1st edition
2nd edition
3rd edition
4th edition
5th edition
6th edition
7th edition
8th edition
9th edition
10th edition

"12-16 October, 5 days (they left too fast) passed with amazing people! The experience lived with #letmeitalianyou is something that I highly recommend to everyone! If you are willing to take photos, learning, discovering, meeting new people and most of all smiling, you are ready to leave with Massimiliano and Gabriele! I hope to repeat soon this experience with you guys and to discover a new city!
Thanks again for what you do!"
Paola from Italy (Discover Barcelona I)
"5 beautiful days where I met incredible people in an amazing city! I want to thanks from my heart Let me Italian you for this experience! Thanks to you I've learnt so many new things. I've made connections with talent photographers that I really hope to meet again soon! Thanks a lot! I hope to join again in different projects! This is an experience that I'll take forever with me!
Alessia from Italy (Discover Barcelona I)
"The experience has been so wonderful and rewarding for us. And that which would be a dream, it has been a source of inspiration for our next dreams! " Maria Jose said.
What our participants said about their experiences in Discover Barcelona
"Discover Barcelona has been an experience that I will always remember, everytime I will shoot and everytime I will watch the world around me. Thanks to this project, I had not only the opportunity to meet amazing people who share my same passione but also to listen the advices and opinions of professional photographers who helped me to remember how beautiful is to look around and lost in the details. Guys, what you do is fantastic: it is not only putting together a group for a project but it creating connection between human beings, creating new friendships. it is believing in seeing the world from a different point of view. Thanks for making me even more positive. Thanks for everything!"
Anna from Italy (Discover Barcelona I)
Una volta, un regista mi disse: "No matter what role you're playing, you should change people's lives" e io vorrei dedicare questa frase a questi due splendidi ragazzi che danno così tanto ad ogni persona che partecipa ai loro progetti. A me questo progetto è stato regalato da mia sorella, e ricordo che quando aprì la busta con scritto "Progetto di fotografia a Barcellona" mi misi a piangere dalla felicità. Quando sono partita non volevo sapere come sarebbe stata, non volevo sapere cosa avremo fatto, ne volevo sapere niente di chi avrebbe partecipato..volevo solo vivere al meglio ciò che mi sarebbe capitato!
Sono state giornate bellissime, in una città stupenda come Barcellona -avevo visitato Barcellona già due volte, eppure questa volta era come se la vedevo per la prima volta. Ho avuto il piacere di conoscere persone meravigliose, piene di energia, positività e tanta passione per la fotografia. Ci tengo però a dire che ciò che più mi ha colpito di questa esperienza è stato il lavoro che hanno fatto e fanno Massimiliano e Gabriele. Ho moltissima stima di voi e di ciò che fate e mi auguro che tanti altri giovani avranno un giorno il coraggio di seguire i loro sogni e di vederli realizzati. Gracias por lo mucho que me habeis dado #letmeitalianyou!
Enkeleida from Albania (Discover Barcelona I)
5 days - whole life...Days to forget about your other life and to begin a new one, because they have definitely changed something inside me and I m sure in everybody who was an inseparable part of our group! For me it was a quick decision - to go to Barcelona to participate in this project , though it's not about me to be so much spontaneous. Sometimes taking quick decisions can be not the best ones in your life and can make you regret, but this one for now is the best spontaneous thing I ve ever done in my life! 5 days of hard work, searching and finding inspiration, learning from professionals of photography , thinking , discovering Barcelona - it was unforgettable! And I want to say special words about our group.Gabriele and Massimiliano, you are hard-workers, enthusiasts and creative travel-lovers! Thank you so much for doing this amazing project. It's not only about photography and travel, it's also about people who are so lucky to be in ! Our amazing group, everybody so unique and creative, I found great friends and I m smiling and crying writing this because am missing the atmosphere of being together , missing of our multi-lingual chats, smiles , ideas, jokes, our breakfasts , lunches and dinners, selfies and many many other things which I can't enumerate because they are endless .. thank you everybody being so awesome! Love you all! I wish this project all the best : our twins - you change peoples' lives, what can be better ?"
Maria (Discover Barcelona I)
"Che dire...#DiscoverBarcelona è stata un'esperienza che mi ha tramesso forti emozioni; dalla città, alla compagnia, al tempo trascorso a fotografare. Ringrazio #Letmeitalianyou per avermi dato l'opportunità di partecipare a questo progetto e di avermi dato modo di conoscere delle persone fantastiche, divertenti e professionali. Con un po' di malinconia è terminato, lasciando dei ricordi irripetibili! Gabriele e Massimiliano sono veramente contenta di avervi conosciuto, continuate così! Spero tanto di poter partecipare a #DiscoverKrakow.
Vi consiglio vivamente di provare quest'esperienza!"
Carmen from Italy (Discover Barcelona I)
"Un'esperienza davvero fantastica! Un'ottima opportunità per per arricchirsi sia dal punto di vista della pratica della fotografia, ma anche dal punto di vista delle relazioni! Conoscere persone che vengono da ogni parte dell'Italia, dell'Europa, del mondo! Ringrazio di cuore Massimiliano e Gabriele di avermi contattata per partecipare e consiglio a chiunque di farlo... Personalmente se avrò la possibilità di far parte di un altro progetto non esiterò a dir di no! Grazie mille a tutti ancora!"
Gaia from Italy (Discover Barcelona I)
5 giorni di ferie, 28 sconosciuti, 1 città che già conoscevo... Alla partenza tanti dubbi....sarà vero? Ci saranno? Sarà una fregatura?
CHI saranno? Un timido silenzio....
Poi sguardi, strette di mano, sorrisi, intese, risate, tanti brindisi e tanti SELFIE!
Tante parole, tanti consigli, tanti pensieri, tanti aiuti, tanti confronti.
Ti riunisce la passione per la fotografia, ma scopri che non è l'unica cosa! Unire l'italiano, l'inglese e il francese nella stessa frase non è da tutti i giorni!!
Sorprenderti a pensare in inglese o francese...ancora oggi! Sarò matta?? Sentire un certo vuoto tornando a casa...
5 giorni fantastici, 28 amici, 1 città che sorprende sempre! Ecco cos'è per me Let Me Italian You, un progetto nato da due ragazzi che mi rende FIERA di essere ITALIANA. Grazie per avermi invitata a partecipare a #discoverbarcelona e #letmeitalianyou! I love you guys!!
Eleana from Italy (Discover Barcelona I)
"An amazing experience at photography level but also at human one. Thanks to the twins Masismiliano and Gabriele for giving me this opportuniy that I really hope to repeat. I highly recommend to everyone who will be contacted in the future to absolutely partecipate for sharing your photography experiences and styles, without forgetting the group atmosphere that #letmeitalianyou is able to create. Thanks for everything!"
Giacomo from Italy (Discover Barcelona I)
"The first word that comes up on my mind is THANKS!
Thanks to Massimiliano and Gabriele for this very useful experience, well organized and really really beautiful. If you have the opportunity to participate, do it immediately!
Gabri and Massi, keep doing like this because you are doing something really amazing!"
Luca from Italy (Discover Barcelona I)
"Quelli appena conclusi sono stati dei giorni meravigliosi, impegnativi ma infinitamente gratificanti, non solo dal punto di vista fotografico e professionale, ma anche e soprattutto per la compagnia magnifica con la quale ho vissuto questa esperienza. Condividere con altri una propria passione è uno dei regali più preziosi che la vita possa fare, e queste giornate trascorse tra le vie di Barcellona me l'hanno confermato, perché parti che sei solo e torni portandoti dietro qualcosa di tutti.
Grazie a tutti quanti per questa indimenticabile esperienza, a Gabriele e a Massimiliano in primis per aver avuto la pazienza e la costanza di creare e portare avanti un progetto in grado di lasciarti dentro veramente tanto. Spero di poter presto rivivere un'altra esperienza assieme a voi, e nel frattempo vi faccio ancora tantissimi complimenti per ciò che fate. Grazie infinite a tutti ragazzi!"
Alice from Italy (Discover Barcelona I)
"The most beautiful experience of my life! Thanks to Massimiliano and Gabriele for the oppurtunity to participate in Discover Barcelona and I recommend to everyone to absolutely participate in their projects, if you have the opportunity! Professionalism, reliability, everything well organized! Thanks again guys!"
Stefania from Italy (Discover Barcelona I)
"It was an amazing adventure that combined photographic passion, developing skills, learning from the best with curiosity learning about the magical city, with people who, despite the fact that they speak different languages have a common denominator - they want to retain those fleeting moments in the frame in their individual, unique way The power of emotions, the charm of the city, its extraordinary brilliance, meetings with people who professionally cultivate photography, their expressive narrative about photography, sharing knowledge, have made these workshops a real feast for people who love photography, thank you all, without exception for those moments, especially and Massimiliano and Gabriele for the perfect organization of the trip.
Thank you and see you! "
Malgorzata from Poland (Discover Barcelona I)
"I have participated at the 3rd edition of Discover Barcelona. It was a great experience where I learnt a lot about photography and about relationship thanks to the professional photographers and to my group. I have also made new friends from all over the world and I suggest this experience to everyone. Thanks to Gabriele and Massimiliano that gave me the opportunity to participate at this project and I hope to see everyone soon and participate at a new project!"
Valentina from Italy (Discover Barcelona III)
"Discover Barcelona 3, really a great experience, where I have grown professionally and culturally, where I have learnt many new things, met incredible people and where I have left a piece of my heart"
Noemi from Italy (Discover Barcelona III)
"Project "Let me Italian you. Discover Barcelona" is the best thing that happened to me recently. Thanks Gabri and Massi for the chance to be part of this project, to meet people who share your passion for the photo. I sincerely believe that I will be involved in your other projects. Those who have not yet participated, I recommend heartily! Excellent organization, interesting places to shoot, unforgettable atmosphere and cheerful mood are guaranteed.
Thank so much and see you soon!"
Ekaterina from Russia (Discover Barcelona II)
"Esperienza che permette di conoscere gente nuova, visitare posti stupendi non facendoti sentire un turista ma vivendoli in prima persona. Questo grazie A Massimiliano e Gabriele, ed ai fotografi che ci hanno accompagnato con la voglia di fare e conoscere che li contraddistingue. Workshop divertenti ed istruttivi, sia per fotografi professionisti, ma anche semplicemente per appassionati. Bel progetto, ma soprattutto bravissimi gli organizzatori!"
Ilaria from Italy (Discover Barcelona II)
"I definitely recommend this project!
Workshops were very informative, teachers (the professional photographers) were very helpful and friendly and I had a great time with the other participants from all over the world!"
Aleksandra from Estonia (Discover Barcelona II)
"Serendipity is the word that better represents this trip and experience. Laugh till crying with new friends, finding someone always ready to help you made me feeling at home. Sharing your ideas and passion for photography made me feeling part of a new "BIG FAMILY". Thanks to every single person for letting me part of this! I hope to see you soon again and a special thanks to the twins!"
Divia from Italy (Discover Barcelona II)
"Need to live your passion for photo, discovering nice places, meeting nice people...head over Let me Italian you project. Once again, thanks so much guys for that huge experience.
Really feel grateful and lucky being part of it!!
I definitively recommend it!"
Myriam from France (Discover Barcelona II)
"Wonderful experience with Let me italian you!
I enjoyed it a lot, sharing and living this passion with great people from over the world, discovering new places, learning and discovering new experiences in photography.
The workshop was rich and very well organized, teachers were great and available, and you guys were so lovely.
Thank you for inviting me, I feel so lucky!
Grazie mille ragazzi, and see you in an other place in the world."
Carolyn from Madagascar (Discover Barcelona II)
"I've partecipated in the second edition of Discover Barcelona, it was a great experience! I had the opportunity to get in touch with people from many different part of Europe, with different cultures but passionate about photography as me. At the same time it was a great chance to attend different workshops about street photography, shooting with models and meaningful photography with professional photographers. I recommend this experience to everybody who enjoy photography, from beginners as me to professionals, for sure I will participate in another project in the future."
Annarosa from Italy (Discover Barcelona II)
"A very qualified educational experience, workshops are very useful and interesting, teachers/photogaphers are very available to share their knowlegde, then living for 4/5 days with unknown people that share your same passion is outstanding! I am sure I will join you again!"
Luca from Italy (Discover Barcelona II)
"Let Me Italian You è un progetto che racchiude tante emozioni, esse appaiono una dopo l'altra; come colpi di scena. Ho vissuto questa esperienza con serenità, sono stato felice in una Barcellona da scoprire assieme ad altri ragazzi di ogni parte di questo nostro fantastico pianeta. Agli inizi, in comune pensavo avessimo solo la passione per la fotografia e poi, una parola dopo l'altra abbiamo scoperto che di affine abbiamo tanto altro. I fotografi che ci hanno assistito sono stati molto disponibili, non dimenticherò mai le parole di Yan Pekar e i suoi consigli. Per tutto questo, grazie Massimiliano e Gabriele!"
Giuseppe from Italy (Discover Barcelona II)
"Cinque giorni indimenticabili. Due professionisti, Gabriele e Massimiliano, molto preparati e davvero adorabili. Docenti seriamente competenti e disponibili. Nuovi preziosissimi amici. Discover Barcelona è stata per me una esperienza davvero importante! Meravigliosa quando l'ho vissuta e dolcemente malinconica nei ricordi. Posso a onor del vero dire di aver assaporato questo viaggio quattro volte: nei SOGNI che precedevano la partenza, nella REALTA' di una città splendida e di amici cari, nei RICORDI che continuano a nutrire la mia mente e nella CONTEMPLAZIONE delle foto scattate. Non solo foto mie, anche quelle degli amici incontrati, tutte diverse e tutte uniche perché "ciò che vediamo non è ciò che vediamo, ma ciò che siamo" e ognuno di noi ha messo se stesso dentro ogni bellissimo scatto. Spero di incontrarvi tutti presto!"
Federica from Italy(Discover Barcelona I)
"I had such a great time with the Twins, 3 days full of photography and kindness. There was a serions and great organisation. I recommend your trip for photographers: New places, shooting as professionnals, lessons with professionals. All of that with a big and gentle smile. Keep going Massi and Gabri!"
Florence from France (Discover Barcelona II)
"An amazing experience, I met many fantastic people, first of all the two organizers. I will do it again for sure!"
Francesca from Italy (Discover Barcelona II)
"A fantastic experience, perfect organization and management of the events. Meeting people from all over the world and with your same passion it is something that enrich your soul and your personal knowing. An experience to repeat absolutely.
Thanks guys and keep in touch!"
Guendalina from Italy (Discover Barcelona II)
"É stata un'esperienza intensa ed emozionante che altro dirvi, Gabriele e Massimiliano di letmeitalianyou, se non grazie per avermi dato questa possibilità di 'crescere' attraverso la fotografia.
Ho avuto modo di apprezzare una bellissima città come Barcellona e di conoscere tante belle persone, di età differenti ma con la passione comune per la fotografia. Un ringraziamento particolare va anche a Yan Paker per la sua pazienza e professionalità.
Ciao ragazzi continuate così e spero di rivedervi presto."
Cristina from Italy (Discover Barcelona I)
"Thank you for your precious experience , for to share your view and advice! Sharing a wonderful experience to discover the most beautiful corners and hidden Barcelona. I met really capable teachers and recommend to everybody who is a professional photographer or no t like me, this new adventure with Gabriele and Massimiliano. Hope to see you again!"
Silvia from Italy (Discover Barcelona I)
"A wonderful experience, I thank Gabriele and Massimiliano for giving me the opportunity to grow from a human and professional point of view, being able to compare and interact with extremely prepared and available people.
I hope to repeat this experience in the near future."
Marco from Italy (Discover Barcelona I)
"Questa è stata la mia prima esperienza con Let me Italian you e devo dire di essere piacevolmente sorpresa e grata. Ho partecipato alla sesta edizione di Barcellona, e a parte la città di per sé che è fantastica, Gabriele e Massimiliano sono due persone davvero bellissime! Per me è stato un vero piacere incontrarli, conoscerli e passare del tempo con loro; e naturalmente con tutte le altre persone che hanno partecipato al viaggio. Tutti fantastici, gruppo che subito è riuscito a mettermi a mio agio, mi sono divertita e ho imparato nuove cose che prima magari non conoscevo. Mi sono messa alla prova, e naturalmente avrei potuto dare molto di più, ma sono contenta di averci provato, di aver dato il via a quello che credo sarà l'inizio di un lungo viaggio. Perché lo devo ammettere...hanno creato una nuova droga per chi è appassionato di fotografia e viaggi, e io penso di esserne appena diventata dipendente! Thank you, thank you so much! I already miss you so. "
Valeria from Italy (Discover Barcelona VI)
"Discover Barcelona (VI) has been a wonderful experience. We had the opportunity to learn about photography in an amazing city as Barcelona is, working with professional teachers as Yan Pekar, Julia Hernandez and Quim Farrero and make lots of practise; and also for making new friends from all over the world that I'm sure we meet again. I really encourage you to join them on this project... It will be an amazing memory for you!
Thank you Gabriele and Massi for this adventure!"
Berta from Spain (Discover Barcelona VI)
"If you want to mix your passion for photography, travell and discover new places, Let me Italian you it's for you! Massimliano and Gabriele will make you spend a wonderful experience! I am very glad to have attended to Discover Barcelona V and I hope to partecipate to other projects!"
Federica from Italy (Discover Barcelona V)
"DISCOVER BARCELONA V Se amate viaggiare, scoprire e se non avete paura di mettervi in gioco non esitate a partecipare! E' stata un'esperienza fantastica ed è stato veramente bello passare giornate intere con persone che condividono la stessa passione!
Un grazie speciale a Gabri e Massi per avermi dato la possibilità di partecipare!"
Sara from Italy (Discover Barcelona V)
"Il progetto Let Me Italian You mi ha regalato un’emozione unica. Gabriele e Massimiliano hanno creato un’opportunità di viaggio che unisse l’amore per l’arte e la voglia di avventura. Attraverso il mio obbiettivo ho visto una Barcellona diversa fatta di persone e non solo di monumenti, fatta di risate e convivialitá. Inoltre ho avuto la possibilità di incontrare ragazze e ragazzi provenienti da tutt’Europa che come me condividono l’amore per la fotografia e confrontarmi con loro. A fine di questo viaggio mi sento arricchita sia tecnicamente che personalmente."
Monica from Italy (Discover Barcelona VI)
"The best thing about traveling with the Let Me Italian You was the companionships formed between that 4 days, which were amazing and I will miss the most. I am back from Discover Barcelona 6 and I got the possibility to work with professional models, photographers and to shoot a lot at this marvelous city. The best part of this adventure was being able to get to know people from different places with quite different stories and experiences, but the most important, the opportunity to share the same thing that had brought us all together — the passion for photography. With Let Me Italian You, I had this unique adventure which I recommend to all the ones who love photography and exploring new places and meeting new people. I came back with a new perspective and with a lot of good memories. The best experiences are the ones which we are not expecting.
So don’t be afraid and engage in this journey, you won’t regret!"
Ines from Portugal (Discover Barcelona VI)
"It’s almost been a week that I came back from the Discover Barcelona experience with Let Me Italian You, and everyday since that I keep thinking about what all the things I learnt and how much this project gave to me. I’m talking about the photography tips of course but, mostly, on human level. We’ve been a group of people, from the younger one to the eldest, sharing a passion, a hobby, a job. All of this surrounded by the beautiful spirit of the city and its amazing weather. Sensations have been so intense that’s not easy to describe them, and that’s why our photos will speak for us. Being part of this project with Massimiliano and Gabriele was one of the best choice I could ever take, and I’m grateful to them who let me have the chance to do it and I will definitely follow these twins into another journey."
Alice from Italy (Discover Barcelona VI)
"Thanks a lot for four great days! I took part in the discover barcelona - winter edition. It was lot of fun to meet new people from 10 different countries, talk all the time in english :-) and take many, many photos. My highlight was the shooting in the studio with professional models. See you surley in sicily and/or in marrakech."
Jolanta from Germany (Discover Barcelona VI)
"Hi guys. Just wanted to say thank you for the great opportunity you organised to come to explore sunny Barcelona, to meet great people and learn about some photography tricks from experts in practical workshops. As I don't tend to use an SLR for my photography I was worried that I would find it difficult but actually it was really useful and the advice about light, composition and the thought process applies to any photo...even from an iPhone. That was the beauty of this project - people of any level of photographic skill could find something new for themselves. Would love to come and explore Sicily or Portugal with @letmeitalianyou. So Be adventures - sign up and have fun!"
Anya from Ukraine (Discover Barcelona VI)
"One of the coolest trips I've ever been on! Not only did I learn more about photography but I also met new amazing friends. It was a great mix of people/photographers and no matter what level you're at you can still tag along and learn a lot! Considering I had only taken photos with an mobile before, this adventure really reached out to all levels! Looking forward to my next trip with let me Italian you!"
Lydia from Sweden (Discover Barcelona V)
"Discover Barcelona 5 gave me a bunch of positive emotions, a lot of experience and useful advices, and of course I met nice people. Workshops were great, models are such beautiful girls, and organisators always ready to help!
I hope that I will come to another project."
Ekaterina from Latvia (Discover Barcelona V)
"Credevo di sapere più o meno cosa mi aspettasse... in realtà le aspettative e le speranze sono state di gran lunga superate! Nonostante il programma ben definito, ogni giorno è stato comunque una bella scoperta di luoghi, persone ed esperienze... Un concentrato di emozioni, impegni, energia e voglia di fare! Complimenti agli organizzatori, ai professionisti che hanno collaborato con noi e anche ai miei "colleghi"! Un'esperienza da rifare!"
Sara from Italy(Discover Barcelona IV)
"Thank you Massi and Gabriele for an amazing experience. I learnt so much and really improved my photography in just 4 days, and met some great people. Big thanks to you both!!"
Harry from UK (Discover Barcelona V)
"Thanks guys for organizing and letting me take part in Barcelona 5. It was great fun to meet you and fellow photographers, and I would never found those amazing places to take pictures! And finally special thanks to Yan Pekar! Very creative tutorials. Grazie."
Kris from Poland (Discover Barcelona V)
"Discover Barcelona 5 was a fantastic experience lived with a group full of live, joy! We share many great moments, in the city, in the table, in the hostel. The professional photographers were very kind and we had the opportunity to admire their amazing phtoos! Models were so beatufiful and very patient and they let us to take dream photos!
A big thanks to our twins for their shiness!"
Michele from France (Discover Barcelona V)
"Discover Barcelona V In quattro giorni può non accadere nulla, o in questo caso, può accadere qualcosa di veramente bello. Cammini in una città magica come Barcellona, con la macchina fotografica tra le mani a scattare a più non posso, insieme a sconosciuti che diventano un meno di un weekend amici, con i quali condividi non soltanto la tua passione ma molto di più. Fotografi professionisti che ti illuminano e ti mostrano altri aspetti della fotografia, che magari non avevi mai preso in considerazione...Questo è tanto alto in soli 4 giorni!
E tutto grazie a Gabriele e Massimiliano!"
Marcella from Italy (Discover Barcelona V)
"For all photography and travel lovers: here you have the opportunity to learn new things, participating in workshops and taking photos, discovering a new and amazing city such as Barcelona, drinking sangria with new kind friends!"
Giorgia from Italy (Discover Barcelona IV)
"Scriverei papiri su quanto è stato incredibile partecipare al Discover Barcelona 4. Let me italian you è molto di più di un progetto, è lo specchio di Gabriele e Massimiliano chè con la loro esperienza, semplicità, disponibilità, unione, armonia ed amore per ciò che fanno, sono stati in grado di creare una realtà veramente intensa e gratificante sotto ogni punto di vista, umano, culturale e professionale. Torni a casa organizzandoti già per il prossimo discover con la voglia di scoprire un'altra città nel modo in cui solo loro sanno fare. Mi avete donato un'esperienza indimenticabile e arricchente che mi ha portato nuove amicizie, nuove prospettive, nuove tecniche e interesse per ciò che può trasmettere ogni singola fotografia. Grazie infinite a Yan Peker per l'aiuto tecnico e per aver condiviso i suoi pensieri e la sua professionalità, a Chema per lo shooting con le modelle e Quim Farrero per averci introdotto e iniziato a questi 4 giorni di workshop indimenticabili."
Martina from Italy (Discover Barcelona IV)
"Nonostante la mia poca conoscenza dell’inglese sono contenta di aver partecipato a questo progetto fotografico a Barcellona, sono stati 4 giorni intensi e allo stesso tempo interessanti, ho scoperto una città che non conoscevo, ho conosciuto persone davvero splendide e ognuno a suo modo mi ha lasciato qualcosa di se… un grazie ai fotografi professionisti che ci hanno supportato e sopportato in questa avventura ma soprattutto a Massimiliano e Gabriele che sono stati degli ottimi accompagnatori. Spero di avere la possibilità di partecipare presto a un altro vostro progetto."
Mary from Italy (Discover Barcelona IV)
"Sono partito per questa avventura con qualche aspettativa e molte speranze, devo dire che sono state tutte superate di molto. Oltre ad aver conosciuto dei fotografi professionalmente e umanamente fantastici, ho avuto il piacere di incontrare un gruppo di ragazzi e ragazze altrettanto speciali.
Un grazie particolare a Massimiliano e Gabriele per l' opportunità che mi è stata concessa di vivere un esperienza fotografica e umana che non scorderò mai. Spero in futuro di poter rincontrare ogni persona conosciuta in questa esperienza, magari in una nuova avventura in una nuova città."
Moreno from Italy (Discover Barcelona IV)
"Fantastic experience, full of emotions and opportunities to learn new things. Impeccable organizers and always ready to help us in everything we need! See you soon!"
Laura from Italy (Discover Barcelona IV)
"The project in Barcelona with the LetMeItalianYou was a great experience. I have meet wonderful people and gather many inspirations. If you think about an excuse to visit certain location this project is one of the best you can get."
Bartosz from Poland (Discover Barcelona IV)
"I can surely state that the Discover Barcelona was one of the best trip of my life. It was neither the city, nor the everything belonging to it that made it special, but the people. People from so many different countries all sharing the same passion: photography. I have met incredibly friendly and open minded people with whom I could discuss creative ideas an exchange experience or knowledge. I really felt like being on a short mini festival where you can never get bored, have to work a lot on your assignments and in the meantime the scenery around you is just beautiful. Apart from the emotional side: All presenters, photographers, experts and models involved were super professional and we could learn a lot from them. Massimiliano and Gabriele did an amazing job with all details, planning, organizing every single step of ours and of course with all the waiting. :)
I really hope we will keep in touch, lovely group.
Thank you for all of you once again!"
Juci from Hungary (Discover Barcelona IV)
"It has been a fantastic experience! Four itensive days, full of learning, but not only...thanks to this trip I've met many new friends that gave me something. Many memories and most of all many photos that in the future I will wacth with satisfaction and a smile! Thanks to Gabriele and Massimiliano fro this unique opportunity!"
Angela from Italy (Discover Barcelona IV)
"Not only a trip, but an adventure lived with 24 people with one common passion: photography. Four days spent in contact with different culture, people and professional photographers always ready to help us to grow in photograpghy , improving our techinical skills and at the same time our creativity!"
Valentina from Italy (Discover Barcelona IV)
"When Gabriele and Massilimiliano sent me a message five months ago in order to participate in their project, I was so excited but for me it was only a dream, and, of course, a goal out of my comfort zone. Later, when I decided to participate, this time it would be accompanied with my son. At last, this long weekend we've participated in Discover Barcelona IV. The experience has been so wonderful and rewarding for us. And that which would be a dream, it has been a source of inspiration for our next dreams! Thanks to all the participants and specially thanks to Gabriele and Maximiliano, our twins, for their hospitality and for all his good deeds. They are simply the best ones! Thanks to the teachers too, Quin Farrero and Chema Garrido, and also, specially Yan Pekar for their good advices. Thanks to the designers and the models too. I hope see you again in another edition! I wish!!!"
Maria Jose from Spain (Discover Barcelona IV)
"Ogni cosa va e viene.. Proprio come questa esperienza. Un'improvvisa ondata di aria fresca, che ha portato con se creatività, fatica ma anche tanta soddisfazione. Ho incontrato tante persone, e ognuna di loro mi ha concesso un piccolo lato di sé, arricchendomi. La cosa più importante però è vedere come l'amore per la curiosità e la passione per la fotografia accomuni persone di tutto il mondo allo stesso modo. GRAZIE per avermi concesso di partecipare a questo fantastico evento!"
Luciana from Italy (Discover Barcelona IV)
"Una delle città più belle d'Europa e del Mondo.
Due gemelli che, con impegno e professionalità, danno la possibilità a delle persone semplici, mosse anche solamente dalla passione per il loro "hobby", di vivere un'esperienza fantastica. Ventiquattro ragazzi pronti a mettersi in gioco, ad ascoltare, ad interagire, a sbagliare, a provare e riprovare ancora, creando un'armonia di gruppo che mai avrei pensato di poter trovare. E infine, tre fantastici fotografi disposti ad aiutare, dare consigli, criticare, confrontarsi, e soprattutto, professionalmente e umanamente impeccabili. Grazie di tutto, davvero!"
Federico from Italy (Discover Barcelona IV)
"Sometimes dreams come true! Discover Barcelona is over and i'm very sad about it, but as someone said, i'm happy because it happened. This was one of the most incredible experience in my life! Not just a trip, it was something more. I met many people from different countries, each one with a different point of view, but with the same strong passion for photography! I learnt a lot from the inspiring lessons we had! I will always be grateful for this oppurtunity!"
Alessandra from Italy (Discover Barcelona IV)
"I was chosen for Discover Barcelona, third edition, and I'm very happy because I spent 4 days doing what I love, make photos, and I also learn some tips that give me a different perspective of photography. We were a wonderful group that on the one hand make photos with your own style, on the other hand have fun togheter! Twins are nice person, you will love them! And also professional photographers and models.
Prepare to be surprised!"
Sara from Italy (Discover Barcelona III)
"I've participated in the 3rd edition of Discover Barcelona and it was a very interesting and, most of all, very useful experience! We've learnt how it works the world of street and fashion photograpy and not only! We have been visiting the most beautiful spots of the city that tourists don't know. Congratulations to Massimiilano and Gabriele for the organization! When I have the chance, I will for sure take part to Discover Budapest!"
Svetlana from Russia (Discover Barcelona III)
"I'm very glad that i had the change to take part in workshops Let me Italian you, see beautiful places, learn a lot of important things from professional photographers and meet great people who also love photography. Thank to you, i know that it is worth to travel and explore world (with camera :D)! Gorgeous adventure :)
Thank you so much and obviously I recommend"
Klaudia from Poland (Discover Barcelona III)
"Do u like travel? So this program is for u! Do u like photography? Sooo this program is for u!
And if u like travel and photography the same way it's totally for u! Such amazing opportunity to discover new places with group of interesting and so different people from all Europe!
I am so happy to have a chance to be there!
Thanks lovely twin brothers Gabriele and Massimiliano that I had a chance to see Barcelona and to try show this city from my own way!
I am very thankful for this great days in Barcelona!
And I wanna more! I am proud to be a part of this big team!"
Anna from Ukraine (Discover Barcelona III)
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened; my friend says. I have found a family, I have grown personally and professionally, thanks to these guys I had the opportunity to practice and learn new things, especially thanks to the collaboration with professional photographers. Professionalism, harmony and fun are the keywords of the 3rd edition of Discover Barcelona!"
Priscilla from Italy (Discover Barcelona III)
"If you are curious about the world If you see the world differently than others and You love Photography. You need to know " Let me Italian you” This project gives the opportunity to learn better photography. Getting to know wonderful people, share experiences. Two brothers with a passion who want to show others how beautiful is the world. They organize everything perfectly and take care of you. You will be able to take foto experience of the highest quality.
Thanks to Let Me Italian You in collaboration with the Institut D’Estudis fotografics de Catalunya, the photographers Yan Pekar and Baptiste Rutko and the entire team of models, make-up artist, designer it was a great experience. I took part in the III edition of Discover Barcelona and I know better Barcelona and Myself.
My Guru Tiziano Terzani said; “….voglia di aggiungere un pizzico di poesia alla propria vita, di guardare al mondo con occhi nuovi, di rileggere i classici, di riscoprire che il sole sorge, che in cielo c’è la luna e che il tempo non è solo quello scandito dagli orologi. Questa era la mia occasione e non potevo lasciarmela scappare…”
This was my chance and I could not let it go-
Let the Italian you – I recommend it highly"
Edyta from Poland (Discover Barcelona III)
"The best experience any photographer and traveler could get. So many different perspectives, useful knowledge, beautiful views, delicious tastes, emerging inspirations, new ideas, long-lasting friendships and desire for more. Energy boost to go further, grow higher, discover wider. And Barcelona - such a beautiful city, with its people, architecture, parks, views from the hills. I highly recommend!"
Joanna from Italy (Discover Barcelona III)
"Thank you Brothers Ragusa for bringing a lot of creative people together! A big thank you to all Photographers, mua's, fashion designers and models. It has been a wonderful experience working with all of you and exploring this amazing city Barcelona!"
Tommy from Belgium (Discover Barcelona III)
"Ho partecipato a Discover Barcelona III ed è stata una fantastica esperienza, unica per chi ha la passione per la fotografia! Si incontrano persone di diversi paesi, si passa da chi ha più esperienza a chi é alle prime armi. Io personalmente l'ho trovato molto utile per allargare le mie conoscenze, grazie ai fotografi professionisti che ci hanno seguito e anche ai miei compagni d'avventura che mi hanno permesso di crescere! Si impara e ci si diverte, l'accoppiata perfetta! Un po' come i fratelli Gabriele e Massimiliano che ringrazio per avermi permesso di fare questa esperienza, continuate cosi ragazzi!
Lisa from Italy (Discover Barcelona III)
"Discover Barcelona 3, a beautiful experience where I have grown professionally and I have met fantastic people."
Martina from Italy (Discover Barcelona III)
"Such a beautiful experience! I was part of the 3° edition of Discover Barcelona, I enjoied every moment!! I learnt a lot, thanks to the professionals photographs and to the other participants. We had a great and formative shooting in a professionnal studio and with models. We had workshop about street photography and we explored Barcelona. We shared also the free moments, super dinners and sangria... and even mojito :) What can I say more? Really thanks to Massimiliano and Gabriele and to my group also.
Hope to see you again in a next edition!"
Donatella from Italy (Discover Barcelona III)
"I participated to discover barcelona 2 and this project was an amazing experience. The guys from let me italian you put up an project which is interesting for photographer or photography enthusiasts with different experiences. Let me italian you organized two shootings with professional models and also workshops with local professional photographers.
I am a hobby photograph and was amazed by the project and all different participants."
Franz from Austria (Discover Barcelona II)
"Partire da solo per scoprire una città fuori dall'Italia non l'avevo mai fatto e devo ammettere che ero un po' titubante all'inizio, volevo solo partire per conoscere Barcellona tramite il mio "terzo occhio" ma arrivato lì mi sono subito ricreduto. La mia esperienza mi ha aperto molto sia culturalmente che moralmente. Ho conosciuto persone con le mie stesse passioni ed interessi, con le quali mi sono trovato benissimo divertendoci, e che oggi posso definire "amici". Ritengo che sono queste le cose che contano, uscire dalla propria realtà per incontrarne un altra fatta di persone nuove e posti nuovi, il tutto collegato dalla fotografia che fa da nesso perfetto.
Grazie twins per questa esperienza, sempre attenti e precisi. Molto probabilmente farò un altra esperienza simile il prossimo anno."
Fabio from Italy (Discover Barcelona VIII)
"Everyone knows how travel is the most enriching and emotional part of life: I know how Discover Barcelona was this kind of travel. It was not only a geographical travel, but also a cultural, professional and personal one. My boyfriend and I took so many shots, we saw so may faces, and we listened so many stories of our fellow travelers. All of this has enriched us deeply. thanks to those who shared their experience with us, to those who listened to us, and maked us laugh so much. Discover Barcelona is that kind of travel that you won't forget!"
Sara from Italy (Discover Barcelona VIII)
"My first time with letmeitalianyou in Barcelona...what can I say? FANTASTIC! I improved myself and I met very nice and cute people coming all over the world. Thanks to the Twins and waiting for the next project and see you as soon as possibile. See you!"
Cinzia from Italy (Discover Barcelona VIII)
"WOW! It was an AMAZING experience! Thank you, twins, for the 8th edition of workshops in Barcelona!
Many useful tips, amazing & experienced people, many inspirations! Are you wondering if you should go? DON’T HESITATE! I’m looking forward to the next edition!! :))
See you soon!"
Milena from Poland (Discover Barcelona VIII)
"After taking part in Discover Barcelona 8, I can say that it was a great experience: it allowed me to develop my photography skills thanks to the advice of professionals, and to meet fun people who share my passion. I would definitely recommend it! A piece of advice for future participants: if you have the chance, extend your stay in the city so that you'll have more free time to explore it"
Flaminia from Italy (Discover Barcelona VIII)
"I enjoyed a lot Discover Barcelona 8. It has been a really nice experience. I improved my photography with very interesting and nice people.
Thank you Let me italian you!"
Noemi from Italy (Discover Barcelona VIII)
"Last week my long-awaited DISCOVER BARCELONA Workshop with @letmeitalianyou took place. Barcelona presented itself from its best side - great weather, great places, great food! Thanks to Gabriele and Massimiliano for a brilliant organization and four unique days. The lessons taught by Yan, Julia and Quim were extremly insightful and inspiring and the places they took us to for the shootings were amazing. Overall it was a great experience enriched by nice people from different countries. I can‘t wait to try another DISCOVER in another city!"
Christiane from Germany (Discover Barcelona VIII)
"This is my first experience with Let Me Italian You. I have partecipate the project Discover Barcelona 8 and It was amazing! In this trip I had meet many nice people and i have deepened my passion for photography. I highly recommend Let Me Italian You because It was well organized and full of creative experience!"
Rebecca from Italy (Discover Barcelona VIII)
"What a great experience! A very well organized trip from all point of views. The people I meet are all very interesting and very passionate about photography and about life. The Photographers we had the pleasure to work with are all very knowledgeable, passionate and engaging. The city, a feast for the eyes and soul.
Thank you guys, I had an amazing time."
Elena from Italy (Discover Barcelona VII)
"Hi everyone! Participation in excellent project 'Discover Barcelona' was one of the most interesting experiences! I didn't expect such a great adventure. Massi and Gabriel have created something absolutely magical ... something that can not be compared with anything else.Thanks to them i could visit the wonderful city of Barcelona and meet people who i would certainly not have the opportunity to meet. It was very intense days, but it was definitely worth it! Once again, i would like to thank all of you who created this wonderful atmosphere, to the organizers, participants and photographers. I hope that this isn't our last trip together so i'll say only. see you soon. Greetings from Poland"
Iwona from Poland (Discover Barcelona VII)
"Bonjour à tous! I would like to thank everybody for this nice workshop in Barcelona. I have discovered Barcelona in an other way 30 years ago when I came for my work. But This one was very different and rewarding. It was pleasant to meet with photographs coming from different countries and with different approach of Photography. Special thanks to the organisators, the teachers and models. I had the opportunity to learn «fashion» shooting that is not what I use to do. And I have discovered that I was liking that ! I came for the first time with you! But this will no be the last one! A bientôt!"
Philippe from France (Discover Barcelona VII)
"I also would like to thank everyone especially Massimiliano and Gabriele for this awesome project and for unforgettable experience to discover Barcelona like that, to learn more about photography and to get know so many interesting and creative people from different countries during these 4 days."
Viktoria from Russia (Discover Barcelona VII)
"In the beginning i was a little nervous to be alone with people i didn't know in a place i've never been but i was suprised with how amazing these past days were. I made new friends and met a lot of nice people, also i learned so much about photography in general which helped me better myself and boost my confidence. i am so happy that you guys chose me to partecipate, it was an experience of a lifetime and i will remember it forever, coming home and going back to work was hard after 5 days spent taking pictures with people who share the came passion as me... I really hope to partecipate in a future event to explore a new city and learn new things..thank you guys for everything and for the amazing time i had in your company!"
Marlena from Italy (Discover Barcelona VII)
"As a participant in Discover Barcelona VII I can honestly say Let me Italian you is an amazing project! I had wonderful time discovering Barcelona with a group of incredible talented, creative and open minded people. Everyday was full of activities from visiting different locations, photoshotings with models, workshops with professional photographers etc... During the project I got a lot of new experience, I was able to visit and discover the beautiful city of Barcelona and made new friendships with people from all around the Europe. I am really grateful to the twin brothers who organized this project and I hope I will be able to participate in another project from Let me Italian you series."
Denis from Slovenia (Discover Barcelona VII)
"An infinity THANKS to Let me Italian you for letting me again to travel with them in the magic Barcelona. I've met fantastic people and live, as always, a beautiful experience. See you soon twins!"
Andrea from Argentina (Discover Barcelona VII)
"Extraordinary experience! There is nothing more to add! We've worked with fantastic photographer, shooted professional models and I had the opportunity to work with amazing people that now I can call friends! I can only say thanks to Massi and Gabri for this opportunity! I recommend this experience to everyone who want to try new experiences and challenge themselves with something totally new!"
Camilla from Italy (Discover Barcelona VII)
"Hi guys thank you so much for another great experience together. Happy to have met a bunch of passionate crazy people to share a smashing time in every way... Yan is right we can get all addicted into this fantastic projects! You've all been fabulous! Thank you Gabri and Massi for being so caring and heartful ...well guys let's keep in touch! I now indulge myself in this very cheerful atmosphere that Barcelona gives me in the last hours before leaving... ciaooooooooo!"
Daniela from Italy (Discover Barcelona VII)
"It was a pleasure to participate Let me Italian you project (Discover Barcelona 7) with open-minded, creative and always happy people. I came to Barcelona without knowing anyone and anything. New place, new people, new experience. Now I coming back with new friends from different countries. Friends with the same passion as my. It was remarkable time! Hope to see all of you in the future! Especially thanks to Gabriele and Massimiliano! You did a great job! Can't wait to see you again!"
Paulina from Poland (Discover Barcelona VII)
"Discover Barcelona VII è stata un'esperienza che è difficile da spiegare a parole. Io solitamente parto sempre scettica quando vado incontro a nuove cose perché non so mai cosa aspettarmi e così è stato anche all'inizio di questa avventura. Sono arrivata ansiosa perché era il mio primo viaggio che facevo da sola ma dopo soli 4 giorni, mi sono ritrovata parte di una piccola famiglia di persone provenienti da ogni parte del mondo. Ho provato emozioni del tutto nuove e veramente intense! Indescrivibile il fatto di trovare così tante persone con la mia stessa passione, perché solitamente mi capita raramente, ed è una sensazione stupenda perché la fotografia per me è una parte fondamentale della mia vita. Ho conosciuto persone fantastiche con tanti punti di vista differenti dal mio con le quali mettermi a confronto e passare anche momenti veramente stupendi, sperando che il legame con esse non resti solo racchiuso tra le strade di Barcellona ma che continui in giro per il mondo! Tutto questo grazie a voi, a quello che fate per tutte le persone che partecipano ai vostri progetti, rendendo possibile una realtà simile! Viaggiare ti fa crescere, parti con una parte mancante e torni che ti senti piena.. piena di emozioni, di culture differenti, di esperienze che sconvolgono la tua vita e di persone nuove che ricorderai per sempre. Viaggiare è questo, è indispensabile. Proprio per questo non vedo l'ora di rivivere tutto ciò e di crescere ancora di più con nuovi discover, continuate così twins!"
Sara from Italy (Discover Barcelona VII)
"Participation at Discover Barcelona 7 Project organized by “Let me italian you” was really remarkable experience for me. Seeing I’ve never took any course of photography it was so amazing to hear the advices and can learn from professional photographers as well as share the passion for photography and to have fun with so many lovely people as participated at this project. Thank you twins for a great job you done by organizing this project"
Martina from Slovakia (Discover Barcelona VII)
"First day after the long flight I didnt know what to expect, but after good night sleep and first activities I realised it is going to be amazing experience. I am really happy that I took part of Discover Barcelona 7. You guys are amazing! I dont know what it is that you do, but photography as a passion and you always by our side, these were the days I wont forget. I'll miss all the participants and the twins who spread love around and always took care of us. I hope we will meet again, every person who will meet you is lucky, because you are such a nice and lovely guys. Also im feeling the beautiful sadness that you talked about.
I'd like to participate more in the future!"
Liis from Estonia (Discover Barcelona VII)
"It was a big pleasure to participate in the Let Me Italian You Discover Barcelona 7 project! Massi and Gabri really created an unforgettable journey for all participants: beautiful destination, new people that became a family, challenging tasks, workshops, work alongside professional photographers, models and makeup artists! The best thing about this project is the experience, emotions and new friends that I've taken back home with me after the trip. This is an amazing project and I'll definitely join again for another beautiful destination!"
Karina from Latvia (Discover Barcelona VII)
"Discover Barcelona 7 has been an unforgettable experience. "Going on adventure", leaving our comfort zone is never easy...but I left with the idea to discover Barcelona with my camera, but instead I found much more: friendships, laughs, fun and a lot of professionalism in the context of a magic city! A special thanks go to the twin, careful and very kind organizators! An experience that I highly recommend to everyone, photographers and not!"
Fabrizio from Italy (Discover Barcelona VII)
"Different ages, men and women, different nations and languages, but one common passion: photography. Gabriele and Massimiliano skilfully combine different characters in their projects and make the project an unique experience. Discover Barcelona VI was a fantastic time, where we not only learned a lot about photography, got to know a new city, but also made wonderful friends. Thank you for the great time in Barcelona and your efforts! There will definitely be a reunion at one of your upcoming projects!"
Barbara from Austria (Discover Barcelona VI)
"Discover Barcellona 7 has been an unforgettable experience where you find yourself part of a big family with who share many incredible and indescribable emotions. Massi and Gabri are two outstanding organizators beside being two special guys! I will always take with me this experience!"
Laila from Italy (Discover Barcelona VII)
"Ho appena conluso la mia esperienza coi ragazzi partecipando a Discover Barcellona e ne sono pienamente soddisfatta. Ho unito il viaggio e la fotografia,due miei grandi amori,e ciò che ho ottenuto non sono state solo fotografie ma ricordi con ragazzi che provengono da luoghi differenti e lontani dal mio,differenti realtà a contatto tra loro. Spero che tutti possano fare esperienze del genere anche perchè partire verso un nuovo luogo per impare tecniche e mettere in pratica la propria passione non capita tutti i giorni e sono occasioni da cogliere al volo. Nulla,sono felice e non li ringrazierò mai abbastanza."
Amalia from Italy (Discover Barcelona VI)
"So happy to met the italian guys who organized my discover in Barcelona, i made friends and I'll remember forever. I took amazing photographs and have a lot of fun. You made a great work thank you, see you soon in another travel!"
Victoria from Spain (Discover Barcelona VI)
"Si é appena conclusa la VI edizione di Discover Barcelona alla quale ho partecipato, amo la fotografia e durante questo progetto organizzato da LET ME ITALIAN YOU Massimiliano e Gabriele ho imparato tante cose grazie anche all'insegnamento dei Fotografi Yan Pekar, Julia Hernandez e Robert Barrio. Bellissima esperienza dove ho avuto la possibilità di visitare un bellissimo luogo come Barcellona e conoscere un gruppo di persone simpatiche e calorose provenienti da diversi stati. Consiglio questa esperienza a tutti gli appassionati di fotografia e sono sicura che non rimarranno delusi."
Denise from Italy (Discover Barcelona VI)
"Appena rientrata da Discover Barcelona VI, un'esperienza unica! Sia per la preziosa occasione di apprendere tanto dal punto di vista tecnico, indipendentemente dal livello di partenza (il mio era basso, non fatevi spaventare da questo), sia soprattutto per le splendide persone che si ha la possibilità di incontrare, a partire da Gabriele e Massimiliano, che sono degli organizzatori straordinari! Mi mancheranno tutti i miei compagni di viaggio, spero di rivedervi presto!!!"
Chiara from Italy (Discover Barcelona VI)
"Thank you so much Gabriele Ragusa and Massimiliano for creating such an amazing project that goes beyond borders. This experience was not only about discovering a new city and learning new photography skills but also about creating bonds between people from different countries speaking another language with another cultural background. I can say now that for most of the strangers I've met on the first day, they have become really good friends..."
Camille from Belgium (Discover Barcelona VI)
"I just came back from a wonderful experience called Discover Barcelona by Let Me Italian You. It's been such an amazing opportunity to visit a city I've never seen before and discover it by using photography. It was a great group who shared a big passion and I had the opportunity to improve my abilities and try new styles. I've never shooted at models before and it wouldn't be enough thanking Massimiliano and Gabriele for this. Also big thanks to Yan Pekar for his professionalism and patience with all of us and for giving new ways of view photography. I hope (but I just know) this won't be my first and last time with these nice twins and their unique experience. I already miss you but most of all miss my food&roommates. Nos vemos pronto!"
Valentina from Italy (Discover Barcelona VI)
"Thank you all for great company! It was a pleasure to meet you! I will pack all the smiles and stories you share into my suitcase and take them home with me. They will keep me warm in cold Nordic winter. Once more thank you Massimiliano and Gabri for organizing the event and inviting me!"
Eiliki from Estonia (Discover Barcelona IX)
"A deep and heartfelt thanks to all, it was a wonderful experience (despite the level of my english) that I want to repeat where I met and met beautiful people, with someone I interacted more, with others less, but the feelings I felt and that I carry with me, are equally positive. We are part of one and every person we meet, we leave something of ourselves and in return we receive something. I come home enriched. "May your dreams be more beautiful, brighter, full of love and you can transform them into accomplished acts. This is what I wish you, today, from the depths of your heart."
Ernesto from Italy (Discover Barcelona IX)
"Thank you Massi and Gabri for convincing me to participate in Discover Barcelona IX. The 4 days in Barcelona brought a lot of new impressions, friendship and fun, last not least of course new insights in photography. You perfectly organized a stunning program at exciting locations with a perfect mixture of participants from different countries. We had the chance to work with amazing professionals during the workshops. To join Discover Barcelona IX was definately a wonderful experience for me and I look forward to join in upcoming projects of
Let Me Italian You"
Anna from Austria (Discover Barcelona IX)
"Hello guys, it has been a real pleasure meeting you all. Mirela and me are sending a big hug to you and appreciation for all you did for us these days. A special appreciation and thank you to the trainers as well. Have fun, best of luck and see you at the next destination."
Ioana from Romania (Discover Barcelona IX)
"Dear all, it was a real pleasure to meet you all. Great experience. Thank you Gabri and Massi for tempting me to get here!"
Adrian from Romania (Discover Barcelona IX)
"Hi guys! I found this project by chance and had the opportunity to join it living one of the best experiences in my life! Thanks a lot to all of you, Gabriele and Massimiliano for this project full of new connections, friends, shared knowledge and passion for photography. I am new in this field but I think I had the best start ever in the world of photography. Thanks a lot to Yan for your precious help and for sharing with us some of your tips. It was a pleasure! Thank you and see you soon! DON'T BE AFRAID TO JOIN THIS PROJECT ALONE! If you are afraid to be too shy for this kind of experience don't worry, I was worried as well but I can tell you with no doubts you'll make new friends- not only italian people! - very easily during this journey!"
Asia from Italy (Discover Barcelona IX)
"The day Gabri and Massi contacted me on Instagram was definitely a great day for me. Thanks to them I had the opportunity to get to know Barcelona, it is a wonderful city in every way, and I am lucky to have it nearby. But above all I had the opportunity to meet people from many countries of the world and with a big heart. I definitely recommend this experience!!! My dear twins, thank you so much for the experience. I will never forget you!"
Carlos from Bolivia (Discover Barcelona IX)
"Hi all, it has been a pleasure to meet you. I have enjoyed very much these days. I wish you the best and it would be great to continue in touch through your photos in Instagram and better in another meeting. Thank you so much Gabriele and Massimiliano for contacting me. You both are great and your project is perfect. I wish to see you again! I feel fortunate to have been contacted by you and have the opportunity to enjoy this fantastic experience. The formula is perfect: you know a unique city, learn from professional photographers, and most importantly, you meet special people with your same passion! Don't wait to be contacted! Worth it!"
Elena from Spain (Discover Barcelona IX)
"Thank you so much @letmeitalianyou for giving me the opportunity to be a part of Discover Barcelona IX. I'm very happy and proud to be a part of Let me Italian you Family. Thank you so much to all the group for the good time spent together. I hope to meet again in another Discover project."
Maria Fatima from Portugal (Discover Barcelona IX)
"I believe I already wrote a review about Letmeitalianyou years ago when I took part in my first Discovery project. In the meantime the number of their projects has grown, but the atmosphere and the drive have never changed. The last has been my 6th Discovery (somewhere) project, and I will be back for more. The talented twins have a knack for putting photographic passion, love of travelling, the oppurtunity of meeting new people and live "international" all together. I highly recommend you take part in one of their projects - you won't regret it!"
Adriana from Italy (Discover Barcelona VIII)
"Some days ago, I was in Barcelona with The twins of let me italian you, All I can say is that was an Amazing Experience and as soon as I can I would like to join them again! I feel like I have an Europe family now!
Thank you I am grateful!"
Tiago from Portugal (Discover Barcelona VIII)
"It was a pleasure to participate Let me Italian you project Discover Barcelona 8! I had the opportunity to meet great photographers who teach us a lot, improve my photography experience and know unique people that now I can call friends.
Especially thanks to Gabriele and Massimiliano! You did a great job! Can't wait to see you again in an other projects!
I highly recommend this experience!"
Federica from Italy (Discover Barcelona VIII)
"Another super cool Discover Project with Let me Italian you has ended and I really have to say a big thank you to this two special brothers for their very unique souls. Thank you magic twins for being so kind, calm, funny, patient and smiling to everyone of us. See you soon for new photographic adventures with always new and old friends from all over the world!"
Vanessa from Italy (Discover Barcelona IX)
"Think different" è la frase che mi ha accompagnata in questo viaggio. Discover Barcelona è stata l'occasione per avvicinarmi alla fotografia e considerare nuovi punti di vista. Un'esperienza che mi ha portata ad avere più fiducia negli altri e soprattutto in me stessa. Meno banalità, più Let me Italian you!"
Alessandra from Italy (Discover Barcelona X)
"Esperienza magica che mi ha dato tantissimo. La custodirò dentro di me per sempre ed auguro a tutti, almeno una volta nella vita, di avere questa opportunità. Spero di rivedervi preso ragazzi, hasta luego!"
Alessia from Italy (Discover Barcelona X)
"Un esperienza bellissima. Workshop utilissimi ma soprattutto ho creato legami meravigliosi con persone che non avrei voluto lasciare così presto."
Sally from Italy (Discover Barcelona X)
"It was the best idea ever to take part in the Let me Italian you project, Discover Barcelona 10, spring edition! What an amazing city! The twins were well organized, led us unerringly through the city and showed us many fantastic places to take pictures. The various workshops Portrait Photography, Photography as Art, and Low-Light Photography with professional photographer Yan Pekar integrated into the course were extremely enriching and opened up a new photographic perspective for me. Another real highlight for me was a visit to the Bunkers del Carmel with Yan Pekar. I also took a lot of important information with me in the Street Photography Workshop by Quim Farrero from the Institut d'Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya and in the Architecture Workshop with subsequent practical exercises by Isabel Val. Also the model shoot at Parc de la Ciutadella was a great opportunity to practice and a good experience that was a lot of fun (lala-lala-la). Many thanks also to the amazing models! The greatest thing about the time in Barcelona was the people I was able to meet through this project. I have met so many amazing and beautiful new people and some have developed wonderful friendships. I miss the time in Barcelona very much and I have memories of a fantastic time with great people. Many thanks to Gabriele and Massimiliano for the existence of this project!"
Sabine from Germany (Discover Barcelona X)
"Traveling means knowing, exploring, improving. At least it is one of the way to do it. The comparison between different people, cultures and mentalities, the discovery of new emotions at the sight of beautiful places, are only some consequences of the pleasure of traveling. I had the honour to be part of Discover Barcelona X. The trip was fantastic, very well organized and studied in every single details. A big thank from my heart for this amazing experience, for your willingness and your professionalism. I lived fantastic day, made outstanding by a magnific group. It was a really phenomenal experience! Thanks Massi, thanks Gabri, thanks to everyone who made this trip unforgettable. We will meet again for sure!"
Francesco from Italy (Discover Barcelona X)
"È da pochi giorni finito Discover Barcellona X, l’angoscia rimane, si sa, il ritorno è sempre triste, ma mi sono goduta il momento, a pieno, in tutte le sue forme. Conserverò sempre un bel ricordo di questa esperienza, anche grazie alle persone che ho conosciuto e che hanno contribuito a rendere quest’esperienza ancora più positiva. Ma sopratutto grazie ai gemelli, ormai punto fisso. Vi porto con me.
Al prossimo DISCOVER."
Marta from Italy (Discover Barcelona X)
"I partecipated to the Discover Barcelona X and it was a blast!
I'd like to thank the brothers Max and Gabriele for this wonderful experience and their availability, the special people I met and the laughter that I needed. Now thinking back at those moments brings joy to my heart, and thanks to this it will be a way to cope with all this virus situation. Thanks!"
Christian from Italy (Discover Barcelona X)
"I had the honour to participate to this very interesting and educational project, which despite the possible techinical problems due the Corona virus turned out to be a really great experience, in just 4 days we did so many things! I am sure the next one is going to be even better! But most of all I was really happy to have met you guys, you are two really nice organizarers and also the group was amazing. I hope to see you soon again! Thanks for everything!"
Davide from Italy (Discover Barcelona X)
"Ho avuto la possibilità di poter partecipare al progetto Discover Barcelona. È stata un'esperienza che sicuramente ha arricchito il mio bagaglio sia culturale che fotografico. È stato stimolante conoscere altri ragazzi ed altre ragazze con cui poter condividere la tua passione e scambiarsi opinioni ed idee sul campo. Ma la cosa ancora più significativa, è stata riuscire in un momento come questo, a non farsi prendere dalla paura. Nonostante tutto siamo riusciti ad affrontare questo viaggio, abbiamo fatto amicizia, abbiamo imparato cose nuove e ogni cosa si è svolta serenamente. Da questa esperienza ho capito una cosa molto importante: non farsi bloccare dalla paura, ma permettere a noi stessi di osare."
Cristiana from Italy (Discover Barcelona X)
"È stata la mia prima esperienza con let me Italian you, Massimiliano e Gabriele hanno organizzato tutto sotto ogni minimo aspetto. Questa esperienza rimarrà nel mio cuore, ho conosciuto persone provenienti da tutto il mondo, sono arrivata a toccare i sottili strati di altre culture, stretto amicizie e tutto questo contornato da divertimento e fotografia! La passione (per alcuni anche una professione) che ci accomuna. Sono molto timida e prima di partire avevo un po' di timore, ma poco dopo che sono arrivata mi sono sentita come a casa, perciò non abbiate paura, buttatevi, superate i vostri limiti! Sono certa che in futuro prenderò parte ad altri progetti organizzati da let me Italian you, ne vale assolutamente la pena! Viaggi, scopri il mondo, impari e conosci persone meravigliose! Grazie ancora gabri e massi, mettete impegno e amore in quello che fate e si vede! Al prossimo viaggio ."
Diletta from Italy (Discover Barcelona IX)
"Thank you Massi and Gabri for an unique experience, thank you for your constant involvement and positive energy you spread around you! The “Discover” project means not only sharing the passion and knowledge for photography, but also making connections, friends and living an amazing experience that will make you come back for more! So it’s needless to say that I highly recommend it!"
Irina from Romania (Discover Barcelona IX)
"Just wanted to thank these two for all the happiness and smile they managed to give to all of us. You truly are people who can turn anything from ordinary to extraordinary. An experience that blows your mind and that opens up your heart. It is impossible not to make amazing friends during the journey, also the atmosphere is great and the twins, well, they are marvelous. This is the kind of travel everyone needs to do at least once in a lifetime. Excellent."
Sofia from Italy (Discover Barcelona IX)
"I'm so blissful for having the honour to spend this days with you beautiful souls on this adventure. Thank you Gabri and Massi for your patience with this old mare and for this wonderful experience. You are absolutely 2x brilliant twins! The schedule and the workshops and everything was so fantastic (Yan I'm so inspired of your point of wiev with photo) I've learned so much. I'm often louder than the most (please forgive me) but I always watching and observing people (..it's like when you take sneak photos of people..). I must say that you all got such lovely energy and personalities. You really shine. If you have a passion for photography, travel and meeting wonderful people in all ages from different countries. You must be part of one of "Let me Italian you"s fantastically arranged phototrips! Splendid workshops. Interesting places to see and photograph. Excellent models and teachers. All in the hands of the creators: the brilliant twins Massi and Gabi. I will go on more journeys with @letmeitalianyou for sure!"
Ana Carin from Sweden (Discover Barcelona IX)
"I took part in the Discover Barcelona IX and it was amazing! I really loved the project and the great company. The workshops were super interesting and I had a lot of fun with all the new friends I met there. I would love to repeat this experience in the future! Last but not least Gabri and Massi are lovable and cool!"
Morgana from Italy (Discover Barcelona IX)
"What does "Let me Italian you" mean to me? It is a special mix made by energy, the passion for the photography and the experiences of meeting new people and discover new places. Indeed, thanks to Massimiliano and Gabriele, I could learn the main rules of photography and in the meanwhile visit Barcellona. In addition, attending this course, I had the chance to meet amazing people with whom share our love for photography and our experiences. See you soon!"
Luca from Italy (Discover Barcelona IX)
"Putting togheter people from all over the world and create a fantastic group is not a small thing, but it is simply amazing! Thank you!"
Miriana from Italy (Discover Barcelona X)
"I really enjoyed it! I loved the city, the vibes and it was an amazing opportunity to learn from professional photographers! I’m sure I did learn a lot and I’m more open to different types of photography now I didn’t try before the project. I learned a lot, took some great shots and connected with awesome people! I would recommend to everyone who likes photography and traveling! I’m so excited about all the photos and everything. I LOVED too shoot the models and I’m happy I tried that architecture stuff because I never really did that before. I’m just so amazed, it was such an amazing experience I can’t even put it into words."
Michelle from Switzerland (Discover Barcelona X)
"I made, for the second time, a fantastic trip with a group of amazing people. Let me Italian you,
I will never thank you enough for what you have created and donate to who participates in your projects:
New Friends
Same Passion
Beautiful places to visit and photograph!"
Elena from Italy (Discover Barcelona IX)
"Thanks guys! My third times and always great!
It was so nice and friendly atmosphere. Massi and Gabri, super again!
See you next time!"
Teet from Estonia (Discover Barcelona X)