To see the photos realized by the participant of last editions: 

To see the full gallery of the project:

To read the references of the participants:


DATES: from  5th  to 8th  March 2020

WHERE: Barcelona, Spain


  • Accomodation in Barcelona at St Christopher's Inn Barcelona
  • 3 Photography Workshops
  • 1 Photoshooting with models,make-up artists, fashion designers
  • Practice low-light photography with tripods
  • International Attendance Certificate
  • 2 Team Leaders



  • Learn to work in an international team.
  • Workshop organized by Institut D’Estudis fotografics de Catalunya
  • Workshop by Yan Pekar 
  • Workshop by Julia Art Photography
  • Photoshooting with local models
  • Practice low-light photography with tripods with Yan Pekar
  • 1 photo per each participant will be published with his credits by M'agrada Catalunya
  • 20 photos published by Let me Italian you
  • International Visibility
  • International Experience

Partners of




Spring Edition

I am Dorte and I am from Denmark and work as a financial controller, specializing in tax law.

I spend most of my spare time as a photographer and favors nature, cityscape, evening/night, long exposures.

I have 2 cameras (SonyAlpha);  1) ILCE6000 and 2) ILCE-7RM2 and a small drone.

I live alone and like to travel.


Hello guys, my name is Matteo, I live in Como. Lake of Como is nice, but I love travel so in this years I begin to travel and discover new lands.

This wonderfull places helped me to fall in love about street photography.

My photographic passion has grown by inputting photographs also models Along with photography, I love know new people of different cultures. "NEVER FORGET YOUR DREAMS".

I partecipated in Discover Budapest 4 and Discover Marrakech 3.



I am a photographer and a musician from Estonia.

I have been working as a professional portrait and children photographer at the successful photo company Pildikompanii. Nowadays I work as a guitar player at the Helin-Mari Arder band and as a freelance photographer taking pictures of musicians and public events. Shooting wildlife and street scenes is my hobby. One of my favourite photo genres is the portraiture. I like bringing out the best and the most characteristic of every person I photograph.

I've participated in Discover Krakow 10 & Discover Marrakech 3.


I am Alessia from Italy. 

I love photography and I would like that it will become my future work.

I love travelling and during my trips capturing new emotions with my shots.


After the great success of the last nine editions, Let me Italian you is proudly ready to launch the tenth and exclusive edition of DISCOVER BARCELONA, with wonderful news! The first edition for the year 2020!

DISCOVER BARCELONA is an innovative project whose purpose is to make the participants live a professional experience for those who love photography and video making. In the last nine editions, it involved 210 participants from 30 different nationalities and more than 4500 photos taken. Beyond the prestigious collaboration with M'agrada Catalunya.

The main goal of the project is to valorise and promote the magic city of Barcelona, in Spain, trough photos, reportage, videos made by photographers (amateurs and not) from different places of the world. DISCOVER BARCELONA wants to enrich the professional and academic path of the photographer, moreover it wants to enrich his portfolio.

DISCOVER BARCELONA is supported by Institut D’Estudis fotografics de Catalunya.

The tour of Barcelona is organized in collaboration with a professional guide, Yan Pekar, who has the role to let discover and know all the beauties of Barcelona thanks guided tours. Furthermore, agenda will be enriched with the visit of the most beautiful sites:  Parc de Montjuïc, Placa de Espanya, Parc Guell, Barceloneta, Port Vell, Bunker del Carmen - Turó de la Rovira .

In order to improve participants’ professional and academic skills, there will be four workshops :

  1. Workshop "Street Photography" organized by the famous Institut D’Estudis fotografics de Catalunya
  2. Workshop “Portrait Photography" lead by Julia Art Photography;
  3. Workshop  "Photography as an art of seeing beyond obvious" organized by the photographer Yan Pekar
  4. Outdoor Photo Shooting with local models, fashion designers, make-up artists in Parc de la Ciutadella 

Exclusively for this edition: a  practice low-light photography with tripods with Yan Pekar in order to learn how to take the best night pictures!


How is DISCOVER BARCELONA organized and what is its output?

The role of participant is to take photos of Barcelona’s beauties during each guided tours. You will work alone or in pair (your fellow could be one your friend). The project lasts 4 days. 

Here you are the agenda:

Thursday 5 March

09:00 – 09:30 Opening & Welcoming to Discover Barcelona

10:30 – 12:30  Workshop “Photography as an art of seeing beyond obvious" with Yan Pekar

16:30 – 19:00 Workshop “Street Photography” at Institut D’Estudis fotografics de Catalunya

Friday 6 March

10:00 – 12:30 Workshop “Portrait Photography” with Julia Art Photography

16:00 - 18:00  Practice low-light photography with tripods in Bunker del Carmel with Yan Pekar

Saturday 7 March

10:30 – 12:30 Outdoor Shooting at  Parc de la Ciutadella

15:30 – 17:30 Discover Barcelona Seaside with Yan Pekar 

Sunday 8 March

10:00 – 12:30 Visit of Parc Guell 

12:30 – 13:00 Issue of Attendance certificates and Good bye


At the end of the project, it will be released to each participant the Attendance certificates signed by Let me Italian you and all its partners: Institut D’Estudis fotografics de Catalunya, Yan Pekar, Julia Art Photography.

Plus, in order to make more visible the job done during the project, each participant will give 20 photos with his credits to Let me Italian you and then he will see one photo published by M'agrada Catalunya (134K followers),and from our official Instagram account @letmeitalianyou and Flickr account  Let me Italian you.

Further, Discover Barcelona is supported by Andrey Guest List,  free guest list to the best night clubs of Barcelona.




Student in Art and languages ​​of visual communication at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. In love with photography from the age of 3 years I met my first toy camera.

My name is Marta, I am 21 years old and I come from Puglia but now I live and I study Communication and Digital Media in Rimini. My greatest passion is the photography, I like to photograph the landscapes, sunsets, faces, food... a little everything!! I love to travel and discover the many wonders that this world reserves us. I decided to participate because is a opportunity to improve and learn lots of things, but most importantly to grow up. See you soon.

I partecipated in Discover Budapest 7.


Hello, my name is Miriana alive in Milan.

I'm 25, the greatest passion is the photograph: the moment that my way of seeing him becomes tangible.

I can t wait to get into this new experience.



Hi, I'm Davide, and I'm a young Italian amateur photographer and videoreporter/videomaker, my great passion.

Usually I take photo shoots with my Canon 80D.

I have been taking photos since I was a child.

I prefer landscapes and portraits photography.


I’m Michelle, I live in Switzerland and I work in a Textile Lab.

I love to travel and always loved to capture basically everything beautiful and interesting I see.

I love exploring new places and meeting interesting people. I love animals and I spend a lot of time outdoors, I also go snowboarding in winter.

I’m really excited to be a part of this!

Hello everyone, I'm Salo. I grew up in Berlin and now live in Kassel, Germany. My hobbies include photography, acrylic painting, making music and much more. Recently I have also started to make jewelry. I am open, curious and love to go exploring. My favorite subjects in photography are light painting, composing and graphic editing or the creation of vector graphics for designs. My favorite thing is to photograph scenes that trigger deeper emotions. With my photos I would like to capture the beauty, the drama and short touching moments and contrasts of life. I am not fixed in my motifs, I like to photograph landscapes, portraits, macros of details of all kinds and flowers, street scenes, architecture, patterns, shapes, structures and lines. It is the first time that I have participated in the let me italian you program and it is also my first time in Barcelona. I am very excited about the city, the workshop and the other participants. I'm really happy! See you soon, Barcelona!




Hi everyone! 


My name is Valeria and I’m 24 years old. I’m from Milan and I work for an agency that organizes travel abroad for students. My greatest passions are photography and travelling so that’s why I always have my suitcase ready for new adventures. 


I can’t wait to be part of this wonderful experience! 


See you in Barcelona! 




I’m Mara and I’m 24 years old. I come from Bronte (Sicily)and I study architecture at University of Reggio Calabria.

I love Photography and I would like to combine this passion with what I study.

Can’t wait to start this adventure, to learn and to improve my skills... Nos vemos pronto en Barcelona chicos!


Hello, I'm Cristiana, from Palermo.

I love photography for one simple reason: it manages to make eternal a moment that will never return. For me, photography is not simply a visual representation that is an end in itself, but a powerful media through which you can communicate and transmit messages of a certain importance to those who will observe your work. I don't dedicate myself to a specific photographic genre, but I prefer to capture everything that attracts my attention.

The photographers who most influenced my way of shooting were certainly those of National Geographic.

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