1st edition
2nd edition
3rd edition
"Ci sono viaggi che si fanno con un unico bagaglio: il cuore. Sono arrivata al mio 5 viaggio con Let me Italian You, ogni volta è un'emozione diversa ma con un unica garanzia; al ritorno il bagaglio cuore sarà stracolmo. Si dice che chi viaggia senza incontrare l'altro, non viaggia ma si sposta, non c'è cosa più vera. Scoprire le città più belle d'Europa con Massi e Gabri e Let me Italian you è entrare in una famiglia che ogni volta è diversa ma i cui membri parlano la stessa lingua fatta di passione, avventura, curiosità e professionalità. Alcuni membri di questa famiglia li perderai al ritorno ma molti altri li ritroverai in altre avventure, li amerai e ti mancheranno. Copenaghen, Budapest, Cracovia, Lisbona, Barcellona non sono state solo mete per me ma elisir per l'anima. Grazie ragazzi e alla prossima avventura."
Guendalina from Italy (Discover Copenhagen I)
"Took part in the first edition of Discover Copenhagen. This discover event was my third one (took part in Krakow and Lisbon) so I knew the deal and knew what to except. What I love about this photo trips, is that you just go there to take photos, learn about photography and to see how other people shoot their photos of the same thing and usually from the same places. Seeing how other people see and take their photos was truly eye opening for me and has thought me a lot. However, the best thing about these events are the people who take part in them. Meeting old and new friends with the same ambition and passion is what make these trips stand out. This discover was also different from the previous ones, because of Mona, our “full time” guide and teacher. She was awesome and had a lot of tips and tricks to teach us all. She is also a great person and an excellent photographer. Thank you Massi&Gabi for organizing these amazing adventures. We will meet again. Cheers"
Oscar from Finland (Discover Copenhagen I)
"A visit to Copenhagen is an amazing city to travel to. I'll never stop suggest these projects to anyone who is passionate about photograpy and need to improve their skills", Agata said.
What our participants said about their experiences in Discover Copenhagen
"Sharing your passion with others is great. You can spend all the days on it, talk about it, visit places, eat and drink and still enjoy being together. It was my 3rd time with LetmeItalianYou project, this time- in Copenhagen. It was great to spend all days with people doing the same things- just exploring interesting places for photos… It's so unique in our everyday, ordinary life... So, where will be 4th time?"
Magda from Poland (Discover Copenhagen I)
"Copenhagen is a city full of innovations, where there is a non-European air (even if it is).Every corner is often a colorful surprise, surrounded by a silentness out of the way (even at peak times).Participating in a first edition of a "Discover" is an experience to do, because it is a novelty in the novelty: for the twins it was the first time in Copenhagen but my fourth time in a "Discover" but, as I imagined, it went all right, they are always a guarantee! Are there other things to tell? Nothing, just go in Copenaghen!"
Ugo from Italy (Discover Copenhagen I)
"Travelling with LetMeItalianYou is always a different experience. The people you'll meet in each travel are completely different to one another, and this is what makes these projects so amazing. Discover Copenhagen was exactly like this: a completely new experience that made me grow as a photographer and as a person. During this project I made a huge step forward with my photography skills, thanks to the awesome workshops with Mona Eendra, who gave us new suggestions and new ideas, but also, thanks to the people who join this project with me. It's always amazing sharing thoughts with other photographers who have different styles, points of view and experience. Plus, Copenhagen is an amazing city to travel to. I will never stop suggest these projects to anyone who is passionate about photography and need to improve their skills, because you'll never stop learning."
Agata from Italy (Discover Copenhagen I)
"It's a great pleasure to join with Let Me Italian You First Edition of Discover Copenhagen, after Krakow Christmas Edition and Barcelona Ready-to-spring Edition. Every place has their own story and it becomes as a magic panorama when we look around with our camera and amazing Let Me Italian You team."
Yuu from Korea (Discover Copenhagen I)
"Discover Copenaghen I è stato un progetto molto interessante, la città era nuova, il gruppo era nuovo e pieno di persone talentuose e con voglia di fare E' stato un progetto super-interessante dove, come al solito, ho fatto delle amicize molto belle lavorare insieme agli altri mi ha aiutato ad aprire la mente, visitare Copenaghen è stato bellissimo. Consiglio a tutti di partire almeno una volta nella vita con Let Me Italian You!"
Riccardo from Italy (Discover Copenhagen I)
"One year ago I had the opportunity to become part of the Let Me Italian You family. Partecipating in Discover Kraków X I had the chance not only to improve my photography skills and discover a magic city, but also to meet amazing souls from all over the world. Thanks to the extremely positive experience of Discover Kraków, about a month ago I applied for Discover Copenhagen I. Needless to say that it was an other incredible adventure! A travel that help personal and professional growth, but also full of fun!"
Matilde from Italy (Discover Copenhagen I)
"Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to live this trip with you. As always, very well organized, and it has allowed me to improve both on a personal and photographic level. Also, in each of these trips you have the opportunity to meet wonderful people you will never forget. Of course, it's an experience that I would recommend to everyone. Again, thank you very much!!"
Marta from Spain (Discover Copenhagen I)
"Afer the experience to Discover Copenhagen I can say that I am very enthusiast, bot as experience as a city. The city is breathtaking and I came back home very satisfied of the new people I met and for the knowledges learnt during the lessons. It was my second experience with Let me Italian you and I can say that it is worth!"
Marta from Italy (Discover Copenhagen I)
"Discover Copenhagen was a lovely experience with a bunch of nice people passionate about photography. What I especially love about Workshops organized by Let Me Italian you is the possibility to try a lot of different kinds of photography, the kinds what Im normally not interested about. And normally during the shooting I start to love it . And the fact Im between so many creative individuals makes me to push my limits further."
Martina from Slovakia (Discover Copenhagen I)
"I want to thank you so much everybody!
I spent really good times in Copenhagen with you and I am super happy to be part of this chapter in #Letmeitalianyou memories book.
Hope to see you very soon and share other adventures all together!"
Giulia from Italy (Discover Copenhagen II)
"Guys, thanks for your time, your smile and your presence.
I'm happy to was with all of you, and to meet you.
Tweens, thanks for your heart, and your idea.
At the next Discover. Big Family!"
Eleana from Italy (Discover Copenhagen II)
"Thank you everyone for this fantastic time, I enjoyed every bit of it. It was a great pleasure to get to know you all and spend time with you. I'm sure we'll meet each other again in the future, rather sooner than later. Needless to say, as always, special thanks to letmeitalianyou for organizing such events This one was especially packed with knowledge and activity, which I appreciated a lot.
All the best!"
Cemil from Germany (Discover Copenhagen II)
"Thanks to you all! In the first place to the Twins who made this possible and accessible in the most enjoyable way as usual. But this time I would like to emphasis the affect that every participant had in this Discover, the memories I bring back home are not only hilarious, but heartwarming and touching for many different reasons.
Thanks for everything! I’ll never forget this incredible experience and you all guys. Seriously, let’s stay in touch!"
Massimo from Italy (Discover Copenhagen II)
"It was a wonderful experience, you gave me the chance to get to know a new place and amazing people who I can call friends now.
I will definitely take a part in another project with these guys!
We can really see that they love what they do, and that's why the experience was so great.
I will miss you all. Grazie mille!"
Jessica from Portugal (Discover Copenhagen II)
"I've joined the Discover Copenhagen photography project this summer 2021.
I was excited to discover a city through the Camera and beautiful photos but that experience went beyond my expectations I enjoyed the whole experience of the city and photography project. I was among amazing people and we had such a great time together and became friends.
I will for sure try to be part the next project in another city.
Thanks Gabriele and Massimiliano for giving me the opportunity to be among you, it worth everything."
Narimane from Algeria (Discover Copenhagen II)
"Gruppo meraviglioso, anche se "gruppo" è un po' riduttivo, oserei dire "famiglia" perchè è proprio questo che è Let me Italian you, una famiglia dove Gabriele e Massimiliano ti accolgono portandoti a visitare posti bellissimi con grande organizzazione, non importa se non sei bravissimo a fare foto o se non parli bene inglese, loro tutti cercano di aiutarti a migliorare in tutti i modi, per le foto ti fanno parlare con fotografi internazionali e per l'inglese trovi sempre qualcuno pronto a tradurre.
Discover Copenhagen 2 è stata la mia prima esperienza e ne sono entusiasta, sicuramente ne faro' altre, anzi, non vedo l'ora."
Lucrezia from Italy (Discover Copenhagen II)
"Dopo le bellisime Cracovia, Barcellona e Marrakech ho deciso di intraprendere un'altra meta a me sconosciuta con i ragazzi di let me italian you a Copenhagen,che dire...altra fantastica e indimenticabile esperienza con delle persone eccezionali in cui si aggiunge la conoscenza di altre splendide persone e il legame con amicizie sempre più forti e durature! A presto ragazzi!"
Antonello from Italy (Discover Copenhagen I)
"I've joined twins for 2 discovery in the row (Copenhagen and Lisbon III) and I need to admit that both of them were amazing experiences! I’ve met passionate people, explore 2 amazing cities and I’ve noticed that with each and every day I was taking better pictures. If you need time away from your normal life and hang out with positive people, attend photography workshop, improve your skills, need some inspiration and want to have fun doing all of that - discovery with Let me Italian you is what you need!
Massi and Gabri - thank you for making it happened!"
Monika from Poland (Discover Copenhagen I)
"At this point the trips with Let me Italian you are something that I must do it at least once per year, also and most of all to meet fantastic people that I have met during all these editions. At every trip the friendships become stronger! In Copenhagne I found the workshops really interesting and I had the opportunity to improve my skills. What else to say if not "until the next time"
Cecilia from Italy (Discover Copenhagen I)
"Discover Copenhagen was a fantastic adventure that brought together many beautiful people with the same passion in a beautiful and very interesting photographic city. A special thanks certainly goes to the sweet Mona who accompanied us professionally and friendly on this journey and especially to Gabriele and Massimiliano who gave me the opportunity to one of the most beautiful photographic experiences of my life."
Sonia from Italy (Discover Copenhagen I)
"Discover Copenhagen was for me the 5th experience with Letmeitalianyou and, as usual, this has been such an amazing journey ! The organization was perfect ! We visit the super beautiful city and we had three workshop with a special sweet young lady, Mona; she was so kind and prepared both in explaining about the city, that in talking about photography. Also the accomodation was very nice; for me it was the first time staying in a hostel, but I have to say that the choice of Generator Hostel was perfect ! Need to read something more? Of course I will join again Letmeitalianyou very soon for the 6th Discover!"
Vanessa from Italy (Discover Copenhagen I)
"Discover Copenaghen was a fantastic experience, hard to forget. I had the opportunity to learn a lot thanks to the workshops and my travelmates. It was also the opportunity to meet new people, new stories and challenge myself. The organization was perfect from Gabriele and Massimiliano, so I recommend to everyone to participate and I hope to join them again as soon as possible"
Antonio from Italy (Discover Copenhagen I)
"Ed eccomi giunta al 4 progetto. Quando mi hanno detto la metà mi si sono illuminati gli occhi, finalmente riuscivo a visitare una città del nord: Copenaghen! E non ha per nulla deluso le mie aspettative! Una città stupenda, si respirava un'aria di tranquillità assoluta nonostante sia una grande città. Anche a questo Discover ho conosciuto persone fantastiche e ho avuto la possibilità di rincontrare persone conosciute negli altri progetti! Grazie ai tour ho conosciuto un po' della sua storia e nei momenti liberi ho avuto l'opportunità di visitare la città ancora meglio, facendo chilometri e chilometri a piedi ma potendo così godermela al meglio! Ma il meglio di tutto resterà il giro in barca e penso che nessuno si dimenticherà di noi! Anche a questo giro non avete per niente deluso le mie aspettative continuate così, avrete sempre il mio appoggio! Grazie a voi nel mio piccolo riesco andare alla scoperta di nuove città! Ho lasciato un altro pezzo del mio cuore in questa città."
Martina from Italy (Discover Copenhagen I)
"I took part in Discover Copenhagen 2 and it was my first experience with
Let me Italian You. It was absolutely fantastic!
We spent three intensive days, visiting the city, taking photos and enjoing a lot. I improved my english and my photography skills but above all I met fantastic people, I felt like to be part of a big family. Gabriele and Massimiliano are very kind and helpful, they planed all in the best way. Wondeful Experience I recomend to everyone. Thank you guys!"
Maddalena from Italy (Discover Copenhagen II)
"Grazie a Massimiliano e Gabriele, ho avuto la possibilità di partecipare a un progetto davvero emozionante! Ho imparato e sperimentato lati della fotografia che ancora non conoscevo ed è stato bello poter di nuovo scoprire un piccolo pezzetto di mondo dopo questi anni di difficoltà per tutti noi. Ho anche avuto la fortuna di trovare dei compagni di viaggio meravigliosi, è stata un'esperienza interessante e utile, ma al contempo molto divertente e spensierata.
Da rifare assolutamente!"
Tabata from Italy (Discover Copenhagen III)
My first experience with Let me Italian you! When I was invited for this trip, it was scary but was one of my best decisions ever - and I also managed to get my husband into this. This was a well organised trip by the twin brothers (Massimiliano and Gabriele) right before we all arrived in Copenhagen till we left back, there was nothing to worry about. I learnt so much more as a photographer, met nice people & had good fun experiences. Being a traveller myself, this is definitely not my last one with them."
Karina from India (Discover Copenhagen III)
"The Discover Copenhagen 3 edition was my first project I participated in but it definitely won't be my last one. These four days was magical in a sense of the people I've met, the sunny weather we were so lucky with, the good organized agenda and the things I've learned regarding photography. I highly recommend getting to know any of the LetMeItalianYou projects from the inside. It's worth the memories you'll create in a foreign country and great company."
Gergana from Bulgaria (Discover Copenhagen III)
"First time in Copenhagen.
First time in an international project.
First time with Let me Italian you and surely not the last.
I participated in the third edition of Discover Copenhagen and it was an absolutely lovely journey: a great city, modern architecture, perfect weather, practical workshops, very nice accommodation, but most importantly, amazing people.
I am grateful for meeting all and for sharing this experience with them.
This project combined perfectly the passion for photography and for traveling. Thank you for everything!"
Teona from Romania (Discover Copenhagen III)
"I did my third discovery in Copenhagen and it had nothing less than the other 3! Interesting people to know with whom share a passion, very useful workshops and a beautiful city to discover and photograph! I will be never tired of this! I'm already ready for another one!"
Flavio from Italy (Discover Copenhagen III)
"I have been waiting for this trip for two years and finally I left: Copenaghen! Beautiful city but it was the group that created the right atmosphere!
I had a good time and I hope to be able to do it again soon!
Tip: bring comfortable shoes that the twins will make you walk!
But it's worth it. I can only say thank you!"
Miriam from Italy (Discover Copenhagen III)
"It was pleasure to meet you all. Enjoy evening and Christiania tomorrow. Wish you amazing time left in Copenhagen and safe trip home."
Martina from Slovakia (Discover Copenhagen II)
"Guys I didn’t write anything long because I don’t really have the time, but something I want to say! I’m a really introverted person and I know that it seems completely the opposite ahah but I find always a bit difficult to really feel integrate and part of a group in 4 days ahah. Beside all the worries that I had before coming, with all of you I found spontaneous to talk, open myself, make jokes! I’m not going to take it lightly when I say that with all of you I felt in a friendly and familiar environment and for me this is a huge “memory” that I will preserve with jealousy! Thanks to any single person! For the jokes, laughs, talks and walks together... everything was definitely over my expectations in a super good way!
Thank you and see you soon!"
Simona from Italy (Discover Copenhagen II)
"Guys, Copenaghen without you all is so empty, despite all tourists and people here.
You are so special, I hope to see you again and to enjoy another trip all together!"
Silvia from Italy (Discover Copenhagen II)
"As always, saying thank you is an understatement. I was not so positive about leaving this time for various problems, it was a bit improvised, but after these days I can say that it was the best choice to participate.
Thank you all for what you have done and said for me, in 4 days you have changed me. I come home full of memories and emotions, and above all with a smile!
Thank you for your smiles, for the laughs, for your looks.
I hope to see you again, that is in another discover or around the world.
Grazie grazie grazie (e per non farci mancare nulla, un bel piantino in aeroporto ci sta tutto)."
Roberta from Italy (Discover Copenhagen II)
"Thanks for everything to everyone.
But first of all thanks to #letmeitalianyou for the family of travelers who create with every project."
Giulia from Italy (Discover Copenhagen II)
"Dears, thank you for this fantastic experience! Twins, you have been perfect, as usual. Thanks to all the beautiful people I have met in Copenhagen for sharing these experience with me, looking really forward to meeting you again somewhere else in the world in another project."
Annarosa from Italy (Discover Copenhagen II)
"It was nice to have an unforgettable experience with you.
I wish you a good continuation, and a good life,
and thanks a lot to the twins for the work done!
Miss you all!"
Silvia from Italy (Discover Copenhagen II)
"Esperienza di viaggio (e fotografia) unica e da ripetere assolutamente.
Ho partecipato alla seconda edizione di Discover Copenaghen dopo un anno di pandemia ed è stato come tornare a respirare. Mi sono sentita subito accolta, come in una piccola grande famiglia. Tra un benvenuto e un arrivederci si è portato avanti tutti insieme un progetto, si è creata in pochi ma intensi giorni una storia che custodisco ora come uno dei ricordi più preziosi.
Ottima l'organizzazione e il supporto di Massimiliano e Gabriele durante il viaggio. Consigliatissimo!!!"
Sofia from Italy (Discover Copenhagen II)
"Viaggiare e conoscere persone nuove, cosa volete di più?
Il progetto Copenaghen è stato bellissimo e devo ringraziare di nuovo Gabriele e Massimiliano per questa opportunità!
Ci vediamo presto perché sicuramente ritornerò a viaggiare con voi!"
Noemi from Italy (Discover Copenhagen III)
"Discover Copenhagen III is the third trip I take with Let me Italian you. The twins are two beautiful people, they put a unique passion into organizing these projects in the best possible way and I am really happy to have met them in 2018. Copenhagen was a particular city to discover, as quiet during the week as wild at the weekend. We laughed, joked, danced, photographed a lot; I had a great time and the group that was created, as usual, was the cherry on top of the cake. I recommend everyone to participate in these fantastic trips at least once, because in addition to being a wonderful experience, it brings home a large baggage of photographs and memories."
Valeria from Italy (Discover Copenhagen III)
"I am really happy to have participated in this experience organised by Let Me Italian You. It gave me the opportunity to visit a fantastic city (Copenhagen) and to discover many things that would have been hidden from me otherwise. It also gave me the opportunity to meet many great people who I look forward to seeing again. I can't wait to attend another one of their events. Thanks a lot guys!"
Alex from Italy (Discover Copenhagen III)
"I’m really happy that I had participated in Discover Copenaghen project this was my first experience with the Let Me italian you and I learned a lot. Massimiliano and Gabriele are so kind and very professional. I met with very talented people and nice photography workshop and international atmosphere.
Can’t wait to participate again! See you soon!"
Alda from Italy (Discover Copenhagen III)
"If you like to travel, photography and you are open to get involved into new experiences, I really suggest you to leave for one of their organised trips. You will have a lot to discover and in the end you will be satisfied. Thanks guys, always, for your kind and proactive support!"
Elena from Italy (Discover Copenhagen III)
"My partner surprised me with a birthday gift all the way to "Discover Copenhagen" through "Let me Italian you". It was one of the best gifts, as I had no idea what to expect and my photography skills are very basic. I quickly built up some confidence in my photo shooting and the continuous tips from the overall team massively helped me. Both Gabriele and Massimiliano were well organized and the way the program is structured will lead you to make a lot of new friends and certainly enjoy your time. I can not wait to attend one of the next ones!"
Giannis from Greece (Discover Copenhagen III)
"It's been such a pleasure to finally join you guys and honestly no bother at all.
You deserve our congrats for pulling through at a very difficult time.
We've said we'll do it again so we'll definitely join you again!
Giannis was so pleased with my gift. This was his birthday present for his 30th birthday in 2020
and he's enjoyed it very very much thanks to you.The organisation was fantastic, with lots of information before the trip, a clear schedule for all days and information on the day regarding meeting points and times. This was a birthday present to my lovely partner, who is much better in photography than he thinks. Therefore, we enjoyed it very much, Copenhagen gave us a lot of material to photograph and of course we both have learnt a lot and had the chance to play with our camera and phones. Quite a few of the activities were really fun and unique as experiences. We already think about the next project!
Emma from Greece (Discover Copenhagen III)
"For the second time I went with Let me Italian you. The first time to Lisbon and this time to Copenhagen. It's a fun way to learn the city and combine it with photography. It is also always nice to get to know people who have the same passion as you. Massimiliano and Gabriele have arranged everything neatly and are always there for you if you have any questions. I certainly hope to come along again to discover a new city"
Sylvia from Netherlands (Discover Copenhagen III)