1st edition

2nd edition

Cecilia Settimi.jpg
Marina Premoli.jpg
Daniela De Gaspari
Discover Athens 2 - Group Picture
Giulia Martinenghi.jpg
Alessia Avellini.jpg

"I have just taken part in the project Discover Athens I by Letmeitalianyou. This was my seventh experience with them, and all have been always very pleasant and successful. Actually - they were FUN! Athens is a city that is a must to visit at least once in your lifetime, and doing it with Letmeitalianyou gives it a special twist. Massimiliano and Gabriele are always cheerful and ready to give a helping hand, and the workshops they organise are interesting and fun.

Guess I am ready for my eighth trip with them!"


Adriana from Italy (Discover Athens I)

"Difficile dire a parole quanto questo viaggio sia stato importante e speciale. Ogni volta siete una garanzia di sorrisi, risate, amicizia e fotografia (e virus). Il meglio che si può trovare, una famiglia. Vorrei che questi giorni non fossero passati così velocemente, ogni volta ci vorrebbe più tempo, ma è anche vero che non è mai l’ultima. Siete speciali – Let me Italian you!"


Isabella from Italy (Discover Athens I)

" Athens was the 4th experience with the guys of Let Me Italian You.

A destination certainly to be considered for those who like art in all its forms like me:

you will discover a hidden Athens full of colors.", Giulia said. 


What our participants said about their experiences in Discover Athens

"Simply woooow! My first time in Discover Athens, my first time in Discover’s project Let Me Italian You. Fantastic experience for photo’s know how, location, food, urban landscape … but the most important thing is: very very wonderful and funny people which share same passions."

Moreno from Italy (Discover Athens I)

 "It’s my third edition in a Discover project and each time an exceptional experience is always guaranteed ... this time Magna Grecia offered us immortal scenarios shared with a group of exceptional photographers! The twins always available and friendly !! See you next time!"


Vanessa from Italy (Discover Athens I)

 "My third adventure with Let me Italian you has just ended and again it was so great! New meetings, new places and many laughs were an enrichment for my mind and soul. So I need to thanks to the amazing twins Gabriele and Massimiliano and to everyone who share this amazing experience with me!"


Rita from Italy (Discover Athens I)

"Athens, another Discover project is ended and all the other 5 also this one meant a lot to me, in my mind, in my eyes and mostly in my heart! Meeting again old travel mates (from previous Discover projects), meeting new ones, making stronger my photography knowledge, discovering new lands and learning old traditions. I highly recommend these two fantastic guys, Gabri and Massi and their Let me Italian you to everyone who love traveling and taking pictures. Unique experience! Thanks to everyone was part of it!"


Guendalina from Italy (Discover Athens I)

" Magic continues! Here I am to tell you about Discover Athens 2020. Fantastic experience!!! A city with unquestionable charm welcomed us affectionately like a warm embrace.  A group of delightful people who stimulated me in my path of photographic growth with their skill and above all made me laugh and have fun with their great sympathy!  I brought home, after this wonderful experience, serenity and joy in my heart.  I do not understand what happens within these experiences ... a kind of MAGIC ... which enhances the friendship between people different in age, language, culture and experiences, canceling out the differences by making the feeling prevail, the heart!

Thank you very much Gabriele and Massi!"


Maria from Italy (Discover Athens I)

""The best "Discover" so far. Athens is a one of a kind city, really beautiful. Gabriele was missing his "twin in crime", but managed to do everything right. The group was amazing, I laughed, exchanged photography tips and talked about anything to each one of them. The shooting with the models was really fun. Thank you all!"


Stefania from Italy (Discover Athens I)

"It has been my first experience with letmeitalianyou and I never expected to enjoyed myself in this way and met such wonderful people in only 5 days! Athens is a beautiful city, so I took a lot of photos! Thanks to Gabri and Massi, I will participate for sure in another project with you!"


Veronica from Italy (Discover Athens I)


"Ecco ad Atene ho trovato questo, nonostante le difficoltà, i raffreddori, il tempo più inclemente di quanto ci si aspettava, gli allarmi virus, mi ha riempito il cuore. È stato bello vederla con voi, Let me Italian you ( ci sei mancato un sacco Massi), vedere una parte di mondo ancora insieme. È bello realizzare e condividere questo con chi ci crede come te fermamente a tutto questo, che il mondo si possa liberare dalle sue prigioni, si possono sfidare le intemperie pur di continuare a coltivare la propria curiosità senza limiti. È un grazie enorme, emozionante come questo tramonto, anche se di sole ne abbiamo visto ben poco, perché si è illuminato il cuore e il sorriso di tutti noi anche senza di lui, un gran chiasso delle nostre grasse risate in ostello, degli episodi goliardici in mezzo alla strada, dei momenti di stanchezza tra un workshop è una visita guidata, ma il sorriso davvero non è mai mancato. Noi creiamo onde favorevoli pronti a affrontare e a vincere qualsiasi mare contrario."


Roberta from Italy (Discover Athens I)

"It was a totally fantastic experience. We are so impressed of you putting all this together. Strangers that never being in touch melting together as a family. It warms our old hearts to see all you young people making friends forever and that you can cope with us oldies (trying to keep up with all that young energy). Many warm thanks. And for sure you will have us on other experiences. We also telling all my friends!"


Goran & Anna Carin from Sweden (Discover Athens II)

 "This was my first experience in the "letmeitalianyou" project and I will carry this beautiful journey "Discover Athens" for all my life. The team was amazing, so friendly and I could meet a lot of beautiful people from different countries, who helped me to get better in all senses but mostly they helped me improved my passion for photography. Massi and Gabri, the team manager, organized the project the best, they did a great job and I can't wait to see them early in another one, they are amazing! Athens is a magic city, full of life and history, so I'm so glad to have had a wonderful experience with the city but also with the beautiful group. One of the best experience and project of my life where I met a lot of beautiful people! See you next trip, of course!"

Tea from Italy (Discover Athens II)

"I am sad I had to leave but happy I had part of this wonderful event!

I am always impressed how many fantastic people I met during Discover projects and now I can’t wait to repeat it again! Good job as always!"


Teet from Estonia (Discover Athens II)

 "I am just on my way to airport! Thank you so much Gabri and Massi!! And all the participants! This is the first time I travelled with some complete stranger and Not for a second I felt like I am with strangers! Not mentioning how much inspired I am by all the talents you all have!! If you guys ever come to Berlin, I have a guest room, just so you all know!! Much love!!"

Yaana from Bangladesh (Discover Athens II)

"I am  now back in Austria, all the wonderful memories and my thoughts are still in Greece. I would like to thank all of you for the amazing days we spent in Athens! Gabri and Massi: this is my third time with you, and I am always impressed of the smooth organization of each project. You guys are amazing! Can't wait to see you in Sicily. Ragazzi, è stato un piacere conoscervi tutti. Siete veramente amichevoli, divertenti e grandi persone! Voglio visitare più spesso l'Italia grazie a voi!"


Maria Grazia from Italy (Discover Athens II)

 "Sono passati un po' di giorni da quando sono rientrata da Atene, una città dominata (dall'alto) dalla storia, che poi si mescola con la vita moderna. È un tripudio di colori e di librerie! Questa è la cosa che più mi ha colpito del quartiere in cui alloggiavo: la presenza di libri ovunque, in Exarcheia. Colori e storie che ho ritrovato nelle persone conosciute in questi giorni. È il secondo Discover a cui partecipo e ancora una volta non sono rimasta delusa; sono un respiro per il cuore e per la mente, occasioni speciali per entrare in contatto con persone con le quali si condivide una bellissima passione. Durante questi giorni abbiamo visitato la città e l'abbiamo catturata con i nostri occhi, con la nostra sensibilità e con i nostri obiettivi!!! Consiglio a tutti di parteciparvi almeno una volta, con Massimiliano e Gabriele siete in ottime mani!"

Daniela from Italy (Discover Athens II)

"I am  now back in Austria, all the wonderful memories and my thoughts are still in Greece. I would like to thank all of you for the amazing days we spent in Athens! Gabri and Massi: this is my third time with you, and I am always impressed of the smooth organization of each project. You guys are amazing! Can't wait to see you in Sicily. Ragazzi, è stato un piacere conoscervi tutti. Siete veramente amichevoli, divertenti e grandi persone! Voglio visitare più spesso l'Italia grazie a voi!"


George from Austria (Discover Athens II)

 "Hmm, how to put this in words that everything is covered to the amount it deserves...Thank you all for this wonderful experience. I usually travel alone and do my shots alone. This trip changed a lot of views for me specially because of you people. For me it was always visiting places to get to see how people function. Massi and Gabi, thank you both for this organisation, you two really do a great job. Looking forward to going on your projects again. I cannot go through the rest because it will take too much time but...I became Italianated while in Greece, thank you all wonderful people!"

Luka from Croatia (Discover Athens II)

 "Che dire, la mia seconda esperienza con voi, chi se la immaginava così, ricca di emozioni, di risate, momenti seri, legami importanti nati dal nulla. Ogni volta che faccio quest’esperienza con voi mi accresco sia come persona che come fotografa, se tale mi si può definire. L’atmosfera che si crea è sempre calda e di famiglia, cosa che essendo malata ho sentito ancora di più, essendo stata aiutata da tutti quelli che potevano darmi anche un semplice fazzoletto. I posti visitati sono stati perfetti e mozzafiato. Concludo dicendovi grazie, come sempre, per questi meravigliosi regali che donate ogni volta, anche non sapendo!"

Elisabetta from Italy (Discover Athens I)

"Since I was in previous discovers knowing nice people, enjoying beautiful places and having fun, this last in Athens mixed the perfect combination to learn with a good and kind photographer as Alexx, very nice people from different parts of the world and passion for photography. Very well organized as always by the way! Thank you to the twins and to everyone that took part of this trip because I was with old friends and I came home with new ones that I am wishing to meet again as soon as possible!!" 


Bruno from Spain (Discover Athens I)

 "Don't cry because it's over! Smile because it happened!DISCOVER ATHENS I is done but it has already taken a smal precious space in my heart! Tornare a viaggiare! Il senso di ciò che apprendiamo, dei veri valori della Vita, soltanto osservando e scoprendo mondi nuovi!"

Silvia & Pietro from Italy (Discover Athens I)

 "Athens was the 4th experience with the guys of Let Me Italian You.

A destination certainly to be considered for those who like art in all its forms like me: you will discover a hidden Athens full of colors.  

Thank you twins for your impeccable organization and your enthusiasm!"


Giulia from Italy (Discover Athens I)

 "As soon as I read the news of an edition of the Let me italian you project in Athens I rushed to send the application, caught by the enthusiasm of visiting a city that I have dreamt to visit since high school. I approached this experience with the fear of the first time, but the organization of the twins and meeting new people with my same passion immediately put me at ease. We visited the city far and wide, tasted typical dishes, asked for photographic advice to the talented Alex, took pictures in breathtaking places. I had a lot of fun, it was certainly the first of many new adventures."


Flavia from Italy (Discover Athens I)

"L' esperienza con il gruppo di Letmeitalianyou è stata molto bella. Ho scattato tante foto in una città a me sconosciuta come Atene ma che in cinque giorni ho imparato quasi ad amare. E pur non sapendo bene usare la macchina gotografica mi è piaciuto scovare gli  angoli nascosti e le strade di quella  grande metropoli assieme ad altre persone provenienti da tante parti d'Italia e d'Europa. Un arricchimento dunque non solo fotografico  ma anche personale ed interpersonale. Un ringraziamento a Gabriele, alla sua gentilezza e disponibilità.  Un grande saluto e un abbraccio!"


Francesca from Italy (Discover Athens I)

"This was my first experience with Let me Italian You and it won't be the last! Because I loved the group (amazing people), taking photos and enjoying our days and nights. Thanks to Gabriele and Massimiliano for their care and good organization, they are really great! Hope to see you soon!"


Marina from Italy (Discover Athens II)

"One of the most beautiful experience I ever done. I’m so glad I’ve been in the project “Discover Athens” , where I met wonderful people.

Thanks lot to Let Me Italian you for everything.

I really loved the city and the group. See you next project around the world!"


Cecilia from Italy (Discover Athens II)

 "The time spent in Athens with Let me Italian you were fantastic! Return to travel after a long time was incredible, even more beautiful thanks to the fantastic people I met thanks to this project! It was a beautiful experience, I had a lot of fun and discovered lots of new things about the photography!! Thanks for everything!"

Alessia from Italy (Discover Athens II)

"After difficult time for all of us Discover Athens was a great and unigue experience. This project was full of photos, full of cheerfulnes with amazing and tallented participants, under greek beautiful but scroaching sun. Many thanks for all of you and each one individually. Thanks to Foteini Zaglara and Vasilis Liappis for conducting workshops and valuable comments about portrait, architecture and landscape photography. Thanks to Katerina, our giude who despite huge heat introduced to us Athina’s history. And my special thanks for Massi and Gabri- you are trully wonderful friends, professionals, caring human beeings. Always cool, calm and collected. I wish you many successes in every step you take with Let me italian you projects. And what can I say- Hope to see you soon! Grazie!"

Ludmila from Poland (Discover Athens II)

 "I partecipated only in two Let me italian you projects but they were both beautiful experiences. Massimiliano and Gabriele were by my side in every step of the way, making everything easier and smoother. I reccomend to all the photography enthusiasts to join the twins in one (or more) of their projects, because they make you better both on the human side and technical/photographic side and they are an amazing way to step out of your comfort zone and to challenge yourself."

Margherita from Italy (Discover Athens II)

"Discover Athens is the first project in which I participated with Letmeitalianyou and I can consider myself fully satisfied. Gabriele and Massimiliano, the excellent organizers, are two fantastic guys, super helpful, patient and with great ideas. They really made a great project: from the guided tour, to the experts involved, from the restaurants chosen, to the answers to the thousands of questions... in short, EVERYTHING! It was really a pleasure to get to know them! With this project I was able to combine a great passion of mine, traveling, and a fun/hobby, photography. The project allowed me to learn a lot of things and not only in the field of photography, where I was starting from scratch, and to meet several people with whom a very strong bond was established, despite the few days of living together. What can I say! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

We will surely see each other again sooner or later!"


Sofia from Italy (Discover Athens II)

 "Discover Athens was my first project with Let me italian you so before leaving I was very excited because I didn’t know what to expect! The days in company of the twins, Gabriele and Massimilano, and the other photographers were amazing. I learned many things and this experience was without doubts a funny way to discover new places, food and challenging myself. Gabri and Massi are two beautiful people who love to plan trips around Europe and their dedication is extreme. They plan everything in detail and they put yourself at ease from the first time you meet them. During the days in Athens I met many people. At first they were completely strangers but day after day it was as if I knew them for many years! If you are a professional photographer or if photography is just a hobby you should take part in the next project, trust me you won’t regret it!"

Giulia from Italy (Discover Athens II)

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