity to meet new people sharing the same passions: photography, travels and fun ... all this thanks to Gabriele and Massimiliano. Experience to be repeated .... we hope to see you again in Marrakech.

Thanks for all twins."


Vanessa from Italy (Discover Krakow XI)

"I discovered the project after Gabrielle contacted me on Behance,

I really enjoyed the project and the possibility to meet new people, improve my portfolio and travel, everything at the same time. And finally this intense week was even more fantastic than what i expected. I've been able to meet people from everywhere in Europe, sharing our points of view on photography, sharing our passion and our different culture it was such an enrichment. Gabrielle and Massimiliano they've brought us in typical places, and the journey was perfectly organized !!! In the night we had fun all together ! Definitely I would never hesitate to come back on another trip with you guys !!! Thank you so much I already miss you all!"


Valentine from Swizterland (Discover Krakow XI)

"To explain what Let me Italian you family is and to talk about my experience any words could seem always too little. Discover Krakow Summer Edition has been for me a rebirth, a breath of fresh air. Massimiliano and Gabriele have been fixed points and smile of our path, they took care of us and they showed all the beauty of this magic city. I admired with eyes full of desire and willing to discover any details of this city, photographic studios, concentration camps and everything I could see. I have met amazing people with who I became friend and I left them a piece of my heart, people with who I shared moments that I will never forget. In Krakow I really left my hear and also a tattoo on my arm. I will leave other 1000 times with Let me Italian you. I am already ready for January 2019. Destination: Marrakech!

Thanks Let me Italian you Family. You are special, I will take you forever with me!"

Giulia from Italy (Discover Krakow XIII)

"I can describe this experience with three words: photography, carefreeness and friendship.

Thanks to every single participant because you have made every moment so special. I really hope to see you soon again for another adventure. Thank to you twins of Let me Italian you that make this experience possible, you create first a family and then projects. You are the top! See you in Marrakech!"


Jessica from Italy (Discover Krakow XIII)

"Highly recommend! This was a great experience. I met with good people and had more positive emotions. It's wonderful! We learned many important things about photography.

Thanks to Gabriele and Massimiliano. This's a really good project!"


Oleh from Ukraine (Discover Krakow XII)

"Un'esperienza assolutamente da consigliare: non solo per l'accoglienza di Gabriele e Massimiliano che ti fanno sentire subito come a casa, ma anche per le opportunità che ti garantiscono durante il viaggio. Se hai voglia di incontrare nuove persone, imparare, relazionarti con chi ha la tua stessa passione e nel mentre visitare una nuova meta, questa agenzia fa al caso tuo!"


Simona from Italy (Discover Krakow XII)

"Progetto ben organizzato che dà la possibilità di entrare in contatto e imparare da fotografi esperti, confrontarsi con chi ha la tua stessa passione conoscendo belle persone, il tutto in una cornice incantevole! Lo consiglio!"


Alice  from Italy (Discover Krakow XII)

"I had a wonderful time in Krakow.

Everything was well organized until the small details. Gabriele and Massimiliano are to fantastic persons, I'm looking forward to met them again in others future events."


Maria from Portugal (Discover Krakow XII)

"I'm already in Berlin and I wanted to say that this travel was an incredible adventure. I discover not just the city and new people, also things about fotography and even about myself that I didn't know. And that gives me a powerful motivation to keep learning. It was really really a great time, I thank you to all to be part of that, and if someone want to come to Berlin just write me! Bye bye"


Marta (Discover Krakow XII)

"My thanks could not miss!

I just wanna tell you how well I was with you and with the #letmeitalianyoufamily, I met fantastic people with my same passion ready to help and have fun.

I also met you Super Twins and I think that you are so OUTSTANDING.

I visited beautiful places only thanks to you.

I hope to see you soon at the next discover. I love you!"


Irene from Italy (Discover Krakow XII)

"Boys!I honestly can't express how touched I'm while reading this! All the people in the project give me this wonderful kind of energy, we connect, have fun and create great photos as a side effect. I have learnt so much throughout all the projects and I've realised it's all about human connection, good vibes and emotions with addition of some talent that create miningful photos. Thank you so much for seeing potential in me, for appreciating everyone and seeing more in people. I told you - what you create inspires a lot of people so do never give up on your misterpace. The day you invited me to join you for Marrakech has brought new adventure into my life that will continue far more. Thank you for being my friends, for encouraging me and inviting to your projects."


Adrianna from Poland (Discover Krakow XIII)

"First of all I want to say thank you for giving me the possibility to participate of the ¨Let me Italian you¨ project…you are great people. Keep it up!I loved the experience in Krakow. It’s a great city, clean, organized and very beautiful. For people that love photography is an excellent opportunity to share ideas and learn more. The people involved in the Workshops were very professional nice and helpful. We were also able to get to know some of the models before the shoot, which made us feel safer about which pictures we should take. I was surprised by the calm way Massi and Gabriele organize themselves and the team. It's amazing how they always seem so peaceful… they always tried their best to provide us good moments during our stay.It was a big pleasure to meet all the people that participated in Krakow XIII."

Alexandra from Portugal (Discover Krakow XIII)

"One week ago my solo trip in Krakow started. I didn’t know no one and I was afraid about that but, from the first moment we, I knew a group of fantastic people with who I felt immediately comfortable because united by the same passion for photography. A big THANKS especially to Gabriele and Massimiliano that make this project possible, to all the group with who I shared special moments that I will never forget. I had the opportunity to work with amazing people and fantastic photographers, visit beautiful places and taking wonderful photos. If before I was afraid to leave alone, now I can’t wait to leave again for another trip with you, Let me Italian you.

Thanks for everything!"


Giulia from Italy (Discover Krakow XIII)

"I already miss you all and really regret I didn't enough time to know you better. Hope to meet you again somewhere in the next Discover. You have to know that Let me Italian you always makes you fly with a big smile!"


Magda from Poland (Discover Krakow XIII)

"For people like me who love photography, travelling and socializing, it's the right project! You don't grow up only artistically but also humanly going to make a special bond with people from all over the world, creating a second family. I had a great time, I learned a lot and I had a lot of fun! In more Gabriele and Massimiliano are beautiful people, humble, kind and always available. I can't wait to join more discover projects!"


Alessia from Italy (Discover Krakow XIII)

"Grazie mille for this weekend to the best twins I’ve met in my life. 

Thank you for the opportunity to take part in this project! The overall atmosphere and people were amazingly wonderful! Thank you for good vibes and incredibly positive energy! Anche tu guys!I will definitely join you in your next project because it’s so awesome!!! I’ve met you and I felt like we’re family! I wish my Sicily tickets weren’t canceled so we could meet earlier…can’t wait to see you again guys!

Keep doing your job because you are PRO in it."


Edyta from Poland (Discover Krakow XIV)

"It is a wonderful initiative to be able to learn new concepts related to photography. In addition to the fact that, in the few days, a nice friendly and almost familiar relationship was established between the participants. This made this experience even more unforgettable. Gabriele and Massimiliano are fantastic. I highly recommend that you join this big family at least once in your life. I hope to see you soon!"

Sara from Italy (Discover Krakow XV)

"This is my first experience with Let me Italian you, before leaving I thought it was just a photography workshop and some sightseeing. I returned home with new friends and enriched by surprising and unexpected personal growth. When is the next trip?"

Elisa from Italy (Discover Krakow XV)


"This was also my first time participating in this project and I'm happy that I got to gain this experience! I can imagine it would have been even better and easier for Gabriele and Massimiliano to plan if it wouldn't be for Covid. But we had such a lovely time and I had the chance to build new international friendships with all those amazing people! Hope to see you again soon and Hamburg is always waiting with open arms!"

Lina from Germany (Discover Krakow XV)

"Thank you so much for everything guys. You are fantastic and to me you are like two brothers and all the others who join each project become a big family. Always positive energy for me I love you and thank you all because everyone was special, I hope to see you all again soon!"

Francesco from Italy (Discover Krakow XV)

"Ho partecipato al Discovery Cracovia, esperienza che consiglio vivamente, interessante connubio tra viaggio e fotografia (ma anche riprese video). Ottima organizzazione, presente sul campo pronta a risolvere qualsiasi problematica si possa presentare, Workshop interessantissimi e insegnanti disponibili sia nella teoria sia nella fase di shooting, Tour coinvolgenti. Con queste premesse è conseguenza naturale che tra i partecipanti si crea un legame empatico dove lo scambio di info diventa naturale. Consigliato sia a chi è già formato nell’ambito o chi per curiosità si sta avvicinando al mondo della produzione digitale di Video e foto. Un caloroso Grazie e un arrivederci!"

Gaetano from Italy (Discover Krakow XV)

"I partecipated to a discover trip and it was really fun. We did many activities and visited many places. I learned new photography tips and had the chance to portrait some models. They organisers were always helpful and kind. I recommend this experience to all amateur photographers"

Guido from Italy (Discover Krakow XV)

"Wow! Well-said for this amazing experience! GRAZIE!

I had such a great time with you all!

Many blessings and safe journeys always!"


Krystal from New Zeland (Discover Krakow XIV)

"I am finally home in Germany! It was great to see you guys again. And thank you for organizing this project and the amazing time. I enjoyed very moment. We will meet again soon! Again, thank you everyone for this experience! I am sure we’ll cross paths in the future, sooner rather than later. Take care and all the best."


Cemil from Azerbajian (Discover Krakow XIV)

"Each Discovery is a beautiful human and photographic adventure and I am in full dependence on it! Thanks for another great experience and for the wonderful days spent together! I am already looking forward to repeat it!!!"


Roberta from Italy (Discover Krakow XIV)

"Being a part of the project is like a treasure. I knew it can be something really nice but didn't expect how amazing it will be. New experience. New skills. New amazing people with who you share your passion. All of these precious moments will stay forever inside you but it's only a beginning. It's like the opening of new door. After my first project Discover Kraków XIV I really want to join another one and explore more and more.

Big thanks to Twins for organising such an amazing event.

If you have a chance - don't think, just join, you won't regret it."


Joanna from Poland (Discover Krakow XIV)

"I participated in the 14th edition of Discover Krakow and I had the most amazing time. It’s not only about visiting a beautiful city or really improving your photography skills, it’s also about meeting strangers from all over the world and becoming friends with them. The program is all well organized and you get to know the best spots in your city, while taking photos and being with people that all share the same interest: photography! I can highly recommend this program, I will be back soon for sure, also the twins are fabulous."


Pia from Germany (Discover Krakow XIV)

"It was a great surprise for me when I was invited to participate in this event. I love travelling and photographing and in Discovery Krakow 13 I was able to to both at the same time, discover the beautiful city and take a lot of photos. Also it was a wanderful opportunity to know people from everywhere in the world and to learn more about photography during the workshops. And finally the twins Massimiliano and Gabriele are very friendly and so calm! I participated for the first time but definitely it will not be the last! I really loved to take part in this event with Let Me Italian You!

Thank you for the amazing experience!"


Denise from Brazil (Discover Krakow XIII)

"Today one of the best experience of my life has just ended!

Who would have ever thought that I would have met such fantastic people as you, where we exchanged many technical tips, experience and most of all so many laughs! I will miss you so much! See You Soon New friends! But a special thanks also to the Twins who have organized all this! Fantastic! #esperienzeunichedaprovare"


Simone from Italy (Discover Krakow V)

"Different cultures, one passion: PHOTOGRAPHY! Let me Italian you it’s a mix of structure, discipline, passion, and a lot of fun. Their project help participants to re-discover a new or an old passion…PHOTOGRAPHY! Discover Krakow 15 - Christmas Edition was the first photography course I’ve ever taken part and I will never regret it! Through this project, I had the chance to get out of my comfort zone, interact with true models and shoot pictures at the same time. As a beginner, I found useful all tips given during our workshops about the best ways of dealing with models, framing, or long exposure. Participating in one of their projects gives you an opportunity to discover different cultures and new destinations. Finally, this is a great time to practice all your foreign language skills. Let me Italian you, I am 100% looking forward to a new project with you."

Diana from Moldova (Discover Krakow XV)

"Discover Krakow is magical, a city where time stands still, the lights guide you towards an architecture still intact after years of bombing. The clubs are spectacular, eating and drinking out is a must.  Let Me Italian You as always is a family, traveling with twins is a pleasure, thanks to you for recommending me a splendid city like Krakow! See you at the next Discover!"

Giulia from Italy (Discover Krakow XV)

"Esperienza da fare e rifare appena possibile! Discover Krakow è stato fantastico! Massimiliano e Gabriele sono due ragazzi in gamba, super disponibili e pieni di energia, pronti a farti conoscere nuovi luoghi e caratteristiche del posto. Mi hanno fatto scoprire un posto che, specie con il clima natalizio, conserva la sua magia, il suo fascino e la sua storia. Mi hanno permesso di esprimere la mia passione fotografica al mio meglio, senza vincoli e da questo viaggio fantastico porto con me nuove consapevolezze su di me e sul mio lavoro come fotografa! Non smetterò di ringraziarli abbastanza! A presto ragazzi! Ci vediamo al prossimo Discover!"

Martina from Italy (Discover Krakow XV)

"Let meItalian You un unico progetto che racchiude infinite possibilità di crescita e di conoscenza del mondo attraverso nuovi occhi. Un’apertura al nuovo, tutto super ben gestito ed organizzato dai super Gabri&Massi, che si sono occupati di tutto nei minimi dettagli. Non vedo l’ora di ripartecipare ad altri progetti!! Super!"

Gioia from Italy (Discover Krakow XV)

"I am so glad people like you do this kind of project.

It is something really magical for every participant.

You should be really proud of yourselves!"


Cemali from Belgium (Discover Krakow XIV)

"Everything was way above my expectations. Thanks to you all guys. I come back home with new amazing memories of these days….and nights spent together! I see also Discover Sicily was amazing and I truly believe it’s thanks to the atmosphere you are always manage to create with any group. I am sure we will meet again soon!"


Massimo from Italy (Discover Krakow XIV)

"I participate to Discover Krakow 14, it was my first time and I loved it! The city is beautiful, and the tours we had with the guide were interesting. I had the opportunity to upgrade my photographic skills with nice workshops, but also the chance to meet amazing people from everywhere, have fun with them, share experiences and make new friends. Thanks Massimiliano and Gabriele for what you do and see you soon at next Discovery."


Flavio from Italy (Discover Krakow XIV)

"Sono appena tornata dalla mia prima esperienza con let me italian you, ed è stato fantastico, i ragazzi, Massi e Gabri, hanno organizzato tutto in ogni minimo dettaglio, è stato bellissimo e si è subito instaurata una grande sinergia tra tutti i membri del gruppo, prima di partire ero titubante, adesso non vedo l'ora di poter prendere parte ad un prossimo progetto, grazie ancora ragazzi per questa bellissima esperienza, spero di potervi rincontrare presto!"

Chiara from Italy (Discover Krakow XV)

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