After the great success of the first third editions, Let me Italian you is proudly ready to launch the fourth and Carnival edition of DISCOVER BUDAPEST, with wonderful news!
IT’S FARSANG TIME! With its original purpose of bidding farewell to the frosty winter months, Farsang (“Carnival” in Hungarian) anticipates the milder spring season, while scaring evil spirits away with revelers wearing devilish outfits, creating surreal scenes across the city. Budapest boasts many enlivening Farsang events as the city celebrates this costume-filled season, with several gigantic parties, mountains of Carnival-style doughnuts, and a day of excessive eating on Fat Thursday (8th of February), when numerous restaurants offer a 50% discount on their meals citywide and countrywide.
DISCOVER BUDAPEST is an innovative project with a purpose to make the participants have a professional experience for those who love photography and video making.
The main goal of the project is to valorise and promote the magic city of Budapest,Hungary, trough photos, reportage, videos made by photographers (amateurs and not) from different places of the world. DISCOVER BUDAPEST wants to enrich the professional and academic path of the photographer, moreover it wants to enrich their portfolio.
DISCOVER BUDAPEST is supported by Italian Cultural Institute in Budapest.
Read the article written by National Geographic Hungary about us:
The tour of the Old Town is organized in collaboration with Zsuzsanna, a local guide, who knows all the sights of Budapest and will take you on a guided tour. Furthermore, agenda will be enriched with the visit of the most beautiful sites: Heroes Square, Fisherman's Bastion, Vajdahunyad Castle, Margaret island, Buda Castle.
In order to improve the participants’ professional and academic skills, there will be four workshops :
- Workshop "Urban Photography" lead by the photographer Isabel Val
- Workshop "Fashion Photography - Carneval theme" lead by Adrienn Örkényi in a professional studio
- Workshop "Lifestyle Photography " lead by Noémi Jánossy & Simon Péter in a professional studio
- Lecture lead by the photojournalist Andy Davidhazy
Further, there will be an Outdoor Shooting with local models always in Carnival theme in the stunning location of the Fisherman's Bastion.
How is DISCOVER Budapest organized and what is its output?
The role of the participant is to take photos of Budapest’s beauties during each guided tours. You will work alone or in pairs (your fellow could be one your friend). The project lasts 4 days.
Here you are the agenda:
Thursday 8 February
09:30 – 10:00 Opening & Welcoming to Discover Budapest
10:00 – 12:00 Old Town Budapest Visit with Zsuzsanna
14:00 – 17:30 Workshop "Lifestyle Photography" with Noémi Jánossy & Simon Péter
Friday 9 February
10:00 – 12:30 Workshop "Fashion Photography" with Adrienn Örkényi
15:00 - 17:30 Workshop "Urban Photography" with Isabel Val
Saturday 10 February
10:00 – 12:00 Outdoor Shooting with local models at the Fisherman's Bastion
15:00 – 17:00 Lecture with Andy Davidhazy
Sunday 11 February
10:00 – 12:30 Visit of Heroes Square, Vajdahunyad Castle, Margaret island with Zsuzsanna
12:30 – 13:00 Issue of Attendance certificates and Good bye
At the end of the project, each participant shall receive an Attendance certificates signed by the Let me Italian you team and all its partners: Italian Cultural Institute in Budapest,Budapest Metropolitan University, Isabel Val,Noémi Jánossy, Andy Davidhazy.
Plus, in order to bring more visibility to the work done during the project, each participant will submit 20 photos with their credits to Let me Italian you and one of the photos will be published by the Facebook page of Daily News Hungary (30K followers) and by Daily magyar (20K followers) plus from our official Instagram account @letmeitalianyou and Flickr account Let me Italian you.